Bingo! True! The truth will come out eventually. It always does. Lying and sugar coating the truth just delays the inevitable and usually delaying the inevitable by lying and/or sugar coating the truth, makes the truth much worse to find out when it finally does surface because then there's all the lying that needs to be dealt with in addition to the truth. Not to mention, lying and supporting lying, eats at a person within making them prisoner to lies when they could have been living free by tel- ling the truth. <3 |
14 Different Methodologies of Mind Control
Mind Control/Manipu
These are the most necessary to understand because they are the most influential over mass consciousness.
1) Obfuscation: Just basic confusion of one thing for another- a smoke and mirrors game.
2) World View Poisoning: Conditioning the way people view human nature and their own self-value.
3) Conditioning of Primal Fear: The exploitation of primal fears.
4) Divide and Conquer Strategy: Highlight any perceived differences between people and then exploit those differences to create infighting so they are easier to control and conquer.
5) Indoctrination of Education System: A left brain form of Nazis called it mastery learning. grade school, HS and university. Trivium and quadrivium education could counteract this.
6) Controlled Opposition: Basic dialectics – dialectical mechanics or Hegelianism Creating conflict that you already have an outcome management system for. Create the conflict and wait for a type of reaction to the conflict (usually chaotic that demands a resolution) and then you step in and resolve it. Artificial conflict resolution.
7) Monetary System of Control: Debt based fiat currency fractional reserve banking a system of illusion that we call money yet people believe in it like its a religion or god. People seem to be the most powerless to come out of. It exists purely in the mind.
8) Control of Mass Media: If you can control the info that people get to see hear and read you control their perception of reality. If you limit the scope of what they can take into their minds and awareness you limit their possibilities of solutions. Human perception management.
9) Food and Medicine: attack on the physical aspects of the body relates to how our brain development goes. You affect thought and consciousness you are what you eat. Use techniques that are damaging to consciousness through the modern medical system.
10) Illusion of Time: Very important for people to grasp. Play on people’s seeming inability to live in true present moment awareness– getting people to live in regret over the past or anxiety over the future. Its a fear based technique. Takes us out of true present awareness. Being fully present now to take on what is happening now. If our consciousness can be manipulated into always looking into what has happened. It takes away effectiveness of dealing with the current situation.
11) The DHR Factor: Denial, Hassle, Ridicule: What other people perceive about you. Denial, hassle ridicule factor. Things are fine the way they are I don’t want to rock the boat because I may have to deal with hassle of other people. The hassle free zone is– I don’t want all the uncomfortable aspects of life that come with standing up for truth. These are all fear based. Heightening those three forms of mental instability. Trap of inactivity and not really doing anything to make things better.
12) Religion: We need to understand these last three the best. Religion is a form of binding. To tie back Re-Ligare tying back. Forms of modern religion are mind control based on astro-theology
13) Use of Subversive Symbolism: Based on ancient sacred symbolism. Based on symbols that have been with us from antiquity. Solar symbolism, life force symbols, energy, blood, or anything we need for existence and life. They use these in modern institutions— banks, police, media, stores. We’re drenched in it. Basic symbols have a powerful psychic influence. They can speak to us without words. A wordless form of communication. Connects to occultism.
14) Problem-Reacti
"Love does NOT mean someone is given a green light to use and abuse another who loves them." ~ Quotes-By-Artsieladie
#Love Love is the most beautiful, most wonderful, most powerful, most magical, most precious gift we are all blessed with. We are born with it within us; we live with it within us; we will eventually pass on with it in us. If we aren't feeling it within us, then we are not allowing it to blossom, to bloom, to Live... we are blocking it somehow. If we aren't feeling it, we need to look inside ourselves to find it, to find out why, and to see how/why we are keeping it from blooming and then take steps to set it free within us, to fill our hearts with Living Love.
Love generates and attracts more Love. Love is the magical force that connects and bonds us all. When we nurture the Love within us, we can then feel the Oneness Connection and when we truly feel and know this connection, then we seek not any harm against those we are connected through Love with. Only when we all allow ourselves to know and feel Love, will we all be a part of the Oneness Connection of Love, affording us to all live in peaceful harmony with One another.
Whenever we exhibit such things as jealousy, resentment, egotism, apathy, selfishness, indifference, judgment, lying, hatred, vengeance, distrust, etc., then we are denying the Love within us to Live.
Whenever we exhibit caring, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, acceptance, empathy, humility, truth, selflessness, etc., then we are embracing and nurturing Love to Live within us.
Love Lives within my heart. How about yours? Let's all bond together in the Oneness Connection of Love! The Love in me Loves the Love in you! <3
Ah, the "projectors". VERY familiar with the type. That which they harbour within themselves they do not like, they then think they can "project" what they don't like within themselves onto others, instead of taking the initiative and working on themselves to rid themselves of that which they do not like. They try to take the easy way out instead and "project" their bad stuff onto others, especially those they envy because they don't feed the same dark traits. |
More and more, I am seeing Anonymous and The Pirate Party mentioned in the same sentence. In historical perspective, this is for good reasons. Make no mistake about it: I love Anonymous and deeply respect and admire their courage, commitment, and ability to deliver time and again..... (read on at the link)
"The Shadowed Heart"
You hide in the shadows,
But I always know you're there.
You play pretend, an imposter,
Because you do not dare
To show your true face,
The real that's in you.
You play your silly games
That I can see right through.
But even in your fake,
I can see your real,
Despite all your efforts,
Your pretend cannot steal.
Because I clearly see you
Not through or with my eyes,
But with my loving heart,
From which you can't disguise.
I do not understand why
You feel this need to hide,
When there's so much beauty
Within you deep inside.
Why do you insist upon
The dimming of your Light,
When it really wants to shine,
Luminously and bright.
I wish that you could see
Your heart from my perspective,
You would know then your beauty.
You'd change your whole objective.
I get angry and so frustrated
From all the things you do,
Because you insist on hiding
The real and best of you.
Written by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Donnelly ©2014-03-16 13:07:00 (EST)
What works for you, may not for me. What works for me, may not for you. For you are you and I am me, There are differences we can see. But in our hearts there is Light Derived from Love, burning bright, Our common bond of no shame, We are One and Love's the Name. |
Anonymous Hackers Groups: "We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. We are Anonymous. They should have expected us." |
To ask, or beg as it states here, requires letting go of the ego fed pride, and applying humility in its stead. As much as we like to think we don't need any help from anyone, this simply is not true. We all are who we are because of others and their help, their influence in our lives. We are the summary of. We all need something from others from time to time. But on the flip side of this, others will also need us for help in some way from time to time. It is then up to us to be reciprocative. We can't really go through life without trusting at all. But to be trusting, one has to be trustworthy themselves. Otherwise, if they aren't trustworthy themselves, they won't be able to trust anyone else either because they will see others "as themselves". However, trust needs to be earned. A person needs to prove they ARE trustworthy before they can expect others to trust them. ..And a big part of prov- ing one's trustworthines Never expect anything of others that you wouldn't be willing to do or give yourself. Expect more of yourself than of others. Set your own expectation level high of yourself, but "reasonable", and what you expect from others low and you will live a life with less disappointment <3 |
When you tell the truth, AND even WITH supporting data to back it up, you will be received with all sorts of goodies, such as: called all sorts of derogatory names like paranoid, lunatic, crazy, drama queen, psychobitch 3, faceless, troublemaker, worth- less, making up conspiracy theories, lying, etc., etc., etc.. Why, you will even be threatened that if you continue to tell the truth, you'll be thrown off the Internet and yes, even banned! You WILL become the object of an organised witch hunt, be labeled as a whistleblower, and used as a scapegoat. Not to mention you will be stonewalled every way possible when trying to seek the truth being covered up. ..And you will be called an idiot for collecting and saving data and you will be told to drop it so the REAL wrongdoers and liars can then get away scott free from having to be held accountable. It's no wonder why most people take the 'easy way out' and just go along with and participate in/with the lying and deceit. It takes a backbone and guts to stand up for, seek and speak the truth. The trouble is, these spineless, gutless cowards know they haven't got what it takes, so the only way they think they can feel better about themselves is to put down one or ones who actually DO have the guts to stand up for what's right. |
I thought of this contest and I spent a LOT of time building this contest, putting it together. In fact most of the work I did was on my contest workpage: http://elftown
See page versions 1 through 34. I am the author, except versions 17 and 23 for which Hedda was the author, because Hedda was busy enjoying making me regret I ever told him and the crew about MY contest. In fact, one of the things he used to get on my case about was, he told me that there are not supposed to be ANY links at the bottom of ANY entries' pages, but yet, if you visit ANY official contest entries' page, you will see links AT THE BOTTOM. 'Course not only did Hedda make me feel like I had done the worst possible job with the contest, but he had just received from me $175.00 for him and Lilo for Christmas. He was just trying to tell me how much he appreciated his Christmas gift! How big of him! Sending someone a generous gift after all, warrants treating their generosity with humiliation. I'll never forget how Hedda treated me over MY contest. ..And then just having sent him a nice gift for Christmas, he had me in tears!! I was so upset but who the hell cares, right?
So, since Hedda had made it so damn crystal clear that my contest was such a horrible idea, I decided to put it on hold, while I tried to get over the way I was so thoroughly filleted by Hedda and later I had decided to offer to run it with the wiki, I Believe In Elftown. But when Hedda banned me from Elftown on sunrose's birthday 2009-04-08 because I had written to him an email telling him I was thinking that leaving Elftown was the best, because I was tired and fed up with the horrible treatment I was constantly trying to deal with from some crew members in particular, past and present, and the last straw was Lothuriel accusing me of playing games because I was putting the titles of the official wiki-pages at the top of them AS Hedda HAD ASKED a number of times be done. In fact on the MC page, one can see in the comments where Hedda tells them again this is what he wants but did he say that I was just doing as HE ASKED? Hell no! ..And I wrote to him because I respected him! I didn't think it was the right thing to do to just up and leave without telling him at least and it was the professional way to be. He even told me that he didn't ban me because I did something wrong. He told ME that I didn't do anything wrong! He used the bloody excuse saying that I was going to run amok and delete/destroy all of my stuff.
Yet, he KNEW I could do NO SUCH THING! THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN DELETE ANYTHING FROM HIS SERVER IS HE, the owner/operator of the server. Yet, the crew bought his whole made up, concocted story! I could not delete wiki-pages either because I had a priv of 49, which btw, he gave me! ..And when he addressed the crew, he instigated the crew to steal away from me MY contest, when I couldn't even defend what WAS MINE! Underhanded! Sneaky! ..And all the while he was lying through his teeth! Instead of Hedda telling the crew the TRUTH, that he, Hedda, was bloody pissed off at me because I was contemplating leaving the site, he fed the crew a whole line of BS!
He put in my badge slot that infamous little red heart on Valentine's Day weekend and to show me just how pissed off he was at me for thinking about leaving the site, he removed the exact SAME heart he had put in there when he banned me because he knew it meant the world to me because I TOLD HIM! ..And then he knew he'd gain brownie points besides if he did it on her birthday.. like "Happy Birthday! I got rid of Artsie like you have wanted me to for ions now." (sunrose stated about 3 years ago PUBLICLY that she's been after Hedda for years to get rid of me from Elftown.)
Then because I complained about the crew and guards stealing MY contest and when I couldn't even defend what was mine, I was then again ostracised for objecting! I thought the guards are to keep others from stealing what doesn't belong to them. It's pretty damn good when it's the guards who are guilty of stealing the work of others, not to mention harassing members on their own wiki-pages!
I was banned from Elftown by [Hedda] on 2009-04-08 for doing nothing wrong, as he stated, but because he "assumed" (or so he told the crew) I was going to run amok and destroy/delete MY stuff, when, as I've pointed out previously, I could do no such thing because "I" do not operate HIS server nor did I have a low enough priv (49) to be able to delete any wiki-pages either. However, on another of his sites, AFTER HE TOLD ME in an email (that I have still) that I could run Elf12 the way I liked, as I saw fit, and that he had nothing to do with Elf12, he publicly humiliated me on Elf12, removed me as the mod because he was hoping to destroy my Christmas with Hans (2009-12-20), but he didn't tell me this when he sent a threatening PM to me on Elftown 2009-12-20. It was when I went to Elf12 on the 23rd was I greeted with this: