So cute!!
"I'd rather be hated for who I am,
than loved for who I am not."
~Kurt Cobain
Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES, by that band:: Killswitch Engage Are you female or male:: Rose of Sharyn Describe yourself:: The Element of One How do some people feel about you:: Life to Lifeless How do you feel about yourself:: World Ablaze Describe your ex friend/girlfriend:: Take This Oath Describe your current friend/girlfri end:: Darkness Falls Describe where you want to be:: Temple from the Within Describe what you want to be:: Vide Nfra Describe how you live:: Wasted Sacrifice Describe how you love:: My Last Serenade Share a few words of wisdom:: Hope Is...
*squees in glee*
*spins in glee* A gift! ....wait... it's a...
David Dellman
"Video games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac Man affected us as kids. We'd all be running around darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive music."
- Gareth Owens
source unknown