[kitdragon]'s diary

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Written about Saturday 2005-08-27
Written: (6972 days ago)

Wow, my first day. I wonder if I'll get any friends. Aaaagh, I did the stupidest thing today. I went to a drum-off for my high school against another rival school. We kicked ass. On the way home, my brother stopped at a Publix or whatever to get me and him and his friend (who just so happens to be a cute, tall, redhead) a drink. Being my clutzy blond self, I spilled the drink all over the place. Oh, I was so embarrassed. I just HAD to do it in front of Jared, didn't I? Anyway, Brian (he's my brother) decided to stop by the movie theatre and leave me in the car alone with Jared. Brian works there. Jared turned around and laughed, telling me that was a great move I pulled back in the store. Man, I felt good after he said that! We both laughed about it, and I told him that I was such a clutz sometimes. He said to me, "Yeah, but you're a fun clutz!" Wow, am I lucky. Unfortunately, he has a girlfriend, but that doesn't stop me from hanging out with him! Yeah! I'm a Junior in high school, and he's a Freshman, but so is Ian, who is another sexy member of te CHS Drumline, and he has a girlfriend too. Man, I wish I could find a guy to date me that lives close to me. Anyway, I've got some chatting to do. Oh, and be my friend today: tell me I'm a nice person. Later! -Kit

 The logged in version 

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