Can you be the rain to wash away the pain
Can you hold me close and never let me go
Can you tame the untameable
Can you fix what has be broken..
Honestly i think i have found the person to be all those..
Thank you for being you..
Can I turn back time.. if i could.. I would.. trust me on this.. I think if i could turn back time i could have not hurt the one person that i care for.. If i could turn back time i would not have been hurt.. If i what I know now.. God things would be so much better..
Sorry I hurt you..
I am sorry.. it was the last thing I ever wanted to do..
Thank you veronica mars.. Now i know who killed lilly
well here i sit infront of comp screen in my gerald way makeup looking out at the sky wishing i was outside .. but im not..
You are my world.. you are my stars.. You are my everything.. i never wish to loose you becuse you mean everything to mean.. i adore you more then life make my heart flutter you make my body shakes and everytime i talk to you i can't keep the smile of my face.. i never wish this feeling to ever fade but only grow stronger with each passing day..
Here i am sitting at work doing a whole bunch of nothing.. There is gonna be a tropical storm gonna hit us.. *sighs* im not ready for it.. I hope its not bad.. Im just saying. *sighs* I hope things are all right
Well i am new here .. *sighs* i really don't know what to write im such a geek *laughs* Well i guess i should go.. i don't want my diary to be sad and empy *mwaH*