Night of evil on earth characters
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Night of evil on earth
Character name-
Sexual like-
Type of demon-
Position [
In the army or rebels]-
Username- [
Cerulean Sins]
Character name- Lilith
Age- Unknown but looks 29
Gender- Female
Sexual like- Bi
Type of demon- Goddess
Side- The army of Lilith
Position [
In the army or rebels]- Leader
Personality- Cold hearted women with bad assed temper.
History- Lilith was made the first wife of Adam. She was fashioned from the earth at either the same time as Adam or before Adam. This made Lilith Adam's equal. As Adam's equal, Lilith refused to lie on her back while Adam took the dominant position in sex (missionary style). Lilith believed that they should make love as equals (the beast with two backs). Adam was adamantly against this, wanting his wife to be submissive, and Lilith left the Garden of Eden. When both Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, Adam endured a period of celibacy as penance. During this time, Lilith was said to have caused nocturnal emissions from Adam (succubus). She collected his semen and impreganted herself with it, giving birth to demons.
Her children where called Lilin or Lilim, "night-demons" but sadly God killed 100 of Lilith's children, she was-is known as the mother of all demons. Lilith has been wondering the earth to find more power and she found it with Lucifer help, and he tryed to kill Lilith so he could have the power to himself. SO Lilith waged war against Luicfer.
Username- [
Cerulean Sins]
Character name- Chandra
Age- 1000 but looks 26
Gender- Female
Sexual like- Bi-sexual
Type of demon- Flame Demon (2FD)
Side- The army of Lucifer
Position [
In the army or rebels]- Soldier of fire in the army of Lucifer
Personality- She's a hot head, bossy, speaks her mind. She's a real flame demon.
History- Chandra was born in a village of demons, when the demons and humans lived in peace. But she was only 18 when she had to fight in the great war then she fell into a deep sleep until Lilith woke her and the other demons up. She faught against Lilith's army for a long time until the acrhangels sent Lilith and Lucifer to the center of the earth. Chandra was unhappy and she and the other demons who worship Lucifer spent many long years trying to free Lucifer, she and the other did it but they set Lilith free too.
Username- [
Cerulean Sins]
Character name- Rubin
Age- 1500
Gender- Male
Sexual like- Girls
Type of demon- Fighting demon
Side- Rebels
Position [
In the army or rebels]- Captain and martial arts instructor
Personality- Kinda quite, wise and a bit of a hot head.
History- After the war with Lucifer and Lilith the first time around, Rubin got sick of all the fighting and death. He moved into a human city and opened up his own martial arts centre, it's brings him great joy to teach others how to fight with there being a war going on. When he and the other demon rebels heard that Lilith and Lucifer where back they banded together and formed the rebels.
Username- [
Cerulean Sins] and [
Away forever, bye]
Character name- Andra
Age- Unknown
Gender- Female
Sexual like- Bi
Type of demon- Earth demons
Side- Rebels
Position [
In the army or rebels]- Seer (clairvoyant) and soldier
Personality- Level headed, stubborn but also calming.
History- After the war with Lucifer and Lilith the first time around, Andra got sick of all the fighting and death. She moved into a human city and opened up her own flower shop. When she and the other demon rebels heard that Lilith and Lucifer where back they banded together and formed the rebels.
Character name-Zen
Age-unknown but looks 28
Sexual like-Bi
Type of demon-Metal demon
ns instructor
Personality-Very quiet and doesnt really know how to act in front of people. He loves the things that once almost killed him.
History-He has no memory of it except the he walk almost killed by a bullet.

Character name-Lucus
Sexual like-girls
Type of demon-Water demon
Side-the army of the fallen angel Lucifer
Personality-very calm demons but there emotions can change like the sea
History-to be filled

Character name-Angel
Age-1000 but looks 25
Sexual like-bi
Type of demon-Wind demon
Side-The army of Lilith
Personality-to be filled
History-to be filled

Username-[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Character name-Scarlett
Sexual like-Guys
Type of demon-Fire Demon
Personality-She's fiesty and has a major temper. She hates it when someone tries to push her around. At heart, she's a hopeless romantic.
History- Her parents were apart of the original wars, each on oposite sides. They had a secret affair that resulted in Scarlett's older brother while the war was still going on. Later, when Lucifer and Lilith where put into the core of the earth, the two of them got back together and went on to have more kids. They have sense passed, and thats when Scarlett became particularly fiesty.
Username-[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Character name-Benjamin
Sexual like-too young, girls still have cooties in his mind
Type of demon-Ice Demon
Position [In the army or rebels]-A kid, no position really
Personality-He's curious, and wants to grow up to be a strong fighter like his father was. Right now he's with his aunt and uncle(his parents disapeared when he was five)
History-His parents disapeared when they were in town-leaving Benny with his aunt and uncle. His aunt doesn't mind him much, but his uincle dispises him and usually sends him away. Benny's usually hanging out with Scarlett.
Username- [shadows of life]
Character name- Ty
Age- 21
Gender- male
Sexual like- girls
Type of demon- Shadows
Side- rebls
Position- hasn't join
Personality- like the shadow demons
History- (later)
Username- [WASHACKED]
Character name- Maximus Turrner
Age- 15
Gender- male
Sexual like- female
Type of demon- fire
Side- Lilith
Position [In the army or rebels]- He just helps out where he can, his father doesn't let him fight
Personality- He's quite and shy
History- He grew up with his father who was working to free lilth he was forced to work on her side by his father.
Picture- comeing
Username- [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Character name- Apollyon
Age- Unknown, looks to be 18
Gender- Male
Sexual like- Straight
Type of demon- Fighting Demon
Side- The army of Lilith
Position [In the army or rebels]- General per-say, Warlord
Personality- Quiet, content, keeps to himself, holds no respect for anyone but Lilith, his mother.
History- First things first, Gargoyles are demons, weather anyone thinks they are or not. Think about it for a moment. Anyway, he was born of Lilith herself, out of Adams semen, but unlike the rest of the brood she gave birth to, this male is far different, for he’s one that…honestly couldn’t pass for human. His loyalty lies with only one person and one person alone, his mother, no one but her has ever been able to command him. At the proper age, he was forged his own armor by a metal demon. A demonic looking full helm with horns jostling outward in a curved manner. The breast plate was equally massive much like his own broad body, black with bolts of grey, greaves and every armor conceivable, but as light weight as it was, it still held true to a metal demons density in their makings. He fought his way through the ranks, slaying anyone who so much as gave him a dirty look.