Mastering the Images of Elfpack 101
Now, I know a lot of people have problems getting started at a new place like Elfpack, and I know when I started on Elftown I wanted to learn everything, and do everything, but there wasn't always the proper instruction. I got lucky and found several nice patient oldsters who helped me, but not everyone is so lucky.
Though some of you may scoff at the idea that some people don’t know how to post images, it's a fact; not everyone can figure it out; so I have decided to make a quick guide on how to post images.
Several things need to made clear before we proceed:
1. You
must follow the
Uploading Art Rules
2. Follow the general Elfpack rules, don’t be an asshole.
Oh... and #3. if this page helps you... please leave a comment at the bottemof the page

Ok... let us start.
So, you have more then 2 images you want on your house... you can only have one in your image slot, and one in your photo slot. Therefore, you want to put some in your description; or you see a cool badge on a wiki that they are handing out, and you want it in your house. (Note: Putting Official Elfpack Badges will get you banned!)
Put your pointer on the image; and click your right mouse button to make a utilities list come up.

At the bottom of the images’ utility list will be the
properties option.

Left-click the properties option.

Now don’t freak-out; a
Properties list is going to come up; this thing has all the important information for the image you've selected. The most important thing for you right now is the

Left-click in front of the URL; hold down the left mouse button, and drag the highlighter over the
URL. After that, right-click on the dark highlighted

A new utilities list will appear, select the copy option.

After you have copied the
URL, return to your house, go to the wiki-page you want to post the image in, or the message.

If you want it on your description, hit the
Change Personal Data button at the top of your "house".

And scroll down to the description area of the page.

When there, put your mouse pointer in the description box where you want the picture and right click there with your mouse to bring up a utility list.

This list should come up, select

URL should appear where you clicked before.
Now we are almost done.

Next, you need to add
‘>’ right after the
URL, and
‘<img:’ right in front of it.
Then you hit the
Makes changes button, or
send message button, or whatever it is that finishes the thing you are working on.
BAM! You have your picture!
HEY.. if this place helped you, spread the word... THANX!
Well there you are, you got it. If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me, [ShadowSong]
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