Well, today during the afternoon, Me Alice and Helly decided to go free hugging, and in total we managed to get:
Okay guys, its been decided
My party is going to be held on the same date as my dads birthday which is 20th July, thats:
Well since you havnt all been paying attetion to my mood lets put it this way
If those people who are coming to my party do not do my poll and I get a more known idea of to have it in June or Augest, there will be NO! party on either of those dates!
Okay Guys its decided, I am quitting EP for a while, perhaps forever, I dunn yet.
I will stop ging on this stating from the 5th May, if you want my msn address or anything like that, contact me ASAP.
Also, Im sorry Im going but I just cant take it anymore with this site.
Okay Here goes,
The reason Im thinking of quitting EP is because of many reasons, some I dont wanna say and some I do
The main one atm is cuz it is getting in the way f my studies and I am afraid if I go on this site, I am gonna fail them so Im thinking of quitting till my grades are over atleast
This is what you get when you mix elfpackers, camera, and booze together
Have fun xD
Meh, Valentines day, deosnt really Bother me really ^^
Well i havnt put one of these up for a while os hear goes :P
Wish me luck today and 22nd of january cuz of my joyful exams V_V.
i put this on my msn myspace but ill put it here too
WARNING!!! if you are depressed or can get mad at yourslef easily PLEASE DONT READ THIS!!!!
We are disgusting
if you are reading this dont stop
i have just found out on this very date what the race humans can actually achive. we are the most destructive and disgustng race on this planet. it dosnt matter what they are, scientist doctor politician, it dosnt matter. behind every man, theres a sick and twisted person lurking it within it. this applies to every one in the world. Me, My friends and every other person out there in the world. we humamns have brought nothing but destruction and ruin to this planet. what was once a beautiful lucious planet is now a big rock of destruction and horror. either way you look at it, this race, the humans are the root of all evil. some poeple are sick and twisted, and the others are just dispicable worthless mammels. take poedos for an example, you think that they are sick and twisted and a form of evil looking on little children and/or worse raping them. you are forgetting, this low life scum was also a human. there fore this makes humans also low life scum. we should all be ashamed of ourselves for the ruin and chaos we have brung to this world.
thank you for reading this. If you think the same attitude that i do, you will understand this clearly. if you do not, then you will fall and currupt into the pit of hell as all humans do............