Page name: *~Hidden~* [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-30 20:30:15
Last author: WASHACKED
# of watchers: 5
D20: 18
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They hide from the world,

They hide from what they are.

They hide from the stories said about them.

There not sure what to believe,

They can't decide whether there with humans or not.

There different and no one will expect them.

But the humans are after them wanting them dead.

Who will die and who will live?

[Restarted :D]

The rules are simple,
[~1]You can be whatever you want, keep it interesting
[2.]No racist/sexist terms
[3.]Have common sense
[4.]Sex goes here: The really hidden stuff
[5.]Obviously not a chat wiki, so keep it small and in these(()) or brackets.
[6.]Have common sense so I don't have to add any more rules

Your peoples format

Ep Name:
Character name:
Sexual preference:

Character name: Max Turrner
Age: 19
Gender: male
Race: lycan/vamp half breed
Personality: shy and quite at first
Powers/weapons: he fights as a wolf
Sexual preference:bi

Ep Name:[Silverline]
Character name: Isa Cael, but goes by Emma
Personality: caring but not outwardly friendly, keeps to herself, doesn't like seeing people hurt
Powers/weapons:fangs and a dagger if she has to use them, but doesn't like violence
Sexual preference: unsure

Ep Name:[BloodRose]
Character name: Elvira Starlight
Personality: random, nice, caring, but has a temper
Powers/weapons:daggers and fangs
Sexual preference:straight
Image: -shrugs- can't find one

Ep name: [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name: Lara McNeal
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Demon (Level 9)
Personality: Loud, loves bugging people, can be caring, loves a good fight.
Powers/weapsons: Mind control, black fire, demon magic. Fire sword and darts.
Sexual preference: Bi

Ep Name: [shadows of life]
Character name: Shade
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Cat
Powers/weapons: shadows and claws
Sexual preference: straight
Image: <img:>

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2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: Elvira sighed and sat back "My friend was hurt and it's my fault....that's about. It"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max grabed her arm, "No, youve never gone after a werewolf, much less killed one and you whould need to track him first. You can't just go out one day and say your going to kill one. He'll be mad too and talk you some where if he get's a chance and use you over and over not letting you go. You want that?"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded, "How was it your fault?"

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma shakes her head

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: "I made her go to this stupid club..." Elvira sighed

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Don't OK who knows what he's plaining to do or how to get you. He knew you where a vapire so he whouldn't have done that to you inless he knew how to kill you."

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded, "So she what got drunk?"

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma bites her lip, fighting tears. "Just tell me how to kill him,"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max shakes his head, "Even if I told you I'm not letting you."

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: "No...she didn't drink was after we left...I don't really wanna talk about that part..."

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Jame nodded, "Ok but they say talking helps."

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: "Im not the one with the problem..." Elvira shrugs

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded agai, "Well with the look on your face, I say you have one your blaming your self for something I'm guessing isn't your fault."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: "Why not?" Emma bites her lip harder

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Because I'm not stupid to send some one to there death, I'll take you home but I woun't tell you how to kill werewolfs."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: "Then I don't want to go home,"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed and nodded, "Your going to stay here till you drag it out of me, right?"

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: "So my best friend being raped outside a club I made her go to isn't my fault? Please explain the logic behind that" Elvira crossed her arms

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James looked at her shocked than go tover it, "It's not because did you make her walk that way, no. Did you make the man do that, no."

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: "But I'm the reason she was there in the first place,"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James shrugged, "Like I said you didn't make her walk that way out of the probley ten other ways she chould have gotten home from that way."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma nods

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max sighed, "Ok but I need to work soon, so if you want to come you can but if you fallow me around asking me that at work you'll see what a werewolf looks like pissed." He joked with a slight smile

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: Elvira shrugged and looked down

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James put his hand over hers, "Don't blam your self, but my I ask why are you not with her now?"

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: Elvira sighed "Because she's staying at some guys house..."

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James, "Oh herboy friends?"

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: "Um, I don't really know if they're together..."

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded again, "So how do you know this guy wasn't the one who raped her and some how is getting her to stay?"

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma chuckled a little

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max bit his lip, "Im going to get some clean close and shower be for work."

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: "I don't think he's the guy who did it,"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded, "Oh and why is that?"

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: "Alright," Emma sat on the couch

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and walked in his room than to the bathroom

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: "She wouldn't feel comfortable around him"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James shrugged, "Maybe a spell?"

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: "Maybe...why do you think it's him?"

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma picked a book off the table and flipped through it

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James shrugged, "I don't know I never saw this guy, but you never know."

Max came out a few minutes later, "You wanna come to the club tonight and get your mind of things or well try."

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: "Well hopefully it's not him...."

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded, "Well yeah if shes staying with him."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: "Sure.."

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "Well you want to stop at your place to get a bag of cloths?"

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma nods

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "You want me to make you something fist or eat at the club?"

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: "I'm not really hungry"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded again and bit his lip, "Well I don't like have blood in the frige and if you want you could have some from me if you that kind of hungrey."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: "I probably should..."

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Wrist or neck?"

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: "Neck hurts less,"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and moved his neck to the side

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma blushed a little and leaned into his neck "Just relax or it'll hurt more," she bites him gently

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max yealped a bit and out a hand over his mouth

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma closed her eyes and made her venom more relaxing and painkilling

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max moved his hand away, "It didn't hurt it just feels wired."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma holds him close as she drinks

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max stays quite and lets her drink

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma focuses healing, calming, energy into her venom

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max still stayed quite

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma blushed and pulled away gently as the wound healed

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled at her reashuring, "I'm fine but that didn't hurt at all."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: "Are you sure?"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: MAx nodded and rubed his neck ,"It felt wired it tingled and well just wired,":

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: "Sorry..." Emma chewed her lip as her fangs returned to normal

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max blushed, "No it felt wired good...."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma blushed "Well I'm glad i didn't hurt you..."

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max blushed more and grabed his jacket, "Thanks."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma looked down

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her and bit his lip than handed her the jacket, "Its cold."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: "I'll be fine," Emma smiles "But thanks for caring."

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded and pulled it on than held the door open, "So you tellingme where you live."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: "Small apartment on the other side of town,"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded walking to the truck. "Ok."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma walked behind him

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max opened the door for her and glanced over at the alley from the night before as he got in

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma looked at the alley and froze

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at Emma, "Come on lets go."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma nodded and got in the truck

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max started the truck and stared driving to her place

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma gave him the exact address and was quiet the rest of the way

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her as he parked, "Hold on."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma raised an eyebrow

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max snifed the air, "Stay here." He got out and went to her apparment seeing the same werewolf there who raped her but as a wolf.
Max growled at him and shifted jumping at the other wolf. Before Emma choukd have even gotten out

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma gasped and started to get out of the truck

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max growled as he faoght.
The werewolf yelped

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma stepped out of the truck, elongating her fangs but staying near the truck

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max yelped as the other wolf bit his sholder. Shit he's bigger than me and older, I don't know if I can do this.
The werewolf chuckled and bit Max again making him yelp louder

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma bit her lip, forgetting about her fangs and drawing blood. What should I do?....

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: The Other wolf tossed Max to the wall.
Max yelped again getting up. That broke a few ribs...

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma takes a few steps toward them, preparing to lunge for the other wolf

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max growled at Emma trying to tell her to stay away. Max bared his teeth hoping to scare her. She hasnt seen me or him as a wolf she cant be here.
The other wolf growled at Max. Good she cant tell us apart by sent right now.

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma whimpered a little and stepped back. The smaller one is Max.. but why is he growling at me?

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max, She has to run why isn't she running. Max growled at her more and steped to her a bit and got ready to jump at her. I wount hurt her I need her to run, I don't know if I can...
The other wolf got ready to jumpat Max. :Lets confusse this vampire.

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma looked from max to the other wolf

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max growled deeper at Emma God Im going to hate myself for this. He jumped at her snaping
The other wolf jumped at Max

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma tried to step back but tripped and fell backward

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: The other wolf made Max hit the wall.
Max yelped and growled

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma scooted away from them, cutting her palm on some broken glass on the ground

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max tossed the other wolf away from Emma and growled at her steping closer. Why whount she run.

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma looks down at the tattoo on her arm for a moment. ποτέ τρέχω ποτέ φόβος ποτέ ξεχνώ. Never run, never fear, never forget....

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max growled deeper at Emma, God I'm going to have to bite her, at least the stories humans make up isn't true about a werewolf bite. He growled deeper and bit Emma's ackul.

The other wolf got up and growled at Max.

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma yelped and whimpered, grabbing her ankle. "Ouch, Shit!"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: The other wolf jumped at Max.
Max growled more and moved out of the way than jumped at him and ripped out the other wolfs heart.
Max tuned to Emma and licked his snout

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma held pressure over her ankle, her heart racing Why won't it heal?!...

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max walked to her still as a wolf

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma looked up at him and whimpered

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her and steped closer. God I can't change I'll be naked.

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma whimpers again, her fangs returning to normal

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max snifed her hand

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma holds her ankle. God...there's so much blood...

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max shifted back and blushed, "Im sorry but you whouldn't run." He turned and grabed a ribed pice of clloth form his old shirt and put it on her cut.

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma nods "I understand, its alright.... Max it isn't healing.."

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max frouned, "It's my venom, here drink and dont worry you wont turn you have to be born a werewolf." He moved closer to her and showed his neck

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma gently bit his neck, pressing close to him

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max shivered a bit from the cold. God I'm naked. He blushed more

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma pulled away gently "We should go inside,"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "yeah um do you hab=ve any closths?"

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: "None that'll fit you," Emma took Max to her apartment, unlocking the door

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max fallowed her covering him self up as best as he could

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma limped as she walked and shook a little, not from cold but instead from smelling and tasting his blood in the air. She led him inside and turned to him

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: MAx looked at her and blushed deeply looking down

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma was completely oblivious and leaned in to his neck again, kissing it softly before biting it.

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max shivered again and bit his lip

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma pressed against him as she slowly drank, focusing her venom again to be relaxing and pleasant. This might mess with his self control a little,

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: [Im sorry I fell asleep,]

Elvira nods

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: [XD so did I but it was like ummmm one or something, and yeash Silver Emma is just... I don't even have to say it XD]

Max bit his lip more and closed his eyes. She's doing this on purpose.

James niodded again and took a drink of his coffee.

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: Elvira looked around "So, um..what's new?"

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma's eyes turned red and she drank a little more and pressed against him. God I should be worried about my own control,

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James shrugged, "I went to the book store."

Max bit his lip harder and closed his eyes feeling dizzy

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: "Find anything interesting?"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James, "A bit nothing really new."

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: "Ah, I see. So do you always sit by yourself? Cause everytime I see you you're alone..."

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James shrugged, "Well if you count my books than no but yes."

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: "Why is that?"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James shrugged, "Not much people want to I guess."

2009-09-21 [Silverline]: Emma let go of him and jumped back, pressing against the wall, fighting her bloodlust

2009-09-21 [BloodRose]: Elvira, "Well I don't see why,"

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her and held his neck with one hand and still covered him helf with the other not sure what to say

2009-09-21 [WASHACKED]: James shrugged, "I don't know."

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: Emma's fangs and eyes slowly returned to normal

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her as he felt his neck heal, "Are you OK?"

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: Elvira nodded "Well, umm, I dunno what to say"

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: "I-I drank too much, Are you alright?"

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James chuckled

Max nodded but swayed on his feet, "Well no I was bleeding from than other werewolf, I just need to sit down."

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: Elvira smirked "Well it's not like you're coming up with anything either,"

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: Emma gently but swiftly helped him sit down

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James nodded, "I know thats one reason I was laughing."

Max blushed, "Could I have a sheet or towel to cover myself?"

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: Emma blushed furiously "Sorry, yeah," She gets him a towel

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: Elvira laughed "Well then..."

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled a bit and put the towel on him, "The one day I didn't bring extra cloths this happened."

James smiled

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: "So...Um how's life I guess?"

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: Emma chuckled a little

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled a her

James, "Umm works going a bit hard but its fine, you?"

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: Emma smiled back

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: Max looked around her apparment, "Nice place."

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: Elvira shrugs "Where do you work?"

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James, "I work at the collage suding history of the supernatural."

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: "Sounds like fun,"

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: "I detest it," Emma looked around as well

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James nodded, "It is."

Max looked at her, "What?"

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: "I don't have a job, sadly."

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James rasied an eyebrow, "Oh well we do have a few openings."

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: "I don't like it here, in this nice apartment, in the city.." Emma looks out the window

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "I don't like the city much eather."

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: Emma sits on the couch and sighs "How long have you lived here?"

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: "Maybe I should check it out then,"

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: Max, "Only a few mouths, what about you?"

James nodded and smiled, "Well we do need some one to do more expariments on."

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: "What kind?"

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: "This city, just a few months, but cities in general my entire life,"

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James chuckled, "I was kidding but I need an assiant."

Max nodded, "That sucks."

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: Elvira nodded "Well okay, sir" she smirked

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: Emma nods

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James chuckled

Max, "Could I brow your phone to ask for the night off from work."

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: "So what do I need to do?"

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: Emma tosses him her cell phone

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James, "Just well Im the boss so ummmnothing if you want it."

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: Max took it and called his work

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: Elvira nods "Well I need to pay, yeah"

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: Emma got a drink of water from the kitchen

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James chukled, "Ok you got it than."

MAx hung up with a sigh he closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: "Do you want me to kiss your feet or something?" Elvira smirked

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James thoght about it, "Ummm no thats not nessarry."

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: "Well good, cause I wouldn't have anyways"

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James chuckled more

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: Emma raised an eyebrow

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: Elvira smiled, "When do I start?"

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James smiled a bit, "Umm tonight?"

Max opened and eye and saw Emma, "I got fired."

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: "Its my fault..."

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: Max shook his head, "I go throgh alot of jobs."

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: Elvira, "Mkay"

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James, "Um the colage in three hours?"

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: Elvira nodded, "Okay. Do you want me to leave now or something?"

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James shrugged, "I don't care I was just going to read here till than."

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: "Oh, then maybe I should leave."

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James frouned a bit, "Ok if you want."

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: "I just don't wanna bother you..."

2009-09-22 [Silverline]: Emma frowned "I'm sorry,"

2009-09-22 [WASHACKED]: James chukled, "Your not I was just going to read."

Max shrugged, "I don't keep a job easy its fine."

2009-09-22 [BloodRose]: "Kay then.." Elvira smiled

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