Lavi would have liked to tease and provoke the Japanese Exorcist more, but they didn’t have the time. Every second they spent talking, he realized, Malcolm could already be onto something. “Alright, we should probably divide into two groups, someone to check the files and someone to ask Tiedoll and/or Bookman. Ideally we should have a third party distract Malcolm, but I don’t think any of us are willing to do that.”
“Put me out there,” Aleister offered, chest thrust out importantly. “I’m not afraid to expose myself.”
“Do you ever think before you speak?” Kanda asked coolly, and Aleister wilted again.
“No, I just tend to whip it out there,” he admitted sheepishly.
I'm catching up on In Cold Embraces. (>>
I'm so happy! :D We're leaving in LESS then a week to see Savan, and I's sooo excited! XD Also, Me and Randi are almost done with Resident Evil! YAY! We finished Chapter 6.2, AND Randi's taking her driving test tomorrow. :3 I'm checking out of school either after school on the 2nd, or at the beginning of school on the 3rd. I'M SO EXCITED! :D!! I just need to get homework done....and find a way to pay a 65 dollar fee. >_> Oh well, I'll think of something. Dad doesn't have money, and I don't wanna ask mom...but I may have too.
Ah, well, whatever. I'm almost done with my finals. I just need to finish writing my script for history, scan and color a few pages for my Spanish Final then put them into Comic Life, then study like hell for my Math Final (if I can... >_>).
Mister Bubbles was so very worried about his Little Sister. She didn't sing like the other little girls. She didn't play games, she wouldn't even hold his hand. And she had this terrible habit of running into crowds of splicers, waving a shotgun.
He hoped she hadn't caught an illness.
We just got new, bigger tanks for our fish. :3 They got some plastic plants, and some real plants possibly on the way. They aren't in thier homes yet, because the water is sitting, but, once we get the heating pads and such for them, they'll move in.
Poor Tora. :'( He got a little sick, but the Fish lady, the woman who runs the pet shop here (primarily fish and aquatic places, but sells mice and birds sometimes, and also sells stuff for them) gave us his medicine and some good salt for him, and he's better! We just got the stuff today.
But I'm so happy~~ I also found out that, eventually, we will be able to put Bettah in the same tank without anything between them. Orginally, so Randi says, they weren't breed for color, but fighitng, so they were colorless. But, now that they're being breed for color, they're getting more docile. That's what we think is up with SvenOscar, cause he's so mello (I loves meh Bettah Babeh! >D)
And, it's decied. The next Fish we get, his name will be Mr. Bubbles. >3 Anyone know what that's from?
XD OMG That's so cute!
We got Bioshock about a week ago. :3 it is SOO much fun! I'm close to the end, I think, but I'm not sure. (RE5 is kind of being neglected, I'm still at the oilfeild, but I got to the exit thing with the third guy, and got killed by the THIRD chainsaw lame ass guy. they don't go down easy. D<) I love Bioshock though, and I'm seriously wondering HOW I MISSED IT WHEN IT CAME OUT! Seriously, it was Xplay's GAME OF THE YEAR, and I missed it. :\ There coming out with a second one, but I refuse to read the whole summary myself until I'm done with it.
Onto real life! :D We got BETTA FISH! Iza happy! I got a blue one, and he's got a black head and seemed to be more mellowed then Randi's fish (one of them hates the other one, seriously, but he didn't seem to hate mine, so he's inbetween thier tanks). His name is Sven Oscar. :3 (<<I totally have backround behind that name....sorta.
I guess that's everything interesting. >_> If not, I'll think of it soon.
:3 We got RE5 last week. Thanks to HL2, I'm not as jumpy as I used to be (thank god), so, after I got control of the controls (lol), I started to like the game. So far, I'm about half way (I'm going on the clip cuts, I was about halfway through. FOr those who've played the game, I'm in the oilfeild, on the second chain-saw bitch. D< Stupid fucker.), and I like it. All the Facts about history of RE are really interesting. :D
Also, Surprisingly, BioShock came in today (since RE5 took about a week after the date it was supposed to get in), so I'm really excited about that. It's a first person shooter, so It'll be easy to control (not much of a Leap from Halo3 & HL2, like RE5 had been (A little)) I've heard raves about it, it's got a really good rating from XPlay (Dad usually goes on XPlay ratings, and user comments to buy games. Not a bad idea.), so I can't wait to play that.
And I'm happy that I finally have a better passing grade in APenglish. It took awhile, but, thanks to the short books we've been given to read, I got to where I was supposed to be. :3
Squee, Also, my old art teacher is subbing for the new one. He totally helped me with the pottery wheel (Well, he turned my centered tower into a small cup~), so I'm hoping she leaves again so I cna try to make me another one (So Randi can have one, too! :D I'm sure He'd do it for me again, to show me!)
_> Anyway, back to games, I'm uber excited about HL2:Episode3's scheduled release next year! :D And, of course, about HL3's eventual release. :3
Anyone who reaches this far, yous is amazing for reading all my amazing crap. ;) I'm just a nerd. *shurgs* So, I might be on less, because of these new fab games I have (Take LOZ:TP, for example. I was on less and totally made Randi depressed when I didn't mean it. :( So, I'm not ignoring anyone, it's just the XBox has my brain attached to a TV screen.)
lol, again, anyone who reads all this is amazing. by reading all that, can anyone guess what I'm wanting to do when I leave for college? lol
(This is an actual ad from a school newspaper.)
(Hercules: The World's Biggest Dog Ever According to Guinness World Records Hercules was recently awarded the honorable distinction of Worlds Biggest Dog by Guinness World Records. Hercules is an English Mastiff and has a 38 inch neck and weighs 282 pounds.")
(Classic Wal-mart prank. Those stickers used to spell: WHOSE LASER SKORE? SH!)
I love college humor. XD