[Wes Foxx]'s diary

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Written about Tuesday 2005-06-07
Written: (7052 days ago)

Stardate... what the hell ever date in the stars this is.

I have set digital pawprint into unknown territory. This place is so drab it makes my monitor cry tears of sadness at the utter lack of colors, and makes everything seem like a bad film-noir. Uh oh, I sense a parody coming on.
Monday, June seventh, half past midnight.
It was a quiet night, nothing but the whirr of the fan to drown out the gunshots of this big city. I was the lone wolf in a town full of anthros. Actually I was a Fox. Wes Foxx.

Okay enough of that. I feel like I'm writing the script for X-Play. Damn that videogame review show, but in a good way. Anyhow, double-aught-30 makes a 3-tail kitsune like me tired and random, so I'll shut up. Tune in next time for the adventures of what the flip, this guy's gone psyco.

 The logged in version 

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