:3 Sometimes I love my state. Really. There are things that you'd probably never see or hear of anywhere else. Look up Romeo the Wolf (from Juneau), in google, and You'll see what I mean.
Romeo was shot awhile ago, I'm not sure when, after many, many, MANY years of living at a lake in Juneau. People took thier dogs to see them. People got Christmas Photos with him in the background. He was a resident. I was told he had a diet of rabbits, small game, etc. Never dear, or dogs. He played with dogs. He was a large, beautiful animal that hadn't hurt anyone. Ever. And he was shot, because he was a wolf.
That's why I hate people. I have nothing wrong with Hunting, but it should be dear or moose...Someth
I dunno. Maybe I just don't know anything about hunting, maybe I'm setting a double standard. But I really don't care. Things that this, like what happened to Romeo, shouldn't happen. Even in my home town, a wolf was killed "because he was near a house and he could have killed the kids". Come on. They shot it because they wanted to shoot it and brag.
_> Enough ranting, I guess. But You really should look up Romeo the Wolf. he was a beautiful creature.
have you ever randomly strutted yourself through an empty radio station at 10-12 at night?
You should try it sometime. It's great therapy.
You wanna get your nails done? Get Gaye In the morning. X3
Ok, so, I watched District 9 yesterday. and, at the beginning, I was like, "Aww, naaah, ima be disapointed in this movie, aren't I!" Cause it was sorta slow in the beginning. Then it started to get intence. and more. and more, then
OMG, I FUCKING LOVE THAT MOVIE! :D Rockinly awesome! X3 I loved Christoper. and his son. And Merwe. X3 and the end was aweesome, too. I loved it all around. The movie just felt so real. Like, at first I didn't like Merwe, cause he was just thinking of himself, then he turned around and started t think of Christoper and helping the Prawns.
I thought the movie rocked. Just solidly hard. X3
-> "Love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's looking, doodle like you're a fourth grader."