Elpack Username:[
Cerulean Sins]
Real Name: Michelle Louise Pratley
Why do I want this job: The reason I want this job is because I love to Role-Play. I think it's a great active to escape the real world. I want this job to progress on as a Role-Player. I want to bring new people into the world of RPG's. I think I would make a great interviewer. I know what I'm looking for such as people who flame, god modellers and Auto-hitters.
What Role-Playing experience do I have: I have many years of experience, I have been Role-Playing since 2007. I have been in many different RPGS where I have played many different characters such as vampires, witches, demons, angels, werewolves, shifters, humans, good guys, bad guys, men, women, children etc. I have created many RPG's but sadly they have died out because of lack of SL's and lack of interest by others who have joined my RPGS.
What will I bring to the Role-Playing Contest: I will bring my many years of experience and knowledge to this Crew. I will help the Crew create new RPG Contest's which will bring in more RPer's. I'll respect everyone and understand what choices they make.
Some RPG's I have made (Please add links to your RPG's):
Highway to Hell
Inbhir Gharbhain
North Berwick
The Russian Watches
Some of my Favourite RPGs that I play in (Please put the RPG links in):
Dead Faint
Toringnata Island
the seventh tower rp
Revenge of The Cherry Blossom's