[Ajsinnott]'s diary

72220  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-06-19
Written:2006-06-19 14:04:20 (6842 days ago)

This wil be my last entry...im just letting you guys know im out for good

maybe ill check back soon

but yeah


you can reach me there

63355  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-04-09
Written:2006-04-09 23:51:01 (6913 days ago)


if you ahve myspace add my band

59078  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-03-14
Written:2006-03-14 23:02:50 (6939 days ago)
Next in thread: 59734

im back

and in time for the cutist boy awades! yey

i missed you guys

58110  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-08
Written:2006-03-08 10:08:36 (6945 days ago)

Right sorry guys

im leaving elfpack :'(

in a week or two my accoint will be givin to some hackers

so if u wanna stay talking with me!

check out


49661  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-10
Written:2006-01-10 11:02:30 (7002 days ago)
Next in thread: 49722, 49724, 49725, 49744


42983  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-11-21
Written:2005-11-21 10:39:57 (7052 days ago)
Next in thread: 43115

The sound of death and love

The sound of death and love
I hear everyday
The bittness takes over
and love goes away
Crys of miss understood mistakes
All around the land
Nether willing to forgive them
Till death is at hand

The fight goes on and on
Between the evil side
There is no place to run
Or no place to hide
It will find you
And when it does
You will be beater
Like one of us

The thing you want
Is the thing we give
Love is what you will get
Until love does not live
Loves dies quick, and when it does
You will be bitter and cold
Until the bitterness’ take full control
And your levead all alone, and old
Bitter and cold

Then you die with no trace
No one cares that you levead this place
Your soul as gone but the pain is here
In the bitter shape of your face
You might not want this
But it’s going to anyway
You have been warned
So now you can get away
39276  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-10-19
Written:2005-10-19 09:21:28 (7085 days ago)
Next in thread: 40037

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our souls

There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll

35382  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-09-06
Written:2005-09-06 10:01:44 (7128 days ago)

EVERYONE vote [craig Yo], my best freand in the Cutest boy award, and tell all your freands to vote him, help me and ill buy you a prent *buy present* :D pritty pritty plz

35056  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written:2005-09-02 22:05:52 (7132 days ago)
Next in thread: 35059

Finally, afder 2 weeks (lol) of praticte, ive come up with a song, and my band, Devil theory (we will have a website soon), are recording a song, as the chavs say, i is buzzing

here are the lyrics to the song, let me know what you think becasue i write them and i sing them lol

Its hate
Its great
The feeling inside
We love
The feeling as died
I fight
I’ve shown you I've tried



The fire burns and all I see is


The fire burns and all I see is


The fire burns and ill I see is

Death and suffering

I’m sad
It’s mad
The feeling inside
I’ve cried
And tried
The feeling as died
I fight
I’ve shown you I've tried

… I……know…..why


The fire burns and all I see is


The fire burns and all I see is


The fire burns and ill I see is

Death and suffering

Die …cry
Whisper your way to grace
Ill scratch away your face

as soon as we have a recording, i will stick it on a website and play it lol

32419  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-09
Written:2005-08-09 11:42:06 (7156 days ago)
Next in thread: 32635

out of boardem i maid this vido clip

32381  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-08
Written:2005-08-08 23:16:19 (7157 days ago)

New poem

Love is just a feeling
That is most appealing
To the ones that can share
The ones the really care 

So why do you want it
You don’t care
You don’t even feel
How can you!
The torment of lying
Selling and buying
Commercialization of love
This is not even close to good enough

32313  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-08
Written:2005-08-08 15:02:15 (7157 days ago)
Next in thread: 32380

It's almost time to play
It's time to be afraid
I can't control the pain
I can't control in vain
Oh God I'm ready now
You're almost ready now
I'm gonna love you now
I'm gonna put you down
I see you in the dark
I see you all the way
I see you in the light
I see you plain as day
I wanna touch your face
I wanna touch your soul
I wanna wear your face
I wanna burn your soul

31255  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-31
Written:2005-07-31 22:50:37 (7165 days ago)
Next in thread: 31261

I write a new poem


When I feel this way
Every single day
The love inside
Is taken away
By dreams of fake
And heavenly sake

I am a man that will die
And time is all I can give
Every bit of it is a lie
Why should we live?

When I see them eyes
Filled with painless joy
I’m here wondering
Who’s the lucky boy?
That’s made you happy
Happier than I would-of
And I’m still here
Thinking how I could –of

I am a man that will die
And pain is all I can give
Every bit of it is a lie
Why should we live?
There is no point
A point I can’t see
There’s no point
Unless you are with me

There is no point
A point I can’t see
There’s no point
Unless you are with me

29540  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-21
Written:2005-07-21 13:03:28 (7175 days ago)

so some people think my poems are good, so ive got a few of them toghether and pubished them here, i want comments people lol!!!

here we go then:

You wanted something

You wanted something
I made you love
It was a nice as a summer morning
But that wasn’t good

Tell me how every day
You act the very same way
Even though you have destroyed
The thing I made you tried to avoided

(note: this poem isent finshed yet lol)

You and me

Look girl it's what I see
I think you and me
Where meant to be
Like destiny
Can you see?
So let's take walk
And have a talk about you and me

In your eyes I'm nothing
But to day I'll be something
Something big and smart
With strength and a hart
Who will always love you
And ill prove it, its true

Look I love you
I hope you love me
But you can't see
My hopes and dreams
Are pointless is seems
Cos you holding me back
Its what I lack
You love the stuff I need
The stuff I bleed

In your eyes I'm nothing
But to day ill be something
Something big and smart
With strength and a hearth
Who will always love you
And ill prove it, its true

Now I hope you can see
What you mean to me
And maybe
I'll be your honey
And I hope we can be
So come with me
And have a walk
And a talk
About you and me

(note:so i fell in love once, and i got hurt lol abouve is the pome i write for here)


We live and die
Beauty is a lie
Some of us get high
Some of us cry

Why is this live
About being cool
Going round with a knife
And acting like a fool

About death and fear
About living here
Thing wont never be so swell
And its time to go to hell

No NO NO NO why
Why live to die
We live a lie
Why live to cry
To get high
And To say good bye
We live a lie
We live a lie
Time to die
So good bye!
Good bye! Good bye! Good bye!
arhhh anger

(i was basicly on suaside mode abouve)

The circl of pain

Being with out you brings me pain
But for you being with me brings shame
But your butiful so you’re the one to blaim
I love you, I just wish you felt the same
And one day when your ritch with fame
I will be out side looking in therw the rain
Remmbering how I lost the evil game
The game of love, that endid up with pain

(dont ask)

The sound of death and love

The sound of death and love
I hear everyday
The bittness takes over
and love goes away
Crys of miss understood mistakes
All around the land
Nether willing to forgive them
Till death is at hand

The fight goes on and on
Between the evil side
There is no place to run
Or no place to hide
It will find you
And when it does
You will be beater
Like one of us

The thing you want
Is the thing we give
Love is what you will get
Until love does not live
Loves dies quick, and when it does
You will be bitter and cold
Until the bitterness’ take full control
And your levead all alone, and old
Bitter and cold

Then you die with no trace
No one cares that you levead this place
Your soul as gone but the pain is here
In the bitter shape of your face
You might not want this
But it’s going to anyway
You have been warned
So now you can get away

(above, my fav lol)

To kay

To Kay

When you smile I feel good
The way a guy should
But your leaveing me soon
Like a kid and a balloon
Your going to flot above us all
But ill caghce you if you fall

What will I do
With out your brain
Sharing each over secreats
Each over pain
I needed you in my life
And thanks for the way
You helped me stay alife
I’m your friend for life

But I will remember the days
We tried to past the hours in new way
Like walking to see nat, or sit on a hill
Or get in Joe’s speeding car
O and your water bra
I love you as a frenads
And to me you stay
Remmber you always
Love AJ

(my best freand kay is moveing and i will nether see hir again, so there i the pome i write for er)

new song

When things only seem bad for you
When you feel that love isn’t true
When your sky is black not blue
Ill be there waiting for you

I am your pain
I am your sorrow
I am you night mare
The one you follow
So walk behind me
All night long
When you finely fade away
Remember this song

(im still working on these one lol)

29247  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-19
Written:2005-07-19 09:54:46 (7177 days ago)

NOTE TO ALL: sorry ive been gone for so long, ive missed u all, every one of you, i could name all the people ive missed but theres no point, im bk, who missed me??

23602  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written:2005-06-18 22:17:23 (7208 days ago)

Just takeing a brack from elfpack, no one relly cares any way, do they?

22979  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-15
Written:2005-06-15 15:04:47 (7211 days ago)

join my wiki

take over the world

22730  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-14
Written:2005-06-14 11:17:20 (7212 days ago)

hello are u sick of people telling you what to do?, are you board of being just a person, then

take over the world

help us and you can have a palce of your own

look join the wiki, get your freands to join the wiki, get your freands sfreands to join the wiki

take over the world

18732  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-23
Written:2005-05-23 20:52:00 (7234 days ago)
Next in thread: 19518

if you cloned this members plz unvote me in the awards, thanks to you i will lose!
love me kill me

18525  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-05-22
Written:2005-05-22 20:27:31 (7235 days ago)

vote [Dwemer]'s pet Cutest Pet Award because its sooo cute lol

 The logged in version 

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