I definately Love him...
Things to be happy about right Now In life.
1.[Sky Chord] Is NOT leaving Elfpack!
2. [My Sky's The Limit]s Computer Is behaving now ^^; heh heh
3. [ILY;;] Is baaackk!! ^___^
4. [ritsuka.] And [TeejayTERROR.] Are doing fine and are very happy!
5. [Grobbo] And I are closer than ever! :D <3 YAY!
6. I'm getting my room decorated again, the way I want it this time! :P
7. I've got all my school stuff for when I go back, clothes,shoes and bag ect ^__^ no worries there
8. Homeworks all done!!!!! finally!!
9. Parents are really happy and bubbly lately, I dont know why but its nice hehe!
I'm sooooo Happy!! :D
dum..dee..doo! ^^;;
I love this film and Ive got in on dvd!
I love that song and film! <3 Aladdin!
I cant beleive Gary (cathys) has left elfpack.. how boring......;_
Awwww Gary come back sooooooooooooo
*Clenches her fists, eyes shaking*
I'm such a fool, I don't know what to say or do, I feel like I'm being left out from his life, I'm trying so hard to keep it together and be ok for the both of them, I cant please two people, Im sorry I cant. *Closes her eyes*.. Im losing him, A gap has formed, he's happier with her now, he smiles with her and means it, with me its forced. *Opens her eyes slightly* Im sorry..
I've got a bad feeling..
^^ Yup!
MY Alexander is in there!! ;_; *cries rivers*
*eyes tear up* ed....
&& she would go
through all her
limits just to be
with him
& what do i want mostly?
a guy who has the best
personality & can make me laugh-
i don't care for
what he has on the outside
i think at some point
you like your best guy
friend just a little more
& she would never
stay with the guy
who would hurt
her more than once
hearts are as fragile
as glass but most boys handle
them like careless footballs
i love how we can be
so ourselves around
each other
if we're trying, i
believe there's not a star
in heaven that we can't reach
i can never fit into a card
all the memories we had
together because we already
have too many to cherish
all i need are great friends
who will forever be there for me
be my escape
to heaven, happiness,
&& love
& after she met him
all her insecurities quickly
faded away
& what she loves most
is when he holds her like
there isn't anything
else important in the world
& he kissed her even
when her mouth was blue
from ice pops and her hair
was in the messiest condition
friends would be helping you
fix something
real friends would be breaking
whatever you just fixed
girls want you to be there
when they really
need it, hold them when
they cry, & care for them
no matter what
my hands were made
for you to hold them
i've never imagined that
someone could just be gone
just like that-
always live the moment
to the fullest
the phases of the moon
remind her of all
his sudden changes
& every single time
she hears his voice
her heart beats just
a little faster
after we became friends
i became instantly hooked
because he accepted
me for being me
the one thing that
makes everyone enjoy
life is love
i want to spend my life
finding all the people i
truly love- what else
is there to live for?
i sit here & fold
little paper hearts
& wonder if anyone will
ever take them
friends with benefits;
one way to destroy a friendship
there are some times
when people tie you down
to do things but what's there
in life but to explore?
when i'm with you,
i feel like i'm flying
with wings on my back
& all she needs to know is if
you love her or not
let's stop playing games
love isn't about doing
anything for him
but doing something
for yourself
we don't need bracelets
to represent our friendships
nothing is equivalent
to real friendships
nothing is compared
to what you do
to make me
adore you
time is always the
best answer to heal
deep wounds in your heart
when i was little,
i always believed my father
would be the only guy in my life
as i grew older, i discovered
there was more
i want to look at
photographs of us &
20 years later, i want
you to be there to laugh
at all the great memories we had
& she dreamed about being
that girl he would always
be afraid of losing
i never found the words to say
that you're the one i think
about each day
no matter where life takes you
you'll never forget about your
first true love
every night, thoughts &
memories of you always
race through my mind
say anthing else but
the word: friends
honestly, you were
the one who made
me believe in myself
i'm so set for the
rest of my life
because of you
you're one of the
most incredible people
i've ever met in my life
&& he's the only one she sees
& she loves the way he looks
at her
people who start drama
are usually people who are
bored with their own life
i can show you the world
shining, shimmering, splendid
let your heart decide
who you love
not your mind
i would run an infinite number
of miles just to be with you
i've been dying to tell you
how much i miss you,
but somehow it never
comes out
i don't want this to
just fade away, i want this
to really happen
&& she could never walk away
from his deep blue eyes
i don't care about the stars
saying that we shouldn't
be together, just as long as
you love me, i don't care