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2005-06-05 00:34:19
Last author: LostJewels
Owner: LostJewels
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lol Stole these questions from someone because.... they are just that cool? O.o...


[--Three Things That Scare Me--]
[01.] - Mary's Boyfriend XD
[02.] - Old people kissing
[03.] - Spiders?
[--Three Things I Don't Understand--]
[01.] - Some friends of mine.
[02.] - My mother
[03.] - Ted Bundy
[--Three Things I'd Like to Learn--]
[01.] - More ASL and German
[02.] - Why most men have to be tha same XD
[03.] - How to FLLLLY! ... Kidding. I 'unno * Insert what ever you want here*
[--Three Things I'm Wearing Right Now--]
[01.] - A black Puss In Boots Shirt from HT
[02.] - Black low cut pants
[03.] - All my colored rubber band bracelets
Pink- Womens Breast Cancer
Purple- Hope
Red- Power
Baby Blue- Benedictine
Orange- Stand 53k
Black- From HT, "Rock the arts"
Black- From HT, "Music=Life"
[--Three Things On My Desk--]
[01.] - An earring
[02.] - Portable cd player
[03.] - Phone
[--Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die--]
[01.] - Be with someone im really really in love with until that time
[02.] - Somthings R/XXX i wont menton
[03.] - Build my fantasy house from ground up with mah hubby, man, or w/e.
[--Three Ways To Describe My Personality--]
[01.] - Ummmm.... Yeh!
[02.] - Outgoing
[03.] - Fun? ... Dont i sound like the most nifty Barbie? Eh. Eh? XD
[--Three Bad Things About My Personality--]
[01.] - Mmmmm, Dont hide my feelings much and when i do its at the wrong moments
[02.] - stubborn
[03.] - other stuff?
[--Three Things I Like About My Body--]
[01.] - My eye shape
[02.] - My Lips * includeing my teeth, smile, and tounge *
[03.] - Ummmm.... My belly button!
[--Three Things I Don't Like About My Body--]
[01.] - Mah hair ... sometimes it can just go to hell
[02.] - My knee, its got a scar on it from mah first stitches
[03.] - My voice?
[--Three Things Most People Don't Know About You--]
[01.] - If I told yall now then yall would kno and u wouldnt kno n e more!!!
[02.] - Look Upperz
[03.] - See "About you- 01"
[--Three Things I Say Alot--]
[01.] - "How Rude!"
[02.] - "mmmm daddy" - Dont ask. inside joke thing.
[03.] - w/e pops in mah head ^-^
[--Three Places You Want To Go--]
[01.] - Japan
[02.] - Korea
[03.] - As Mary would say "tanna-saa-ie" Hehe i love ur lil accent Mary!!!! :: huggles her ::
[--Three Names That You Go By--]
[01.] - Lexi
[02.] - Jewels
[03.] - Alexi
[--Three Boys You Like--]
[01.] - O.O!!!!
[02.] - O.o"
[03.] - (O..O)" - ::Riiiiiibbet:: ....


[B] - Best Quality: Uh--- the one that i have that is the best O.O
[C] - Choice Of Meat: Steak hands down
[D] - Dream Date: Lol, Over that.
[E] - Ex (most recent): Matt
[F] - Favorite Food: Hmmm--- Corndogs. Burrito bowl, Watermelon, oranges... Candy ^-^
[G] - Greatest Accomplishment: ...Nothin
[H] - Happiest Day of Your Life: Beats me.
[I] - Internal conflicts: Riiiiiiite.... O.o
[J] - Job: Stayin alive
[K] - Kool-Aid: Blue rasberry?
[L] - Love: N e way ....
[M] - Most Valued Thing I Own: Mah Puppeh!
[N] - Name: Alexis
[O] - Outfit You Love: This corestte i got from HT and a pair of low rise hip huggin jeans, along with the choker and possibly the arm warmers
[P] - Pizza Toppings: Cheese and peperoni
[Q] - Question you want to ask: I'll get back to yall on that lol
[R] - Red is what: Passion, Desire... Lust....
[S] - Sport To Watch: Basket ball
[T] - Television Show: JACKASS!!!... but its not on n e more .. so ... somthin else.
[U] - Unique habit: No comment
[V] - Very bad habit: Sayin "n e way"
[W] - Winter: Heck nu, Gemmi SUMMER!
[X] - X-rays you've had: like ... 1 or 2?
[Y] - Year Born: 1989
[Z] - Zodiac Sign: Cancer


*~*~Josh-ness with his hottness~*~*

I think I owed you a song ... so here ya go ^_^

Nine Inch Nails - The Great Below

Staring at the sea
Will she come?
Is there hope for me
After all is said and done
Anything at any price
All of this for you
All the spoils of a wasted life
All of this for you
All the world has closed her eyes
Tired faith all worn and thin
For all we could have done
And all that could have been

Ocean pulls me close
And whispers in my ear
The destiny I've chose
All becoming clear
The currents have their say
The time is drawing near
Washes me away
Makes me disappear

I descend from grace
In arms of underflow
I will take my place
In the great below

I can still feel you
Even so far away

Awww....!!! His sweetness Continues!!!!!!!!!

you know ... i promised a dedicated song ... hehe and you told me this one you love:

Ryan Cabrera - True

I won't talk
I won't breathe
I won't move till you finally see
That you belong with me

You might think I don't look
But deep inside the corner of my mind
I'm attatched to you

I'm weak, it's true
Cause I'm afraid to know the answer
Do you want me too?
Cause my heart keeps falling faster

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true

You don't know what you do
Everytime you walk into the room
I'm afraid to move

I'm weak, it's true
I'm just scared to know the ending
Do you see me too?
Do you even know you met me?

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing thats true
So I will not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true

I know when I go
I'll be on my way to you
The way that's true

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing thats true
So I will not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true

** Josh is sooo effin Hawt and Awesome!!! :: clings to him ::**


What Napoleon Dynamite Phrase Are You?

Name: Lexi
DOB: June 30 1989
Date: May 29 2005
Color: Pink
Your Phrase: Tina you fat lard, come get some dinner
Napoleonness: 83%
Will you ever be as cool as Napoleon?: (8) - It is decidedly so. - (8)



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gott remember to save this persons bucket ot my computer when i get back in ohio

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