And I wish that I was made of stone
So that I would not have to see
A beauty impossible to define
A beauty impossible to believe
A beauty impossible to endure
The blood imparted in little sips
The smell of you still on my hands
As I bring the cup up to my lips
No God up in the sky
No devil beneath the sea
Could do the job that you did, baby
Of bringing me to my knees
-Nick Cave
found from i hate homosexuality
Interesting, that's all I say...
well I disagree with most of this..
but still i like it. :P
"Homo sapiens have outgrown their use."
- David Bowie: Oh! You pretty things
Sent mail 2005-07-14 04:37:47 <--- i sent my message to her that day O.o
Sent mail 2006-07-07 14:48:14 <--- she replies
i got a message from a girl [PixiePoison] who I sent a message a year ago!! a whole year! (well, a few days.. still.)
and today i got a reply to it...
I'm so pathetic.. I can't believe I actually did that..
Why won't you listen?
Memories... *sighs*
I need to stop thinking about these sort of things..
08:43:37 Alphonse Elric:'s back..wierd..Y
08:51:40 kittykittykitt
08:54:15 Alphonse Elric: *Sniffles* ...You' a point there..
09:01:12 kittykittykitt
09:03:35 Alphonse Elric: Hmm...The only song I've heard.....of his one about him having a little monkey....that he fed with gingerbread... *Shakes head all confuzzled.* Does..that song have a deep meaning?
09:44:28 kittykittykitt
09:48:43 Alphonse Elric: I see!! So you actually like MM? Hmmm...I don't know..He just kinda scares me...I mean, Kyo seems like he's not truely insane from other stuff about him..but I don't know as much abou MM other than he's scary on stage..
10:42:49 kittykittykitt
10:44:00 Alphonse Elric: Hmmm......I can't start likin' him though..Cus my madre would freak out on me! Yes she would!
10:59:41 kittykittykitt
11:01:04 Alphonse Elric: I'd....prolly.
12:51:17 kittykittykitt
20:29:40 Alphonse Elric: Yea right! They still haven't gotten used ta me liking Dir En Grey...
20:58:17 kittykittykitt
21:03:42 Alphonse Elric: ...Yea...It's really quite upsetting right? My mother sees them as plain disgusting. She said that they have to be the scum of the earth to be on tour with Korn..
21:08:33 lucifer's fallen angel: aww that is soooooo not nice to say!!!!
21:13:29 Alphonse Elric: I knooow! An mah dad just gets irritated whenever I try to talk to him about them....
22:35:36 kittykittykitt
22:36:32 kittykittykitt
00:47:09 lucifer's fallen angel: yeah i told my mom today that i was going to start dressing visual kei fro school this year and she totally fliped out. on all my jrock pics she sits there and says transvestite again and agian and every thing i show here she says is ugly and im not walking out of the house cause the way i dress reflects how my parents raised me...bullshit i think
01:18:05 kittykittykitt
I just had to. ^_^ this is Awesome
I'm a pervert. >_>
An anonymous reader writes "Good news for those who like both coffee
and alcohol. In a recent study of more than 125,000 people an Oakland,
CA medical team found that consuming coffee seems to help [1]protect
against alcoholic cirrhosis. The study was done based on people
enrolled in a private northern California health care plan between
1978 and 1985." From the article: "People drinking one cup of coffee
per day were, on average, 20% less likely to develop alcoholic
cirrhosis. For people drinking two or three cups the reduction was
40%, and for those drinking four or more cups of coffee a day the
reduction in risk was 80%."
taken from Are you a coffee addict?
so i'm at Viimsi, Estonia now...
i first tried to log onto to et but there were some problems.. 0.o
well anyway. i can't stay here for long.
Just came to let you know that i'm alive.
yep. i'll write more to my et diary when i get back...
Chuck Norris is god oh my... XD
I cleaned my room yesterday. so I thought about taking pictures to have some evidence of it... since i'm bound to mess my room again.. :P so...Enjoy!
My room :D
My dear guitar :D