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2005-04-30 [woofuckinghoo]: whats that mean in english
2005-05-01 [De'ladrei]: its in english, just very bad english.
2005-05-01 [Sunrose]: Also called netspeak :P
2005-05-02 [De'ladrei]: Lol. Yes, that thing.
2005-05-14 [Orestez]: That's just F***ing awesome...
2005-05-14 [De'ladrei]: isnt it ^_^
2005-05-18 [Sun-Tzu]: yup...
2005-05-18 [De'ladrei]: *pets the kangaroo*
2005-05-19 [Rain]: nize kangaroo...
2005-05-20 [the queer kidd]: lol (top 2 comments!) i was wondering too....it sorta kinda looked like german or dutch!
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: lol no its just net speak...althou
2005-05-20 [Sunrose]: That's not even close to German or Dutch..lol!
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: *shrugs* I have a strong scottish accent, i try saying that it comes out sounding like it lol
2005-05-21 [De'ladrei]: a thought occurs to me, shouldnt [UncleBuzzie] be a contractor because of this page?
2005-05-21 [Sunrose]: No, I did most of the building. He made the flag and pasted the poem. The rest was done by me.
2005-05-22 [De'ladrei]: ah okies just checking ^^ *dwemers has got to her too* i keep checking things like this now O_O"
2005-05-22 [Sunrose]: *hugs*
2005-05-22 [De'ladrei]: *Hugs back*
2005-05-23 [SOAD]: ahhhhh
2005-05-26 [joeluck]: hey em if i designed a new flag and it was nicer would it become the offical flag?
2005-05-26 [De'ladrei]: it might become the other flag...that gets used along with this one
2005-05-26 [joeluck]: i see but if i completly wiped the floor with the old one..?
2005-05-26 [De'ladrei]: *shrugs* i dont know, maybe
2005-05-26 [joeluck]: hmm cool..
2005-07-11 [Box]: talk about intresting topics
2005-07-11 [Box]: to my next place to help bye for ever
2005-07-18 [iCh3wi]: weird
2005-07-18 [De'ladrei]: mhm o.o
2005-08-05 [♥Y00H D0N`T SEE MEH♥]: ya know..that anthem is kinda shallow....it says that elfpack is for cybering....it
2005-08-05 [De'ladrei]: elfpack is the "prison" of elftown, what do you expect lol
2005-08-05 [Sunrose]: Whaaat? Someone defies the anthem? :O
2005-08-05 [De'ladrei]: Indeed flog em! flog em says I!!
2005-08-06 [joeluck]: elfpack isnt for cybering?? REVOLT!
2005-08-06 [Dwemer]: Check the username: ''[♥Y00H D0N`T SEE MEH♥]'' This person is just on flowers if you know what I mean ;)
2005-08-07 [♥Y00H D0N`T SEE MEH♥]: im sorry... but i do find it a bit offinsive...an
2005-08-07 [♥Y00H D0N`T SEE MEH♥]: and i shouldnt get shunned for my opinion. i have a right to an opinion..no one asked for you to shun me. i just wanted to say my opinion on it and i know there are people on here that will agree with me
2005-08-07 [De'ladrei]: *sighs* elfpack was created to get the majority of elftown "scum" over here and away from harassing the members there. people like myself came on over here as we had nothing better to do at the time and then ended up working here. there are a few "rays of light" on here, but look around you on here, majority of the little kiddies are hell bent on sex. the anthem is a JOKE if you cant deal with that you are on the wrong site.
2005-08-08 [joeluck]: yess come to the dark side..
2005-08-08 [bribri]: i don't see what the anthem has to do with elfpack
2005-08-08 [bribri]: i mean i know it's a joke,...but come on..
2005-08-08 [bribri]: and i agree with [♥Y00H D0N`T SEE MEH♥] because i dont cyber either
2005-08-08 [De'ladrei]: *sighs and gives up*
2005-08-23 [♥Y00H D0N`T SEE MEH♥]: well then why arnt all the littel "scums" over here? i get bugged on ET more then on here, this places seemes to be alot nicer than ET. and still i get shuned even more for my opinions, so i give up on you people im sorry that you have to think everyone elses opinions are worthless. they have medication for that you know =P
2005-08-23 [De'ladrei]: yes, and being hit by a bus would have the same effect for you im sure
2005-08-24 [♥Y00H D0N`T SEE MEH♥]: no not really...but im sure it would work much better for you!
2005-08-24 [De'ladrei]: *yawns* mhm
2005-09-01 [andy123]: thats poor
2005-09-08 [**black lace on sweat**]: I thinks thats all raher immature its just a joke maybe you r on the wrong site
2005-09-08 [De'ladrei]: of-course its just a joke, and if you take offence at it you obviously have no sense of humour. i dont mind the anthem, i think its quite amusing, but am i one of the peoople its describing? NO, just accept it and deal with it, its a mother ******* joke as the glittery fairy up there just said. SHEESH
2005-09-15 [FireWing]: Can i upload the anthem to this?
2005-09-15 [Hedda]: [FireWing]: What are you talking about? What anthem and what do you mean with "this"?
2005-09-15 [FireWing]: The music to the anthem it says you have to ask for permission to upload.
2005-11-21 [..//smelly..]: HELO
2005-12-08 [//emo*sugar//]: OH, HOW I LOVE ELFPACK! *asks if i can join*
2005-12-17 [Monster Master]: .........uh.
2005-12-18 [De'ladrei]: ....riiiight then
2008-01-12 [Brutal Zombie.]: aehruiedgbfvd.
2011-08-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Cyber, can mean many things cyber space, hello!
2013-03-02 [sammie h!]: What the... Never new about this at all
2013-03-02 [kittykittykitty]: What?! How could you, Sammie. You should have been saluting the EP flag while reciting the anthem every day you logged on.
2013-03-02 [sammie h!]: Ha ha, it was knowhere to be found on mainstuff lol.
2013-03-03 [kittykittykitty]: Where did you find the link then? xD
2013-03-03 [sammie h!]: Oon a comment. :)
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