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Riding In VansWithBoys (u can't spell awsome without me)
Name: Brittany
Elfpack titles and orders
Drunk-ass | Adventurer | Crazy kid |
I have Brown hair Hazels eyes and Ihave a weakness for guys in a band what can I say I love bad boys too.
oh yeah Napoleon rocks
gotta love the bunny
so true
another bunny
love Pink Floyd they remind me of Sam I love Sam
you wish
I love grr
it's alive
do sponges have hair?
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this is My best friend Amanda [*// Candy Coated Bullets//*]you should chat with her
she is awsome and if you say otherwords i'll kick your ass, if I can determine wether it is your head or your ass i'm kicking.
So Hott
sry Amanda I know you had it first but I really couldn't help myself.
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think about this this is the man we let run our country.>
what, i'm confused>
don't ask I like the dog not the fat kid>
I have a poster of this in my room>
go deer!!! kick that hunters ass>
I don't go to church
wonder why
bow down to the all powerful women
women rule
And in the end it was just a dream
or was it........
yeah it was.
Age: 16 | Year of birth: 1990 | Month of birth: 4 | Day of birth: 1 |
Gender: female
What do you do?: Something in between
Place of living: USA-Maine
Exact place of living: Gardiner
Elfpack crew wannabe: Yes
alternative | blues | country |
goth | heavy metal | hip hop |
jazz | new age | pop |
progressive metal | punk | rock |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
boardgames | books | card games |
carpentry | cars | cats |
chasing the preferred sex | chess | cooking |
dancing | dogs | drinks |
eating | fantasy | fashion |
film | fishing | gambling |
history | horses | hunting |
party | plants | poetry |
religion | singing | sewing |
slacking | shopping | theatre |
travelling | watching sport | wine |
woodwork | writing |
Civil status: single
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: big breasted