Hogwarts ^^
All adult characters are to be put here :D lol
House: [
Other Information:
Username: [
Name: Sirius Black
Age: 35 [
guess :D]
House: Gryffindor
Year: He's graduated
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-sexual though he prefers woman over men, he feels that men are distrustfull
Other Information: He was convicted for the murder of Peter Petegrew and is serving a life-time in Azkaban wizard prison, he is planning to escape Azkaban and seek revenge against Peter who he recently found out is not dead...he is Harry's godfather
He has escaped Azkaban with the help of Kali and now lives in a cave outside of hogwarts
He can shift to a dog with ease :D
He has a deep hatred for Snape who he has never been able to stand
other info coming soon
Username: [
Name: Remus Lupin
House: Gryffindor
Age: 35 [
woo for guessing :D]
Year: Graduated, now teaches Defence Against The Dark Arts at Hogwarts
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Other Information: he's a werewolf :D and is in love with Nymprhadora Tonks he wants to tell her his feelings but at the same time he fears that he is both too old for her and that she deserves better beacuse he's a werewolf and dangerous

<--poor scared Lupin V.V *cries for him*

tonks and lupin again :D they're an uber cute odd couple since their so opposit :D

wolf form kinda xD
Username: [
Name: Fenrir Greyback
House: Slytherin
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Sexuality: ?
Other information: A bloodthristy werewolf he works alongside voldemort and loves to murder just for the hell of it he's the one who bit Remus

also he wants to eat draco xD
Username: [
Name: Nymphadora Tonks
Age: 22
Year: graduated
Sexuality: Bi
Other Info: fun loving and spontanious she HATES to be called Nymphadora preffering to be known by her last name however she lets Remus gets away with it and is extremely frustrated that he won't show his love for her. She can change her face/hair/ever
ything she wishes to make herself look different which can come in very handy at times. Also she is extremely stubborn and won't give up when she wants something

tonks and lupin awe so cute ^^
Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Name: Snape
House: slytherin
Age: 35
Year: he's a teacher? already graduated?
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight but as of late he has become a bit more curious about what it would be like to be with a guy so bi-curious
Other Information: he can be a jerk :D

Name: Shadow
House: take a guess xD
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Sexuality: ???
Other Info: he's a strange being...He's not a wizard nor is he a demon but he does control all shadows and can bend them to his will. He's kinda likea entity but one that can walk around and be touched but he can float like when he wants he can have his lower half of his body turn into like a black shadow and all that junk. He doesnt go alone he always has a master of some sort and only those whom he bids strong enough to control him. Currently that person is Fenir.

his ears and tail --->
yes he'll have the bows with his ears xD
<---his tail xD
<--what he looks like after he shifts yes he can turn into a shadowy creature
Username:[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name: Blair McKennen
House: Erm, Ravenclaw?
Age: 32
Year: Graduated, she's a teacher(Herbology and choir) and in line to be head of house..
Gender:A girl
Sexuality: Straight
Other info: She's a very sweet, but passionate person. During class, if she gets too passionate her Scottish accent becomes thick and she talks really fast until it sounds like gibberish. She was a couple years behind Remus and Sirus and James and that whole group. She knew them because they were the boys to know, but they hardly knew her. James teased her for her accent now and then but it was all in good fun, and she knew that... When Voldemort came to power, she stayed behind and fought him... He family ran back to Scotland... or at least they tried, they were killed at some point when on the run.

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