This is a short description of how to use Roxen to make Heddate work. More information about the Roxen Webserver can be found on
First, you need a MySQL-server. Most logical is to have it on localhost (the same computer).
If you go to the Roxen Webserver administration interface -> Globals -> Settings, you should make sure that the Heddate directory is added to the Module directories. Don't forget to press save!
If something goes wrong, you can read about it in the roxendir/logs/debug/default.1 file.
Then go to sites, create a new site (you have to register a port and a little other stuff here) and add the module, that should appear there (check the log after a reload of the module list otherwise). The module will be found under "local modeles".
The first thing you should do, is to go to the module and then press setting. It should be abvious what to write there. If you have a Windows system, the directory names will be like: c:\foo\bar\.
Then look at the status-page for the module. It should say "OK." in the end, but it can say different things about errors in datafiles and so on too. That happens when the start()-function in the module is not happy enough.