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Siren's Treasure
Its early morning of the first day for the sailors. Some search threw the rubble of the ship while others look for food. There is a storm brewing overhead, so there is still little light to guide them.
Necrosis swam through the ocean. He'd heard of some sort of disturbance at the island, hilst watching the Rebel's, wishing he could be amonst them, but such luck.
Caledonia swam around the island, poking her head out of the water for a moment.
Necrosis halted when he looked up, seeing Caledonia. Blinking a few times, he'd smile and watched her.
Caledonia didn't know he was there, so she just tilted her head a little. She went back down under water.
Necrosis watched her...and deliberated on folllowing her. He liked her, thought she ewas...quite beautiful.
Caledonia swam slowly, circleing the coral reefs
Necrosis swam off. He'd not been paying clear attention, that Caledonia was circling the coral reefs, and he bumped into her.
Caledonia squeaked when she ran into him, diving in behind a coral reef...She was \naturally shy
Necrosis didn't budge, he just watched her swim off, but didn't know she was just hiding, thought she'd...ran away. Sighing softly he'd look down. "Great...anoth
er one...afraid of me."
Mariten stood up out of the wreckage and groaned. His head was spinning and it seemed as though everything was still moving. He took a moment to recall his thoughts. The captain was dead, he knew that much already. The others he was uncertain about. He decided it was time to move and began shifting through the rubble headed towards the beach, "Anyone alive?" He asked flinging some of the wreckage about.
Nerissa was swimming about the sea looking for beautiful sea shells.
Susanna was alive, she was sitting on the sand by the ship."over here!" she called.
Mariten looked over, "Have you found anyone else left alive?" He called as he walked towards her.
Susanna shook her head, she was just looking out at the sea.
Mariten nods, "Well try to look...there has to be someone."
"I don't think there is else alive."Susanna said softly.
Osari woke up slowly, her head pounding. She tried to move...But she was stuck in a crate, hanging over the side of what was left of the ship-atleast the last of what actually looked like the ship. The crate was sitting in the water as well.
Necrosis took a dare and swam closer to her, to see if she'd run, again.
Caledonia looked at him from around the reef...She didn't run though.
Mariten continued to search regardless of what Susanna said, "There must be someone...they cant all have died..." He said ripping through the rubble. Mariten comes to the edge of the wrecked ship moving aside bodies of pirates whom he once served with. He lifts some of the cargo crates and was about to give up until he saw Osari under the crate he had just lifted. She was half-afloat and appeared unconscious. Steadily he checked her pulse and then lifted her from the water.
Necrosis shifted a bit, slowly making his way to her. "Hello." he'd say.