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The Angel Defiled. ([Burning in water and drowning in flame. ♥])

Member #27861 created: 2005-09-08 20:32:49Simple URL:   

Name: Coral



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Crazy kid









My Radtastic Friends


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[ series 1 ]
Name: Coral.
Birthday: February 22, 1990.
Birthplace: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Current Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Eye Color: Green.
Hair Color: Dark red/burgundy.
Righty or Lefty: Righty.
Zodiac Sign: Pisces.

[ series 2 - your favorite ]
Band: Evanescence. ♥
Cartoon: SpongeBob SquarePants.
Color: Black.
Car: A flying, time-traveling one.
Movie: Underworld.
Magazine: None.
TV Show: None.
Song at the Moment: I have a lot...most of them are from HIM.
Language: English.
Actor/Actress: Kate Beckinsale.
Food & Beverage: Tropical Skittles and Nestea.
Subject in School: Art.
Weekend Activity: Hanging out with friends.

[ series 3 - what is ]
Your most overused phrase: "Amy Lee this..."
First thing you thought when you woke up: "FUCKKKKKKLASJFLSJAFLJASLFJLASFJLASJFLAJSL" *dies*
Last image/thought you go to sleep with: Amy Lee...a poster of her is right above my head.
First feature you notice of opposite sex: Their face.
Best name for a Butler: Willard.
Wussiest Sport: Cheerleading.
Your best feature: My hair? No, ewww. Nothing.
Your greatest fear: Spiders and centipedes.
Your greatest accomplishment: I'm not sure.
Your most missed memory: The Evanescence concert, times with my friends, times at my middle school, when Beth came to Canada (haha), and times with my dad.

[ series 4 - you prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Coke, I guess. I don't really like either, though.
McDonald's or Burger King: Neither.
Single or Group Dates: Single. 
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: Chicken fingers...they're bigger, aren't they?
Dogs or Cats: Cats. 
Single or Taken: Single.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: NESTEAAA.
One pillow or Two: Three.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: Aren't they the same thing?
Cappucino or Coffee: Cappuccino.

[ series 5 - do you ]
Shower everyday: Yes.
Have a crush: Not really.
Think you've been in love: I don't know.
Want to go to college: Not really...but, I have to.
Like high school: Sometimes.
Want to get married: Maybe.
Type correctly: Correctly.
Believe in yourself: Sometimes.
Have any tattoos? Where: No.
Have any piercings? Where: Yes...two in each ear. I'll be getting my eyebrow done for my birthday. That's a long way away, but... =(
Get motion sickness: No.
Think you're a health freak: I wish I could be.
Get along with your parents: My dad doesn't count since I haven't seen him in six years, and I never get along with my mom.
Like thunderstorms: Yes...they're awesome.

[ series 6 - the future ]
Age your plan to be married: I really don't know.
Number and names of children: Zero, and...nothing.
Where will you be at age 20: Hopefully with some recognition for any talents I have, haha.
Dream wedding: In one of those gothic cathedrals where all of my favourite bands will play.
How do you want to die: However I'm meant to die.
Dream job: A songwriter, or some type of artist.
Country you'd like to visit: The United States, man.

[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
Best eye color: It doesn't matter.
Best hair color: Blonde. =D
Short or long hair: Not too short, and not too long. Or maybe just a little bit long.
Best height: Taller than me.
Best weight: Not obese.
Best clothes: Whatever he likes wearing...but, please no "homie" clothes, for the sake of compatibility.
Best first date location: A concert. =D

[ series 8 - other ]
Last time you slept with a stuffed animal: When I was undoubtedly younger.
Rings before you answer the phone: Two.
What's on your mousepad: A mouse, and a scene from Harry Potter.
How many houses you've lived in: Five.
How many schools you've gone to: Four.
Bedroom carpet color: I don't have a carpet.
Shave your head for $5,000?: I wouldn't shave my head for all the money in the world!
Stranded on a desert island. Take three things. No people: A signal transmitter, a cell phone, and an iPod. =D
Best time of your life so far: The Evanescence concert.



Age: 18Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 2Day of birth: 22

Gender: female

Place of living: Canada - Ontario

Exact place of living: Hamilton

Known languages

Elfpack crew wannabe: No


Other interests

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Height: 163

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