my day was shit and lets just leave it at that. it sems like my goals and dream flout farth away but when I chase them there all was just out of my rech.
the dream
some can't find a dream thay like but the dreams thay have are not what thay want but if you now and want you dream you will not have them thay will have you but the pain it causes is all worth it in the end.
man today was great I did not have to do much but read all day. I wish there is some one to talk to but fiends had to go to class but I still want another day off. oh yes and just so you now today is the day I put in to writen the fact that I James A. Kemper am going to make porn and not just that no good half backet porn but the graets all time 70's porn not a lot of store but a nuff to make your hard on so much better then just strate fuck.
the good , the bad , and the hate
if life is so good then why do we all hate each other, and if life is so bad wy do we go on day after day with the pain. but it's all about the hate day in for the hole of life so now lets all go.
if it was not for a good friend of mine I would not no about elfpack or two real cool people. but I hate job corp.s so much but I got to finsh so all the people that side I could not do it or still say I cant can go to hell. will that all for now bye.