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2011-03-10 10:21:04
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Scottish House of Night Teachers

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Ep name: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Character name:Neferet
Subject:Vampyre Sociology
Affinity (powers):Healing and felines
History:The High Priestess of the House of Night, and Zoey Redbird's mentor. Her position at Scottish’s House of Night is roughly equal to that of a head principal, although her position carries considerably more power. As well as serving as the High Priestess at the House of Night, she also teaches Vampyre Sociology to students and is Loren Blake's lover. At first, Neferet is seen as a sweet, protective, motherly figure to Zoey, but Neferet has a deep hatred for humans and plans to declare war against them. Neferet has an affinity for healing and felines. She makes an astounding effect on people, being "amazing and awe-inspiring". Neferet gave an oath to Sylvia Redbird, Zoey's grandmother, that Zoey would be safe at the House of Night and that she would take it upon herself personally to ensure Zoey's safety.

Ep name:
Character name:Loren Blake
Affinity (powers):Prophetic Poet
History:Loren Blake is a temporary professor at the House of Night. The professorship is an honorary position awarded to him because he is the current Vampyre Poet Laureate. Professor Blake is unusually young for a Poet Laureate (in actual years he is only twenty-five). His accomplishments are also extraordinary because he is a man and due to the vampyre matriarchal society, most Poet Laureates are women. He is Neferet's lover but he doesn't know her evil plans.

Ep name:[HeAVenShallBuRN]
Character name:Professor D. Lankford aka Dragon
Affinity (powers):Extreme accuracy and potency with his foil
History:Professor Lankford, who is referred to as "Dragon", is short and is described as "looks like the kind of guy who would be the perfect stay-at-home dad". However, when he is holding a foil, he becomes extraordinary. Dragon teaches fencing, and is the reigning World Fencing Champion and has never lost a match. He’s an incredible instructor and, through the Edinburgh House of Night, he consistently turns out expert fencers.

Ep name:
Character name:Professor Lenobia
Subject:Equestrian instructor
Affinity (powers):Animals
History:Professor Lenobia prefers to be called Lenobia after a famous vampyre High Priestess from the third century A.D. As an Equestrian instructor (Horseback riding Instructor), Lenobia is intimidating at first. She has incredibly high standards and won’t pass any student who doesn’t meet those standards. The successful students in her class are intensely loyal and say that she is "the best." The students who stick with her class also become excellent equestrians.

Ep name:
Character name:Professor Penthesilia
Subject:Classic literature
Affinity (powers):Healing
History:Professor Penthesilia took the name of the famous vampyre Amazon queen Penthesilia when she was marked in the early 1920s. She prefers that students call her Professor P. The written word is Professor P’s first love. She teaches subjects ranging from classic literature to current bestsellers and popular fiction. She enjoys reading, hiking and collects vintage jewelry. Her tattoo is a series of thin, pretty Celtic knots that trace their way down her face and around her cheekbones and has red blond hair and hazel eyes. She has many memories about the Titanic.

Ep name:[Tis gone but never gone]
Character name:Professor Anastasia Lankford
Subject:Rituals and Spells
Affinity (powers):Air
History:Professor Anastasia, wife of Professor Lankford or "Dragon", is an adult vampyre at the House of Night. She teaches Rituals and Spells.

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