Page name: Marjorie Silva. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-23 16:07:24
Last author: Sonya Blue
Owner: Sonya Blue
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Marjorie Silva

[Sonya Blue]
Personality:Very straightforward, tells it like it is and doesn't like smart asses.
History:She has a very dark past, and refuses to speak to anyone about it, when they ask her the tells them its none of their business and tells them to get back to work.

Welcome to my office, im your boss Marjorie Silva, i'm calm and collected and i dont go easy on slackers, just remember these rules and i wont have to chew your ass of for anything.
1.Turn you paperwork in on time, i dont like getting late paperwork so turn it in on time or else.
2.Dont argure with me, because chances are you'll be leaving my office in a body cast.
3.Donn't argue with your assigment's, I give you the assigment that I think is best suited for you.
4.ALWAYS back your partner up, you have a partner for a reason, TO KEEP YOU STUPID ASSES ALIVE.
5. And last but certinly not least, If you decide to work on a cold case make sure you have my consent first
If you can follow these rules then we'll get along great

The Agency

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