Ami's Profile
Name; Ami Mizuno.
Age; 15.
Bithday; 10th September
Height; 5'2
Eye color; Blue.
Hair color; Light blue / Greenish.
Sailor Scout; Sailor Mercury.
Blood Type; A
Fave food; Sandwiches.
Least Fave food; Yellow-Tail Tuna.
Favorite Colour; Light blue.
Favorite Subject; Mathmatics.
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Mercury Power Make-Up

Mercury Star Power Make-Up

Mercury Crystal Power Make-Up
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Shine Aqua Illusion - Sailor Mercury summons a wave of water that can freeze or destroy enemies.
Bubble / Shabon Spray - A defensive attack which lets out a mist of bubbles.
Bubble / Shabbon Spray, Freezing - Pretty much the same as Bubble Sray, only more powerful. This attack is used when she upgrades to Mercury Star..
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody - An attack which is made by her playing the Mercury Harp.
If your lazy like me, and can't be arsed to read, watch this ^.^
More Information At A Later Date
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