Gai sense
rock lee
i mean idon't know whats going on
why are people so emotanal and whatgood are emotions anyway
whatthefuck is up with pain physical pain is real but emotanal pain is also butthere is no woundto heal just void
void isthe only thing ifear andyet i am consumed with it pure bitter emptyness i am letting myself feel this pain ilet myself wither up in the emptyness of mylife and iletmyself cry,the one thing i refuse to do the one thing that brings my better emptyness back tothat void andwhatof this what am i and mostly whyam i
to be or not to be i chose to not!!!!
i fear i may have lost another person that i love
and to think today was almost a good day
Falling in love is easy, staying in love is annoying
wow today i made out with three girls at school
i swear it all started innocent enougf at lunch one of my really hot friends randomly asked me if iwanted to make out and i was like hell yeah and we did
so after school i sawher again and we made out again so another one of my friends wanted to make out whit her soshe did then i made out with them and yeah just a lot of random making out ...just gurls hellyeah
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!
fianaly bac in texas i'm so happy to be on the ground
my life is falling apart around me
all i know is now i'm drowning and soon i will be no more
i've lost my will to live but i won't kill myself
that would be to easy ...i like to suffer
my problem is not with my self or my emotions but this time it is with my family
my family has been nothing but good to me
but i know that it is always at a cost
i found this out last year when my own mother forsake me because she found out i lost my virginity..but she didn't even care about the curcumstanses and my own brother forsake his greeady natrue and rated me out just for the fun of it
now i have lived with my fater who has just be "cleand out" by thw woman he loves most
sence my father has to work for week long shifts leaving me alone , my mother who wants nothing to do with me, but wants to keep up apperances whith her family so pretends to love me in presenses of others, but still has legal custody of me insist that i cant live alone 'note this woman has left me home alone for weeks at a time' so i aam forced to stay with my fathers ex-girlfriend putting me in a emotanaly disterbing state i love her but i really don't want to leave my fater , so because of that i have been sent to spend my spring break with my grandmother 'who insist on buying my stuff for some reason i don't like people to buy me stuff because now i feel like i owe her something in return and i can't repay her'
this is me and my hat
for more pics go to desiree pictures
calm is good
right now i'm calm
the wight of everthing i have to do is on my mind
but right now i feel like i can do it even if i don't want to it will just take time
i;m so freaked out right now, thought you could never tell by seeing or talking to me i'm screaming on the inside my word is turnd around and fucked up i don't even know how to handle it
what? i fear i don't have a future until today i just thaought my future was just unknown to me but now i think that i won't have a future and i'm afraid i'm afrade to die but i'm more afraid to live
why? i ask myself this over and over but i just don't know, i can feel that something is wrong but i don't know what i don't know what to do and i don't know how to do it its not like i couldent live but i don't know if i even want to
this dosent make sence to me my life isnt that bad and i can handle it but for some reason i just want to give up and end it
but i'm not feling sad or suicidle just kinda empty and hopeless
i know that i'm not empty or hopeless and i think that i just might be lonly but i'm not really lonly because i want to be alone infact i don't know if i can stand to be with anyone even the one i love, but sometimes i just want to get as far away from that person as a can because i know that i will hurt him and i don't want to do that so i just want to run away but i know this will hurt that person even more i do love them but i dont no why i feel this way i want more than anything to be with them and be happpy but i don't know if that is something i can do.
ok i feel better now
i feel so lost sometimes like if i dont know if i'm comeing or going
i don't know what to do anymore,
sometimes i feels so lonly but sometimes i don't know if i want anyone to be there for me,
i like to be alone sometimes ,in fact,
i feel most safe when i'm alone
safty is someting i don't feel all that often and i'm not shure why its like i know that no one will hurt me and there is no monster under my bed or in my closet
but the notion hides at the back of my mind like somone is watching me even if i'm a hundred miles from any form of civilization i cant seem to get away but if i'm surounded by peopel i'm all alone, but what can i do
i'm sorta content with my life but this just bothers me i feel like i cant trust anyone even the very few people that i do trust i still don't want them to see who i really am for fear of them not excepting me i know i should learn to accept myself but how can i whne i'm the way that i am.
i feel better today then i have in a long time but i'm really uncertan about my future and that scares me sometimes but i think i can handle it but sometimes i don't know what i'm going to do with my life its just that there's so much i want to do and i don't think i will be able to do it or even that i will be motivated enougf to do and besides that i dont enven know if those thing will matter to me then i'm just so confused
and your inner dragon is a ....
Moon Dragon
In the war between good and evil, a Moon Dragon tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon is a risk taker and answers to no one.
As far as magical tendancies, Your inner dragon has the ability to conquer the world of magic, but it will not be easy.
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done.
Dragon Description:
The Moon Dragon has translucent scales and emits a soft white glow from it's body, thus earning it's name.
The moon Dragon is an especially large Dragon, but beautiful and graceful. It makes it's home in mountainous regions, often picking a large cavern to be it's lair.
Moon Dragons are nocturnal in nature, only coming out at night. They silently fly through the nighttime sky, hunting deer, antelope or other woodland creatures. The Moon Dragon has a particularly long lifespan even amongst dragonkind.Som
This Dragons favorite elements are: Moonstone, Starlight, and Longevity