[darkbeyond87]'s diary

121850  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-03-23
Written:2009-03-23 20:53:37 (5834 days ago)

Today was the day back from spring break, I had all last week off which was ok. Went to the beach and got burnt, spent some time with Amy planning her birthday party, and did a bunch of nothing really. Ever just stop and think about the what ifs of life? I did that too much this past week. I took several trips down memory lane, stopping every now and then to ask myself,"why the fuck did that have to happen?"....Sometimes life, it just doesn't make sense at the time, but it will later on. I thought about someone alot during my spare time. And maybe I shouldn't have but I did. I kept wondering if they were thinking about me at all. If they still have all the things saved I sent, just like I saved their stuff. I read over some old emails...man that was a great time during late 2006 to early 2007. I felt on top of the world. Looking back I seemed so happy, the kinda happy you have without caring about the bad stuff, because you believed that in the end it would be alright. But soon it turned out not so alright. And then blackness hit. Total darkness. WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU?! YOU INVADE MY THOUGHTS AND IT'S MAKING ME CRAZY! I hate it, and only because I'm not with them anymore. But at the same time I find myself smiling, because we had some great times together....*sigh*...I hate this right now, I really do...I hate myself for thinking about you! Because I shouldn't! But I do!

118160  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-09-16
Written:2008-09-16 18:30:38 (6022 days ago)

Well today in World Religions class I heard something interesting, made me think. Dr. York asked us if we had noticed that whenever someone dies in a family, a new arrival soon comes into the same family. As soon as she said that it made me think of Tiffany's family. Last Sunday her cousin Glen dies in a car accident, and her aunt is gonna have a baby in November. It's the circle of life, give and take process.

118039  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-09-09
Written:2008-09-09 20:50:42 (6029 days ago)

Well today is the official 1 month anniversary of me and Tiffany. We've been together longer than that but August 9th she wanted to ask me to be her gf because she said that things like this are better to be done in person. I agree. Damn I wish that December would get here already, I miss her so much.

117916  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-09-04
Written:2008-09-04 17:46:02 (6034 days ago)

Last night I got a new movie, Corpse Bride, I've seen it before and think it's really good. I watched it on my new portable DVD player. Mark gave it to me because I told him my DVD player was broke. He's a kool guy, but too nice for his own good sometimes.
A few days ago Tiffany told me she got me my Christmas present already. She said that I'm gonna cry when I see what it is. She said,"I can't wait to do it." and I'm like,"Do what??" and she's like,"Oh nothing." I've talked to some of my friends and they think she's gonna propose! :O I kinda got that vibe when after that little chat she started talking about Ellen and Porcha's wedding, and where I wanted to get married, and all this stuff. She said she wanted to get married in the winter with snow, but California is another option she's thinking about. I told her that we should go to California but have a snow machine lol. Then again maybe she won't propose, I don't need to keep thinking about it because then if she don't propose I'll be disappointed and yada yada yada lol. That's all for now, until next time.

117742  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-08-28
Written:2008-08-28 16:36:59 (6041 days ago)

Last night I went to church and I haven't been in years it seems like so it was alittle uncomfortable for me. The only reason I went was because my ex gf Amy invited me and I didn't have anything else to do so why not. I got to meet her mom and 2 nieces too which was kool. The service lasted like over an hour but it seemed like more than that, plus I have injured my left ankle somehow and was hurting alot last night so wherever I walked I limped lol. Today it's not hurting as bad but when I walk on it constantly ouchy. Oh well that's life for you.

117724  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-08-27
Written:2008-08-27 15:37:40 (6042 days ago)

Wow alot has been going on since last time I updated this! August 8th I went to Maryland to meet my gf and it was awesome! That first night I was there we had our first date, we saw Jaws on this outdoor screen, we layed on a blanket on the ground with the rest of the neighborhood ppl around us. Some of the parts of the movie I didn't see, too preoccupied lol. That night Tiffany and I shared our first kiss, omg it was so wonderful, I could've spent the whole night looking into her eyes and kissing her sweet soft lips, whispering I love you as we held each other close <3. It was like there was just me and her there, noone else :). I spent a week over there and let me tell you it was the most wonderful trip I have ever taken! Tiffany is even more amazing than I ever imagined, not only is she gorgeous, she's sweet, caring, compassionate, responsible, mature when she needs to be, and a complete goofball like me when the time is right lol. The last night we were together was so special, she lit candles and put on music, it was sooo romantic! I didn't wanna leave the 14th when it was time for me to go. At the airport we shared a last kiss and embrace, tears falling down our cheeks as we said I love you and a "see you later" since I'll be going back up there December 19th through January 3rd. She told me that she left a note in my bag before she had to leave. I read it as I was waiting for my plane, and cried alittle more as I looked at her words filled with love. She brings such joy to my life, I dunno how I ever got along in this world without her. We talk everynight on the phone, but even as we talk I miss her like crazy. She tells me she can't wait until I graduate next August so I can move up there to be with her and I can't wait as well. And I even have a job offering from her aunt and uncle for when I move up there, they own a pet grooming parlor and since I wanna be a pet groomer it fits perfectly. Oh and here's something kool: Tiffany's mom said that she likes me and doesn't mind me being Tiffany's gf, and that's saying alot since Tiffany has had her heart broken a couple times and her mom kinda keeps a grudge against any girl her daughter gets close to, but Tiffany told me that her mom said to her that I was different, and that she had a good feeling about me. I met alot of ppl associated with Tiffany and so far all have approved of me so yay lol.
On another note things have changed around my house. Mom has changed for the better and treats me like she should, not like one of those moms you see on a dramatic show. Grammy is still alive and kicking, she's gotten better which is good. The first day of the fall semester was this past Monday and I have seen old friends and made new friends. So life is good. Actually, it's pure awesomeness :).

116957  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-07-18
Written:2008-07-18 13:27:47 (6082 days ago)

Blah....my mom said today that as far she's concerned she has no daughter and she kicked me out of her office. She wants me out by the end of the month. I'm already making arrangements with friends to stay with them for awhile. I want to go live with my aunt and uncle in North Carolina. Grammy is close to dying, she hasn't eaten in days, barely drinks anything.
By next month I will be homeless.....possibly in a couple weeks my grammy will be gone....my mother says she doesn't care for me or love me anymore.....
I feel so lost
I have noone to turn to
I feel so alone

116893  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-07-15
Written:2008-07-15 19:31:58 (6085 days ago)

Wow alot has been happening lately. August 8th I'm leaving for Maryland to see my gf Tiffany, and staying until the 14th. She bought my plane ticket so it's all set. She is so amazing, I've never met anyone like her. Everynight we talk on the phone until my phone dies, then she curses my phone for dying on us lol. Just last night while we were talking, she told me that she hasn't been this happy in a very long time, that I have turned her world upside-down in the best possible way, that before she met me she was miserable but now that I've come into her life I have made it so much better for her. And I feel the same way completely. There's just something about her, that not only heart cries out for her, but my soul as well. My entire being wants nothing but to be with her.
On a school note, there's a very good chance I won't be going back this fall semester and I'll be working. I need the money anyway so I can save up so I can transfer to a college near Tiffany and be closer to her.
Well that's all for now, until next time people, see ya!

107576  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-10-30
Written:2007-10-30 18:20:04 (6344 days ago)

Today is my 1 year anniversary with Lisa. I love you sweetie!!! Always and forever <3

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