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2006-11-13 08:36:05
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Realms and Higher Planes of Existence

This may help you understand some of the information on Realms and Higher Planes...if you're confused at all...which happens so don't feel bad.


Basically, we believe that there are many different Levels of existence (we
call them Planes or Realms, a Plane being a believed external Higher Dimension,
whereas a Realm is believed {by us at least} to be an Inner Level of the Mind)
The main ones (in our own view) are the Mundane Plane (the normal world
that we live in), the Spiritual Realm (the inner Realm of Emotions, Dreams
the Subconscious)
the Mental Realm (the inner Realm of thought, the world
that is made reality by your own belief in it, and the place where we do our thinking)
the Ancestral Plane (the higher place that the Summerlands reside upon, otherwise
known as the Otherworld and where the Spirits of those who have journeyed on from
this life go to rest between Incarnations - see Summerlands for details)
, the
Elemental Plane (the higher Plane that the representations of the Elements and how
they shape the Natural world around us by forces that are not visible to the naked
, the Astral Plane (the higher Plane that is where we visualize the Gods and
Goddesses residing, the place that we 'go' to do Magick, where we tap into Divinity, commune
with our Spiritguides and may on occasions journey via projection and guided visualizations -
also the place that your 'Sanctuary' {see Guided Visualizations for details} resides)
and finally, the top or highest level, the Celestial Plane, (the Plane of the All!).

The fact that we have chosen Seven Levels is something that we first came across
in Raven Grimassi's books 'The Wiccan Mysteries' and 'Wiccan Magick', and is the
best way as yet that we've found to explain the levels of the Planes and Realms.
The inspiration that we've used to create our own view came from Raven Grimassi,
talking to other Pagan friends, and also from the Seven Chakras (Energy Vortexes
of the Human Body, usually 'seen' as spinning vortices of energy in the shape of a
lotus flower, see the Subtle Bodies section for details)
that are used in Healing
and visualizations of the Energy flow of the psyche and human body. This is shown
in the Correspondance table below for ease of reference! As you can see, the various
Planes and Realms fit very neatly into the Chakra system


Name of Plane or Realm: Physical or Mundane Plane
Representation on our Plane: The physical world that we exist on in our daily lives.
Corresponding Chakra: The First Chakra, the Root or Base Chakra
Chakra Location: At the Base of the Spine, near the tailbone
Chakra Colour: Red
Chakra Correspondance: Survival, basic physical needs, sleep, food, shelter.

Name of Plane or Realm: Spiritual Realm
Representation on our Plane: The realm of dreams and emotions, the subconscious.
Corresponding Chakra: The Second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra
Chakra Location: Beneath the Navel, the seat of Sexuality
Chakra Colour: Orange
Chakra Correspondance: Sexuality, Sensuality and Emotions.

Name of Plane or Realm: Mental Realm
Representation on our Plane: The Realm of thought, where we think and make decisions, the world that exists within your head.
Corresponding Chakra: The Third Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra
Chakra Location: At the Solar Plexus, the centre of the Trunk
Chakra Colour: Yellow
Chakra Correspondance: Seat of the Will, helps to make decisions, be responsible and creative.

Name of Plane or Realm: Ancestral Plane
Representation on our Plane: The Otherworld or Summerlands, the place our spirits journey to when we die.
Corresponding Chakra: The Fourth Chakra, the Heart Chakra
Chakra Location: At the centre of the Chest, within the Heart
Chakra Colour: Green
Chakra Correspondance: The Heart, giving and receiving love, grieving for loved ones.

Name of Plane or Realm: Elemental Plane
Representation on our Plane: The Realm of the Elements, the unseen natural forces that shape the world we live in.
Corresponding Chakra: The Fifth Chakra, the Throat Chakra
Chakra Location: In the Throat beneath the chin
Chakra Colour: Blue
Chakra Correspondance: Deals with our energies of communication, in both Mundane and Spiritual Planes.

Name of Plane or Realm: Astral Plane
Representation on our Plane: The Realm of Magick and Gods, where the Goddess and God reside. Also the place that Visions originate.
Corresponding Chakra: The Sixth Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra
Chakra Location: Middle of the forehead, just above the eyebrows, at the Third Eye
Chakra Colour: Indigo or Violet
Chakra Correspondance: The organ of Spiritual Perceptions, seat of psychic visions and clairvoyance.

Name of Plane or Realm: Celestial Plane
Representation on our Plane: The All, connection with the consciousness of everything, Akasha, Spirit or Divinity.
Corresponding Chakra: The Seventh Chakra, the Crown Chakra
Chakra Location: At the top of the Head
Chakra Colour: White
Chakra Correspondance: The Spiritual door, our connection to spiritual wisdom and the All.


Elements and their Correspondances   |   The Guardians and Other Entities   |   Realms and Higher Planes of Existence


Elemental Correspondances  |  Wiccan Correspondances  |  Grimoire  |  The Wiccaning

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