[miss red-head]'s diary

42294  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-15
Written: (7051 days ago)

Kelly Woolley

Explore the presentation of the narrators in Poe’s two short stories, ‘The Black Cat’ and ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’.

  Edgar Allan Poe wrote the stories in 1830’s. The aim of gothic writes was the write sensationalist stories that the reader awake at night. The stories were therefore very barbaric and mysterious. Some stories tried to offer rational explanations for the bizarre happenings at the end of stories. The themes that are used are madness, cruelty and unhappiness. The settings were typical because enclosed spaces, dark rooms, haunted houses and gloomy mansions. The style and tone of writing dark, surreal, dreamlike, designed to give you nightmares, all told the eyes of a narrator, concerned with the darkness in men’s souls ‘to offer violence its own nature’. The characters were typical characters cruel, violent, madmen, and powerful males.
This is a brief outline of The Black Cat. It’s about a man who drinks too much. Abuses his wife and his cat. He takes the cat’s eye out and later kills the cat. The man then gets lonely so he gets another cat but the cat gets under his feet and kills the cat but his wife gets in the way and ends up killing her too.
This is a brief outline of the Tell-Tale Heart; it’s about a man who lives with an older man who has an evil eye. The man kills the older man. He cuts him up and puts him under the floorboards. The police come around to see what the noise is all about but he thinks he can still hear the old mans heart beet its drives him mad and ends up giving him self away and pulls the man heart up. In both off the stories the plots, themes and characters are the same.
  At the start off the story the person seems to be a caring man to animals but is also seem to be lonely at not have many friends. ’A great variety of pets with these I spent most of my time. ’The tone and style on the opening paragraphs, he drops hints slowly too keep us reading on. Confusion, old fashioned vocabulary and referents to affect because we really don’t know what is going on. This draws the reading in because they want to know what is going on so they read on.
  Later on in the story we find out that the man is mad and evil, abuses his wife and abuses the cat, then later on kills his wife. Its like there was two sides to him, people outside who have thought he was respectable man but he weren’t.  The character is not a plausible and respectable because off his actions towards his wife and the cruelty towards the cat. His actions were like he did not care about anything or anyone by drinking every night and abusing them and blaming it all on drink ‘but my disease grew upon me- for what disease is like’. He first introduce the idea into witchcraft by ‘who at heart was not a little tinctured with superstition, made frequent allusion to the ancient popular notion, which regarded all black cats as witches in disguise’. He tries to excuse his behaviour by saying it was disease and he was possessed him. He makes us feel sorry him by saying that feels really bad for doing what he had done but yet he stills goes out and does it again. The story seem believable about witchcraft at first because it seem possible after he hangs the cat and his house burns down, then he goes back to his house and there is a image of the cat with a piece off rope around his neck on the wall off his house. He shows himself to be pretentious and false, at the start off the story he says that he is a loving man to animals but he ends up half way though the story he abusing the cat and killing the cat. In the middle off the story you start to feel mad and angry to toward the man by his actions. Once he like killed the cat he liked it so he like went n got another cat to do it again and grow upon madness.
 The narrator is not reliable because he is telling the reader his side off the story. He misleads us by say at the start off the story that he is nice to animals but then he abuses the cat and ends up killing the cat. The image of the cat ends up on the wall. The scientific reason for this was the ammonium from the cat, the heat and the plaster was mixed together to make a mark on the wall. The reason for why this cant be trusted because the narrator what us the think that is not witchcraft.
Poe keeps us guessing by use because we are not sure if it is Pluto because it is the same size as Pluto and how the cat flowed him home. Poe crates tension through dramatic delay some examples of this are when he first sees the new cat and the start off the story when does not tell us strait way his is going to die. There are to unexpected twists in the story A) when he kills his wife the, this effects the reader because its unexpected and u and don’t think the man will ever kill someone b ) when the waling comes out if the chimney in the cellar this effects the reader because you did not think the man was like that and was going to act the way he did.
 The mans deed catch up with him in the end because he gives him self away by hitting the wall where he placed his wife behind then there is a muffled sound 'like the sobbing of a child’. His weakness is shown that the end off the story when he blames witchcraft and the cat. Looking back on the story, i think that the narrator is mad and cant control he own actions.
 Poe blames that cat and witchcraft he story is about sadism and not a story about the supernatural we can tell this because there is always a reason behind everything what he calls witchcraft. The story relates to Poe’s own experiences in life because off this childhood. His mum dies and his dad won the lottery and his dad left his mum for another woman and he sleepy with his aunt and married his cousin. He made these stories because it was like his therapy to him.
 The narrator you could tell straight way that he was mad unlike the starting off the other story you did not really tell that the man was mad until about half way into the story. The man in the story is compete mad. Hears noises telling him what to do ‘I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth’ this quote is found in the first paragraph and signals to the reader that the narrator is mad. Today we would say he was suffering from paranoidschitzophrenia. He carefully appears the murder in the week before the deed. He prepares for the murder by going in to the old man bedroom every night .he des this because he only wants to kill him when his evil eye is open. the narrator say 'oh, you would have laughed to see how cunningly I trust it in!' there are signs that he is mad and the also shows that he was laughing and have cruiage. The narrator is as sadistic as the narrator in the black cat because he is cruel and harming. The character is much less subtle in this story because you know from the start that he has paranodischitzophrenia and he does not leave you guessing the story.
 The symbolic motif is the eye that Poe uses. It appears in The Black Cat and The Tell-Tale Heart. The psychologically significant is that the he thinks that they is controlling him though the old mans eye. The mans eye has carracks. The reader thinks that the has the problem with eyes or does he not like which craft. He thinks he can hear the old mans heart this increases his fury but it’s really his own heart beeting. There is no point in this story where I believe that the story is about the supernatural because there is a reason why he can think hear the mans heart and think he hears messages from heaven and earth because off this suffering from paranoidscitzoprenia.
  in the opening paragraph. He creates tension by sharp and fragment short sentences. The use of repetitions adds to the atmosphere, it shows that he is mad and stops him from getting to the point. on page 659 Poe builds tension by using gothic words like 'death,stalked,black,chilled, bones' and slowing the story down. Poe using sharp and fragment and short sentences to increase tension by page 660. poe’s convey the narrator's madness on page 660 by using retorlque question.
      The character is less reliable that the narrator in the black cat because he totally mad and has a condition called parandschitzoprenia, he does try and mislead us easier .the narrator is more sympathetic in this story then the previous story. We feel sorry in this story because the mad is man and is suffering from paranoiscshitophrenia.
 The narrator's reaction to the police similar to that of the narrator in the Black Cat because they both think they are not going to get found out what they have done. I think that the ending of the Tell-Tale Heart is better that The Black Cat because he goes though the symptoms if stress head ache. Ears ringing, talking fluently, heightened voice, gasped for breath, argued, violent gesticulations, paced the floor, foamed, swore, swung the chair and also the shows this feels.
  The characters were very different in the two stories the only think what they had in common was that they were both males and cruel. Poe’s stories are very dark and macabre but are different from most Gothic Horror stories there is a rational explanation, he write them this way the make the reader think twice about the story. Is the horror in this stories man-made or caused by environmental factors .Poe is saying when you have paranoidschitophrenia you are mad and you can kill someone. The purpose of 'the black cat ' Poe explored that idea f humans being evil. He did this of a form of therapy, as he enjoyed being evil. The purposes of the 'the tell-tale heart's shows how some who has paranoidschitzophrenia acts and how they feel. Poe is saying that the true face of horror is people. His wicked characters reflect Poe’s experiences because they are mad and cruel and arbitrary bullies and a changing Victorians understanding about psychology.

39718  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-10-24
Written: (7073 days ago)


37944  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-10-06
Written: (7091 days ago)
37937  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-10-06
Written: (7091 days ago)


[ am worth $1,685,794.00 on HumanForSale.com]

.~*\ ........ ....~**~....~*\../'*~...~**~-,
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..~**\./``*/ ~**~. . ~*\..../*~.
.....\....../......\/..../ \.....\/...../
...../__/...\..,¸¸,./`.".\.... . . . . .

[..__...__... ( ) ___.....___

[this shows how mad i am lol

Paranoid: [High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Moderate 
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: [High]
Narcissistic: Moderate 
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: [High]
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
[i need : a new phone
[I find : money
[I WANT : a big hug !!
[I HAVE : a life lol
[I wish
]: i could b nice !
i hate : ppl who r 2 far up there ass
[I fear : my sis lol
[I am  :kelly
[I feel : sad !!
[I smell: hot choc
[i hear: music . what scott send me
[i know : 2+2=4 lol
[I should : b nice
[I search : 4 mates ll
[I wonder : if there is sum out there for all ov us !
[I regret : songin sum lads lol (no names)

wiki i am in -


sorry xx
<img:http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y245/kellyisstilltinkerbell/698.gif>my wiki


my mates on elfpack -

<img:http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y245/kellyisstilltinkerbell/DSCN0466.jpg>this me n my sis [kirbi] she is the best sis i could have lol.luv ya babes xxxxxxxx


<img:http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y245/kellyisstilltinkerbell/scoot.jpg>this is scott . he has left ep but so lol.he is a gr8 mate n i can tlk 2 him about anythink n he fuckin fit as fuck lol,i dont know where i would b with out him,he makes me happy xxxxxxx xxxlol xxxxx luv ya hunxxxx


<img:http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y245/kellyisstilltinkerbell/gem.jpg>this is [Miss Gemm.] is fab n goes to my school and always help me lol....luv ya xxxx bbz


<img:http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kirbiwirbi/karla.jpg>[x shexxi bum x]awwww karla ?lol. she mint and always up 4 a laugh n always got somethink 2 tell lol lolxxxx luv ya xxx

<img:http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kirbiwirbi/DSCN0294.jpg>saz ?? lol [sarah..] emmmmm so lives at my house lol . jokin lol. i really dont know what i would do with out her lol...... luv ya xxx
<img:http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kirbiwirbi/bill.bmp>[bman] i have know him for ages lol.dont really talk that much now lol..he fit as fuck lol xxxx luv ya sexi xxxx

<img:http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kirbiwirbi/tigger.jpg>[Smiler] what to say about josh lol ??? he is fab and reali gd mate lol.and...[kirbi] bf lol.they look reali gd 2gether lol.luv ya hunni xxxxx



[K E L LY™]klw always talkin about somethink lol xxx a gd mate lol ... luv ya bbz xxxxx


<img:http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y245/kellyisstilltinkerbell/luke.jpg> ermm luke ? (spike) he is lovly dont really talk 2 him much now but i did not one time lolx
luv ya xxxx hunnie xxx

[XxlissyXx](no pic addeed lol) she a lovly and one ov my bezzie,i am always ere for ya bbz n u know it lol xxxxxxxxxxx luv ya xxx babes xxx


<img:http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y245/kellyisstilltinkerbell/Picture24.jpg>[jay_challis]aww he babes.lol n fit well lol xxx lol xxx luv ya xxx sexy xccc

<img:http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y245/kellyisstilltinkerbell/tommy.jpg>[breezy]awww he a bbz and gd to talk 2 lolxxx luv ya sexy xxx

<img:http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y245/kellyisstilltinkerbell/gazz.jpg>[gazz] is fab mates always talkin lol.xxx luv ya hun xx


<img:http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y245/kellyisstilltinkerbell/har.jpg>[ScWuB x3] he is on the left .dont reall talk 2 him much but he seem reali nice fit 2 lol ..luv ya bbz xxx
<img:http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y245/kellyisstilltinkerbell/craigboi.jpg>[mc craig]wooooooooo craig,he such a babes,n always sendin me songs lol.luv ya babes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<img:http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y245/kellyisstilltinkerbell/craig.jpg>[The One]aww he fit as fuck and realli nice..luv ya babes xxxxxxxx
<img:http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y245/kellyisstilltinkerbell/sdfghj.jpg> marc lol. dont reali talk that much no more but i still care about him xx lol .... luv ya hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-xxxxxxxx
awwwww he is reali fit and reali gd to talk lol .. luv ya sexy xxxx
icons -

think agen before takin my icons bitchs !!




=oi !! bitchs think agen before takin my icons

[#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#]
this my house hope u like it if not then i dont care lol xxx luv ya xxx
          <table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><a href="http://www.ustecnet.com"><img:http://www.pro-counter.com/cgi-bin/gd-count.cgi?page=www.elfpack.com&style=blushdw&nbdigits=8&reloads=1" alt="Structured wiring"></a></td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><font size="2" face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://www.ustecnet.com">Structured wiring</a></font></div></td></tr></table>    i dont know what this is for yet lol

[#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#] [#]


get the fuck ov my house !! xxxx luv ya babes xxx kelly xxxx

11879  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-29
Written: (7282 days ago)

hey #

 The logged in version 

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