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Hugo Kumi. (vous êtes gais :D)
Name: Hugo Kumi. Hughie.
Je m'appelle Hugo, J'ai 19 ans. Je vis en Haute-Savoie Pres de Geneve et Annecy & étudie en arts appliques a Lyon. Je n'ai rien a envier a personne, ma vie est geniale et ne l'echangerais contre aucune autre. Les differents avis sur moi, ce que je suis ou ce que je represente m'importent peu, je sais ce que je vaux et oui, j'ai des qualites et des defauts comme tout etre humain.
i also speak very good english! (:
[Jadey - Chan.]
i love this person (:
she means dear to me.
P.S. I only come on here to write back to the messages ive recieved.
I never talk to anyone first.
You could be a peadophile for all I know.
Gender: male
What do you do?: Studying
Place of living: France
adult pop | alternative | eurodisco |
grunge | heavy metal | hip hop |
opera | pop | progressive metal |
punk | rap | rock |
techno |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
beer | chasing the preferred sex | cybersex |
disco | fashion | film |
party | role playing | smoking |
whisky | writing |
Civil status: single
Sexual preference: both sexes
Body shape: thin