Page name: Halloween High [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-04 03:02:32
Last author: HeAVenShallBuRN
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 11
D20: 12
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Halloween High

Plot: Yea I took the basic thing from from the halloween town disney movies to make this. Pretty much its based on a school very much like Xavier's school for mutants cept this school is for mutants, creatures, monsters, whatever you want and yes even humans can tend this school. Yea i know this may seem pointless but this has a point!
Mainly the point is the town you live in or its called in the movie Halloween Town is under the threat of being taken over by evil forces and its residents forced into slavery for the dark lord. its up to the characters to band together and try and stop this force. now you can be either good or evil and yes your character may switch sides whenever

The school is funded by Lyra's father not outside sources! so stop assuming that!

Rules:[ya always need em]
1. You can be whatever you want
2. You can be whomever you want
3. No character is all powerful
4. Any sex is to under-detailed or put in here ----> Dirty Secrets of the halls
5. Please use this to fill out ur character info:

Student or Teacer:
Powers [if any]:
Affiliation [good or evil]:
Other info [whatever you want to add it can even be a little bit of ur history]:
[pic is optional]
6. be as many people as you want just dont get em confused
7. invite people dammit
8. you can get fired or kicked out of this school duh but you can get rehired or re-enrolled


More rules as i see fit


Name: Lyra Svendora
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Student or Teacer: Student
Grade: Junior
Race: Mutant but is really a witch her friends and family always said she was a mutant so she believed them
Powers [if any]: she has healing abilities, she can read minds, phase through objects, she can also raise the dead and work with dark or light magic, spells and spellbooks and she can make and use potions
Affiliation [good or evil]: Good but does have a tiny evil streak in her
Other info [whatever you want to add it can even be a little bit of ur history]: her father built and funds the high school, also she used to go to a witch/wizard school with Sirius and the others but there she kept mainly to herself she was taken out of the school by her father when halloween high was built and open

Name: Gackt Camui
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Student or Teacher: Teacher
Grade: graduated
Race: vampire
Powers: vampire powers, seductive voice, mind reading
Affiliation: evil
History: he was recently turned into a vampire he's still tryin to get used to it

Username: [wolvie]
Name: Sirius Black :D (just to switch things up :D)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Student or Teacher: None he's graduated but not a teacher
Grade: graduated
Race: claims to be a mutant but is really an epic wizard of epicness
Powers [if any]: he can turn into a dog at will
Affiliation: Good
Other Info: He can transform from human to dog at will he's been in prison for years for a crime he didn't commit, he was accussed and convicted of murder and has lived the last 15 years in prison but recently escaped and now he lives outside of halloweentown high, eating rats and trying to find the man responsible for sending him to prison
<img:> human and dog form

Name: Remus Lupin
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi sexual
Student or Teacer: Teacher
Grade: a teacher so clearly graduated
Race: werewolf
Powers: he's a werewolf so werewolfish powers
Affiliation: Good duh :D
Other info: he's one of the schools defensive teachers trying to teach the kids how to better control and defend themselves. Due to what he is remus tends to get depressed very easily possilby more info coming later :)
<img:> <--Remus is the non pink wolf xD

[Slytheirn Snitch Seeker]
Name: Leion Flamel
Age: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: Bi
Student or Teacher: Student
Grade: Junior
Race: Wizard
Powers [if any]: He can cast spells, and his learning to control the elements, and can make potions.
Affiliation [good or evil]: He's new and just got here, so not sure
Other info [whatever you want to add it can even be a little bit of ur history]: His family has been knowen for there magic for years, his grate grate grate grandfather was born with out any magic and they gave him up. His family with magic soon died after, and every one thought his family was ead for years till he was born with the ablity to do magic. He's been studding with humans till now.

Username: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Name: Jerimiah KAzinoth
AGe: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Student or Teacher: Student
Grade: Junior
Race: Werewolf
Powers: Ummm SEe race
Affliation: Good
Other info: Jerimiah is one of Lyra's best friends, though he's quite brash at times...she's the one who keeps his temper in check. thing he keeps secret from the fact he's in love with her, or rather has a crush on her.

[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name:Abigail Lila
Student or Teacher: Student
Powers [if any]:She has a control over spiders...And also can change her size between 2" and 5'3".
Affiliation [good or evil]:Good.... Mostly
Other info: Her mother was a pixie (she was 2" tall) and her father was a fairy. How she came to be is really a mystery, it's just assumed that her father was able to shrink, or her mother grow... No one really knows. She showed up on her aunts doorstep after being born. Her aunt, a fairy, had always wanted kids, but never could have any, so she took Abigail in and raised her as her own. Abi is very spunky and fun, changing sizes at every turn because she hasn't quite gotten the hang of her power yet.

Username (or number or email):


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2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Hope so."she sighed.

2010-03-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: [i only ur buddeh cuz im amazing in bed...cuz i sleep for days XD]

Jason pouts cutely. "awww pwease??"

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled "it will"

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes his body still tense wanting to run he tried to say no against but found that he couldnt he was too afraid at this point

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius knocks on Gackt's office door, "Gackt? I need some help" he says leaning on it and trying to ignore his back, not aware of what's going on in there

2010-03-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason smiles and undoes his pants. "See?? He's not too big...wont hurt much"

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt looks to the door "" he whimpers

2010-03-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason puts his finger to Gackt's lips. "Shhh..." He leans forward and kisses Gackt.

[cue Sirius]

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt whimpers more "why...?...why do this?..."

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius frowns a little, starting to turn to leave then hears Gackt and opens the door quickly, wincing horribly, "What the hell?" [brb again dogs @_@]

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [tay dont die ^^]

Gackt looks fearfully at Sirius "help..."

2010-03-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason, "Becuz ive had a crush on u since the first day" He wraps his arms around Gackt in a gently loving embrace

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt whimpers tryin to pull away.

2010-03-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason releases Gackt and turns to the window, barely hiding a sob. "Im sorry"

2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Yeah your right."she smiles."Night Lyra, sweet dreams."she closed her eyes.

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back "night"

Gackt shook quickly finishing packing his bag.

2010-03-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason walks to the door and grabs his machete. He turns to Gackt. " sorry" He walks out

2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra fell asleep.

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes more moving some hair out of his face and behind is ears as he looks for his keys "Fuck!"

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled falling asleep as well

2010-03-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason hears jingling and looks down and sees Gackt's keys stuck to his shoe lace. "Damn" He unties the keys and knocks on Gackt's door.

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt jumps turning around "who's there?"

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius shakes, backing off from Gackt then trips over Jason's feet and winces, "Fuck!" he curses as he hits his back on the tile, causing lots more pain

2010-03-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason opens the door and shows Gackt his keys. "Must've stepped on them..sorry"

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt catches the keys backing up against his desk.

2010-03-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason smiles. "Night handsome" He walks away

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius shakes a little, managing to get up, "Ugh well...bye" he says holding his back and starts walkin off

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sighs grabbing his bags i gotta go

2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra sleeps.

2010-03-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason runs off into the woods. good bye Gackt

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes lightly as he turns in his letter of resignation and goes back to his home locking his door and windows.

2010-03-03 [InLoveDontBothe r]: [well i am now leaving for tonight...good nite peeples]

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius sighs, "ugh fuck this I'm out of here" he rubs his back and packs up his few possessions

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sighs then sits outside his house looking up

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius shakes, holding his stuff and goes outside, walking away as fast as he can

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt lights a cigarette tryin to calm down im better off here im not needed there

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius winces, god my back is killing me...ugh I dunno why I even went to that stupid school I tried to fit in I really did...look where it got me broken nose and it feels like broken back...oh well that proffesser Gackt guy's probably pissed as hell at me for walking on him and that that Jason or whatever his name is....oh well...

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes lightly why didnt he help me?...god i said help...i'll never go back there... he sniffles lightly he looks up and sees Sirius "you ok?" he asks with concern

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius looks over and nods, "Fine never better"

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "ya sure your back look likes it hurtin ya"

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius, "It is but I can handle it" he snips at Gackt

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt frowns "sorry for tryin to help"

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius, "And I'm sorry for walking in on you and that fuckin monster all I wanted to ask was something to help me sleep but lo and behold i even fucked that up somehow so I'm going alright bye" he says and pulls away from Gackt, ignoring his back as well as he can

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "you think i wanted him? that bastard came into my room and started touching me i tried to scream for help but i was terrified i didnt want him on me like that didnt you hear me say help?"

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius shrugs, "I wasn't sure what I heard and it doesn't matter you can take care of yourself and I'm getting the hell out of here cuz everytime I try and help I get my ass hurt"

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shakes his head "whatever dude im just tryin to help"

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius, "And so was I, why the hell did you leave the school? that's a great fuckin way to help us students"

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "i cant go back there he'll be there lookin at me with those eyes the whole time i'll know what he wants...i dont want to give it to him..." he frowns "you have no idea what its like"

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius, "So your just abandoning the students, thats brave of you" he snips at Gackt, usually he wasn't so cold and irritable but the combinations of his back, nose, weeks of reduced to no sleep, and worry about where he's going to go have finally caught up with him, "All you have to do is stand up and be a man not a stupid pansy bitch that's what he wants" he says then winces, running a hand over his back

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sighs "I give up ive done nothing but try and help you the one student who really needed it but no you just threw back in my face so how do you help a stubborn ass?"

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius, "your doing a great job of helping me by running off with your tail between your legs and you haven't done shit for helping, you promised to help me sleep and that never happend, you promised to help me out in class that never happend, hell you didn't even fullfill your promise to take me to my room and make sure I stayed like a good boy so don't even give me that"

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sighs "whatever ok so im not the fuckin bravest and yea well im probably never gonna be able to stand up to him but ya know what im doin you all a good favor by leaving everytime i step in to help someone gets hurt ive almost fuckin killed you so ya know what dont fuckin preach to me im never gonna amount to anything"

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius rolls his eyes and just starts walking, deciding to try and find some shelter and try and get some sleep

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sighs "if you want i have a spare room for you to use"

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius shakes his head, "I wouldn't want to be a burden on you" he says and keeps walking stubbornly

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "you wouldnt be a burden" he follows equally as stubborn after him "i'd feel better knowing you're somewhere safe or at least let me heal ya it wont take but a few seconds then we'll both go back to the school"

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius stops, looking at Gackt tiredly, "I'm not going back there all I obviously don't belong"

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt gently grabs Sirius' elbow "and i do? i know i dont im the only vampire in a sea of wizards to top it off im new vampire which makes it harder now if you'll go back i'll go back"

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius sighs heavily, "Fine"

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods leading Sirius back to his home "becareful of the steps"

2010-03-03 [wolvie]: Sirius yawns tiredly, doing his best to be carefull on the steps

2010-03-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt gets him to the spare room and helps him lay down "rest there"

2010-03-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra sleeps soundlessly.

2010-03-04 [wolvie]: Sirius winces slightly then sighs, "Thanks"

2010-03-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "welcome now you'll be fine once i get you what you need"

2010-03-04 [wolvie]: Sirius nods a little, "And what if that Jason guy finds you again?"

2010-03-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shrugs "I'll deal with that if it happens again i dont know though but dont worry about me im fine you're the one pretty banged up"

2010-03-04 [wolvie]: Sirius shrugs, "I'll live I always do" he yawns, trying to get some sleep

2010-03-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles and heads down to the kitchen to make Sirius a cup of hot chocolate.

2010-03-04 [wolvie]: Sirius yawns, sitting up an running a hand through his hair

2010-03-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt puts just a drop of his own blood into the drink just for healing factor before going back up to Sirius "Here ya go drink this"

2010-03-04 [wolvie]: Sirius looks over, "What's in it?" he asks but takes it and drinks a little

2010-03-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "just cocoa" he says not wantin to tell him what else.

2010-03-04 [wolvie]: Sirius nods, drinking it all then handing him back the mug, "Thanks"

2010-03-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "welcome so" he sits down in a chair "somethin botherin ya?"

2010-03-04 [wolvie]: Sirius shrugs, "No" he says and looks away from Gackt

2010-03-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sighs "I said i'd help you with sleeping so come on you can tell me i wont judge you"

2010-03-04 [wolvie]: Sirius, "I dunno" he lies and keeps looking away from him

2010-03-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "hmmm really? your actions say otherwise"

2010-03-04 [wolvie]: Sirius sighs, "I don't want to talk about it"

2010-03-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "well my bedroom is two doors down and my home office is downstairs across from the kitchen i'll be in one of the two if you wanna talk" he heads downstairs to his office

2010-03-04 [wolvie]: Sirius nods, "Right" he curls up frowning

2010-03-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt goes through his paperwork

2010-03-05 [wolvie]: Sirius falls into a light sleep

2010-03-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt yawns i should really get to bed but first i really need a shower i smell like like blood and werewolf its an odd mix he smiles heading up to the bathroom and gets a shower

2010-03-05 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles softly, getting some bood sleep for the first time in weeks

2010-03-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles then heads off to bed.

2010-03-05 [wolvie]: Sirius wakes up the next mornin and yawns, stretching out

2010-03-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt curls up more pulling the cover his head not wantin to get up

2010-03-05 [wolvie]: Sirius sit up slowly, looking around inconfusion, "I slept...the whole night? wow..."

2010-03-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt mumbles sleepily then sits up in his bed i musta been tired last night he chuckles though next time i have guest i must remember no bad to sleep all naked x3

2010-03-05 [wolvie]: Siriu yawns, getting up and stretcing out, smiling softly

2010-03-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles reaching over to his drawer tryin to stay in the bed and covered he oomphs as he falls outta bed "ow >.<"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra yawns and sits up then gets out of bed tripping over Andra "eep!"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"It wasn't me I swear."she mubbles asshe sleeps.

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius jumps a little, hearing Gackt fall out of his bed, he shifts to his dog form and trots to his room, "You ok?"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggles "nope it was me"

Gackt jumps makin sure he was covered "yea im ok"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius quickly backs out of the room, "Sorry"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra woke up,"Ello." she smiles sleeply.

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "not your fault i shoulda thought more about how i sleep" he chuckles then gets dressed "ok im decent"

Lyra smiled back "hi"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra yanwed,"Whats the time, hunni?"

2010-03-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [I must confide in something, I feel dark right now, I feel like butchering someone very violently XD]

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: [not good XD]

Sirius has already wandered off and is sniffing around the house curiously

2010-03-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [When it's me, when you're someone who watched every Saw movie in one day YEAH, it's going to be very scary.]

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [*gives nordavind a cheese sammitch to butcher* XD]

Lyra "err eight?"

Gackt raises his brow sticking his head out his door "ello?"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Oh okay."she yawned.

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra stretched "ugh i dont wanna go to class"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"I want to sleep."

2010-03-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [*Shakes his head.* Give me a block of cheese.]

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [*eats teh sammitch and gives nordavind a block of cheese*]

Lyra chuckles "but we cant"

2010-03-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [*Butchers the block of cheese, violently*.]

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"So? I really don't care unless there is a hot guy or girl in my classes then I will go but if not I'm staying in bed."

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra "get your ass up" she giggled "anyway i gotta get dressed"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius has somehow ended up in Gackt's library and has found some 'interestin books' @_@

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [epic XD]

Gackt heads to his library and raises his brow "whatcha doin?"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Fine, I'm going."she got up and rolled up her sleepbag and stubbled out her room sleeply

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggled then got dressed

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra walked into her room and showered and dressed,.

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra stretched then headed happily to class

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra walked out her room to class.

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled taking her seat near the front

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius wags his tail, "errr...reading?"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra walked into her class yawning, she took her seat.

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckles "whatcha readin?"

Lyra hummed waiting for the teacher

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra waited for the teacher.

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra tilted her head when a different teacher walked in that wasnt Gackt

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: sirius, "A"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckles picking up the book "well you're old enough to be readin it you can borrow a few if ya want just please i prefer my pages not to stick together" he chuckles

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirus, "ummmm thank you shouldn't you be at the school teaching?"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "shouldnt you be at the school learning?"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra looked at the teacher.

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius, "I don't wanna'

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Mickey tapped his pen on the desk feeling sleepy.

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra shrugged it off

Gackt "then im not teachin"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Pffft lame"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "then get your ass to the school"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius wags his tail cutely, "Must i?"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "yes you must if i have to then you have to"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: sirius smiles back, "I aint goin and you can't make me so there"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckles "you wanna bet?"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "Try me"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back picking Sirius up and over his shoulder carrying him back to the schol

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius eeps, trying to escape

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sets him down "to class now"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius starts to say sometin then stops, "Wait...what did you do to my back?"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "just a little somethin thats all you need to know"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: sirius sits down stubbornly, "Tell me"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "please dont freak out" he sighs "it was nothing more than a drop of vampire blood for the healing quality no you will not turn into one"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius, "oooh cool and that healed me?"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nodded "yea it did"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius stretches, "Sweet thanks"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "welcome now get your ass to class"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: sirius smiles back, "No thanks" he stretches aain then starts running

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt -,- then chases after Sirius

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius woofs playfully, running around in large circles and giggling

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckles as he chases "hey now get back here"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius wags his tail, managing to run around and playfully nip at the back of gackt's shirt

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt jumps "oh so not fair" he chuckles

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "I win no class for me"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "Nope still gotta go it was a deal"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Awe but i don't wanna"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "too bad"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius sticks his tongue out, "Not goin"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt crosses his arms "now now we had a deal and you're going"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles cutely, "Make me"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "i made ya last time why do i gotta do it again?"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius wags his tail, "See your scared two I knew it"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckles "i am not scared"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Proove it"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt goes over and picks Sirius up again walking back towards the school

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius eeps, trying to get away

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles setting him down once they get to the school "so how long we gonna do this?" he chuckles

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius shakes his fur off, "till i drop out?"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "you're not dropping out"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "Why not?"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "cause i say so dammit"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius sighs, shifting to his human form and going to class

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles heading to the class as well

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius sits down and yawns

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles and starts teaching

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius falls asleep

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt dismisses the class then goes over Sirius' desk smacking a ruler off of it

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius jumps, falling out of his desk

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smirks "dont fall asleep"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius, "But it was boring" He gets up dusting himself off

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "well how can i make it more interesting for you to follow?"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius, " dying your hair pink? like this :D" he uses a spell making gackt's hair turn pink and giving him a yellow mustach

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smirks "change me back"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "You look better like this"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "nah i look much better the other way"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius, "See your doubting me not nice" he flicks his wand making Gackt turn into a chicken

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt -,- "imma peck at your ankles if ya dont change me back"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Sirius giggles, "Why would you do that?"

2010-03-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt pecks at his ankle "cause now change me back"

2010-03-08 [wolvie]: Sirius jumps, "Hey that hurt" he giggles, changing Gackt back to normal

2010-03-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "anyway i look better in this form"

2010-03-08 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Debatable"

2010-03-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sticks his tongue out "says you my other two partners said i was adorable"

2010-03-08 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Well they were idiots" he chuckles, "Now if you'll excuse me" he shifts to his dog form, going to annoy people

2010-03-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out "bastard"

Lyra smiled reading quietly

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