Page name: Poptarts [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-19 23:14:54
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For people who love poptarts!

We are all guilty of consuming the cardboard treasures (Pop-tarts) at some point in our lives. Hey, it is better than no breakfast at all, just not much on the taste side XD So here is site where you can tell everyine about your favorite type of poptarts or your very own home-made poptarts!

Recipes Find out all different ways to make your very own poptarts or just upload your recipes.

Poptarts on film Lots of different pictures of poptarts just to make you want them more >)

Poptart lovers:
-1. [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)] ha..clearly i am the victor...i am a negative! above the rest!!!! poptarts are epically amazing!!!
0.5 [GlassCasket] Obviously i love poptarts more than both of you because i am above your names =D
1. [Tis gone but never gone] LOVES POPTARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
3. [Zenolia Rose]-I love PopTarts! They ish amazingly awesome!!
4. [Away forever, bye] Chocolate poptarts are better than sex XD JK
5. [ArtworkA] OMG!!!! POPTARTS!!!!!!! XD!!!!!!!!!!!
6. [HeAVenShallBuRN] Omnomnomnomnomnom

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2010-04-16 [GlassCasket]: NOM NOM NOM....Pooptarts....

2010-04-16 [Legendary]: XD

2010-04-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: epic XD

2010-04-16 [GlassCasket]: agreed XD

2010-04-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: I love chocolate poptarts XD

2010-04-16 [GlassCasket]: =O No. WAY! ME TOO!!!

2010-04-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Awesome! :D

2010-04-16 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: woot

2010-04-16 [GlassCasket]: :((( im such a loser XD

2010-04-16 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: haha no you arent.

2010-04-16 [GlassCasket]: uh-huh :_(

2010-04-16 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -huggles tightly- no!!!! i declare you a smexy winner!!!

2010-04-16 [GlassCasket]: *laughs* DEAL!

2010-04-16 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: hehe

2010-04-17 [Away forever, bye]: Chocolate poptarts! >)

2010-04-17 [Zenolia Rose]: Smores' Poptarts are so much better!

2010-04-17 [GlassCasket]: ...Cherry...

2010-04-17 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: cherry!!!

2010-04-18 [Zenolia Rose]: Cherry is good too. But i still have to say that smores' is better

2010-04-18 [GlassCasket]: only if frozen

2010-04-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: I've never had cherry poptarts nor smores ones >.<

2010-04-19 [Legendary]: >.> a puppy

2010-04-19 [GlassCasket]: DEMON!!! *punts the dog*

2010-04-19 [Legendary]: yea..i kno..thats were i got my name

2010-04-19 [GlassCasket]: EY! i punted you dick hole!

2010-04-19 [Legendary]: im just really christian so im sorry but im leaving this wiki

2010-04-19 [GlassCasket]: ...You to die? LMAO

2010-04-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: Awwwwwwwwww but Nick :(

[Mr. smiley bastard] I'm sorry but I do not like the way you are talking on MY wiki! So I'm asking you nicely to leave and never come back.

2010-04-19 [ArtworkA]: Just leave already DX

2010-04-19 [GlassCasket]: i didn't see what he wrote...lucky bastard

2010-04-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: yeah I deleted them ^^

2010-04-19 [ArtworkA]: Ugh he is such a ugh Im not going there DX

2010-04-19 [GlassCasket]: He's a fucking dickhole Satanist who puts himself above everyone else because he thinks hes smart when he is not.

2010-04-19 [Tis gone but never gone]: yeah that pretty much covers it

2010-04-19 [ArtworkA]: True

2010-04-19 [ArtworkA]: <img:> Lol I like this Icon^^

2010-04-19 [GlassCasket]: XD

2010-04-19 [ArtworkA]: ^-^

2010-04-21 [Zenolia Rose]: hehe, that icon is so cute!

2010-04-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: it so is ^^

2010-04-21 [GlassCasket]: Like my.....


2010-04-21 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -gaspers-.....

2010-04-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: O.O ...................................

2010-04-21 [GlassCasket]: ........what? You know its true LOL

2010-04-21 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -laughs- no...ish not cute...ish smexi! AND IT KNOWS IT!!!

2010-04-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: .>

2010-04-21 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -laughs- ^__^

2010-05-08 [Tis gone but never gone]:   Must Watch this! This I Max's sister trying to dance XD

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