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McKinley Students and Teachers [Logged in view]
2010-08-03 00:00:16
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McKinley Students and Teachers
EP name-
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Sexual like-
Student or teacher-
EP name- [
Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Cynthia Eden
Age- 17
Sexual like- Lesbian
Student or teacher- Student
Personality- Happy, smiley, always up for a laugh,vulnerab
le, speaks her mind.She's a very strong, driven girl, who's sometimes a little misunderstood.
History- Cynthia grew up in Lima, her whole family lives there too but she wants something more than just working in a dead end job. She wants to be a singing or an actress, she wants to do something in show business. So she joined the glee club, hoping that she will be a big star once she leaves high school that is. She has always been a loser at high school, she gets a slushy thrown in her face every day and she hates it. She posts vids of her singing on her my space page everyday but she just ends up with these nasty bitch comments.

EP name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Sue Sylvester
Age- 37
Sexual like- Guys
Student or teacher- Head coach of the cheerleading squad
Personality- Pure evil and doesn't hide it.Sue will do whatever it takes to win,it's all about power and winning. That's her entire world view.
History- Sue dislikes Spanish teacher Will Schuester's attempt at reviving William McKinley High School's failing glee club (as this will decrease the physical education department's budget), and enlists cheerleaders Quinn(who is a girl) , Brittany and Santana to help her bring the glee club down from the inside. But will her evil plan work? Oh and Sue's older sister Jean has Down syndrome.
[His hair is really brown]
EP name-[ArtworkA]
Character name- William Schuester aka Will or Mr. Schue
Age- 29
Sexual like- bi
Student or teacher- Spanish teacher and coach of the glee club
Personality- Will is a good man, he cares about his glee kids and wants them to be great stars. He is very much the father figure because the kids come to him with there problems.
History- Will has divorced his high school sweetheart Terri because she made him believ he is soon to become a father. Upon discovering that Terri has been faking her pregnancy, Will is distraught and leaves her after realising that he no longer loves her. William will stop at nothing to get the glee kids to Regionals.

EP name-[ArtworkA]
Character name-Angel simon
Sexual like-bi
Student or teacher-student
Personality-quiet, calm, caring and kind
History-She is a cheerleader. She likes all the energy she gets to put into and loves to show her hyper side.

EP name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Luke Harman
Age- 18
Sexual like- Girls
Student or teacher- Student
Personality- He is caring, sweetheart, always puts himself last, trustworthy.
History- Luke is Cynthia's cousin and has the same background history but Luke is on the football team and his a great singer. He wants to join glee club but is scared that it will fuck up his rep.
EP name-[ArtworkA]
Character name-Markus leean
Sexual like-gay
Student or teacher-students
Personality-out-spoken, has a lot of hyper energy, aint afarid to be himself.
History-He is in the glee club.

EP name-[ArtworkA]
Character name-Sara wells
Sexual like-guys
Personality-rude. thinks she all that superstar. out-spoken
History-She has been in the glee club a while and thinks she will be there for ever. Who is cheer also and is secertly help help sue to take it dwon.

EP name-[ArtworkA]
Character name-Daniel
Sexual like-guys
Personality-very shy, quiet and resevered is afarid to speek his mind
History-HE parents have disowned him for him being gay, and that has hurt him dearly. He was always picked on at his last school and wants to come to this new school and join glee

EP name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Amber Cooper
Age- 17
Sexual like- Bi
Student or teacher- Student
Personality- Bitchy at times, kind, cold-ish, speaks her mind.
History- Amber grew up in New York city for 14 years then her parents died and she was sent to live with her anutie and uncle in Lima. Amber loves to sings and dance, so she joined the glee club.
EP name- [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]
Character name- Kimberly Straton
Age- 17
Sexual like- boys
Student or teacher- student
Personality- hyper, energetic, great to hang around with
History- She lives in a small apartment with her little brother after their parents died in a car crash. she's been taking care of him for about 5 years even though he is plenty old enough to take care of himself...not really. XD
EP name-[hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]
Character name- Joshua Straton
Age- 15
Sexual like- girls
Student or teacher- student
Personality- quiet, keeps to himself, protective his sister
History- He lives in a apartment with his older sister that has been taking care of him since he was little. his parents died in a bad car crash.
EP name-
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Sexual like-
Student or teacher-
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