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2010-05-30 06:41:08
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This takes place in New Orleans (mostly) and mostly at night time. Modern day times, though usually Dark-hunters use swords to hunt Damions.

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2010-07-19 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ima shifted and started away from her property, further into the wilderness.

Ithaca watched him and sighed, getting up to go upstairs and clean the room she had been in. She left out a startled cry as who should come tumbling down the stairs? Raven.

Raven rolled off of Ithaca,"Shit, sorry... God damned kids and mother fucking toys." He said, standing up and offering his hand to her.

2010-07-19 [Bastet]: Vivian raised her brows slightly. "Do you think that is a smart thing to do?"

Lilly nodded as she covered it up. "I am just wondering if this town is ready for a make over."

2010-07-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I left a note for him. And plus am not good with goodbyes."

"What kind of make over did you have in mind, Blondie?"

2010-07-20 [Bastet]: Lynk followed right behind her, keeping his senses perked.

Vivian raised a brow. "Just stay out of trouble and dont break his heart or i might have to kill you, understood?" she said in a calm, even tone.

2010-07-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen smiled a little."I don't know about the first part but the last part, I shall try by best. Thats if he dosen't break mines first."

2010-07-20 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca walked with Raven into the living room, then waved a little and stepped outside.

Ima glanced back to make sure Lynk was with her, then picked up her pace a little.

2010-07-22 [Bastet]: Vivian gave one nod before standing up. "see you are goddess." she said before walking back towards the house, seein Ithaca walking out then.

Lynk soon was even with her, moving his pace to almost a sprint.

2010-07-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen sighed a little as she rolled the window up."No am not." she muttered to herself and she told the driver to drive to her apartment.

2010-07-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca smiled a little,"Ah, fresh air... Funny how you get used to it.."

Ima continued for a bit before slowing down, infront of them was a camp.

2010-07-22 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen paied the cabbie and she got out the taxi and got her bags and the cat carrier.She walked up to the second floor of her building and she saw that the door to her apartment was open."Eryx must have forgotten to lock it." She muttered as she nugde the door open with the bags. She put the bags in her room and let Stark out of the carrier. She walked to the front door and she closed it when she heared a sound of hissing and a English accent."Stark did you turn the telly on again?" She called, knowning that he couldn;t talk back. She walked to the living room and there she saw her daughter, Allegra sitting on the sofa."Allegra..." She sighed softly.

Allegra looked at her mother."Hello mother dearest." She said with a strong english accent.

2010-07-23 [Bastet]: "Acheron and the others already left didnt they." Vivian said as she walked up to stand next to Ithica, letting out a small tired sight

Lynk came to a stop, lowering his head to sniff around a little.

2010-07-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca nodded a little,"Yup...One was supposed to give me a ride, but um... He was a bit scary and didn't look all that happy when Acheron told him to take me home....So, I tld him not to worry that I'd walk." She smiled a little.

Ima sniffed around a little too.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "i thought 30 years was enough time apart, mother. I missed you a lot, you know. How have you been, mother?"Allegra asked with fake sweetness.

Pen sighed and shook her head."30 years is just a holiday, Allegra.So your here to try to kill me again, huh?"

2010-07-23 [Bastet]: Vivian smiled a bit. "well, i will give you a lift then. They wont miss me for a little bit." vivian said as she motioned for her to follow.

lynk let out a low growl when he caught the scent he was looking for

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Allegra stood up, she looked like her mother but her hair was cooper colored and her eyes where blue and she very more tanned than her mother. She walked over to Pen and stood an inch apart from her."not yet...I think I'll destory your live then kill you."

Pen sighed."Allegra..."

2010-07-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca smiled a little,"Ok. thanks." She fallowed her.

Ima looked at him, ears perked a little, then she looked toward the people in the camp.

2010-07-24 [Bastet]: vivian opened the garage door and motioned to a silver car as she walked to get the keys from the wall, signing a paper on the wall. "SO where you live?"

lynks entire hackle was up along his back as he stalked closer to the camp

2010-07-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca gave Vivian her address as she went to the car.

Ima fallowed him.

2010-07-24 [Tis gone but never gone]: "See you around, mother." Allegra said as she walked out of the apartment and the apartment building. She walked down the street with a cold smirk on her face.

Pen sighed and shook her head as she sat down on sofa."I should move."

2010-09-10 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca got into the car, waiting for Vivian

Raven sighed as he started to go to bed.

2010-09-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen walked into her bedroom at her apartment and she layed on her bed with a huge sigh. She took her phone out of her bra and checked her messages. Two off Eryx, two off Rose. Great.....but I was hoping someone else would text me. Oh well, thats wishful thinking for ya She thought.

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