Page name: Southern Baptist Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-03-06 01:12:44
Last author: Leelo
Owner: Leelo
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Southern Baptist Unite


If you are a Southern Baptist, or just a christian in general, come join us!

1. [Leelo]~Founder of the wiki
3. [RabidSphinx]
4. [elevate]
Southern Baptist banners
NOTE: This wiki is not finnished I am still working on it, people who want to join can, and if they want to help me out, feel free to message me and I'll give you the password.
Thank you,
LeAnna aka [Leelo]
PS: All christians are welcome here, you don't just have to be a baptist, and non-believers are welcome to-as long as trouble don't get stirred here in this wiki, then everyone is welcome!
Another thing: Your probably wondering, what's with all the rainbows, and if this is for the gays. Well if you remember the story Noah's Ark, and remember the rainbow, the rainbow is a symbol of God's promise, he promised he'd never flood the earth with water again. So I thought that it'd be appropreate to put the rainbows up.

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2005-03-05 [RabidSphinx]: MEOW!! i'm Christian...or Luthrin, or SOMETHING!!!! hahaha!

2005-03-05 [RabidSphinx]: ahhhh! Rainebows! the wiki looks like it supports gays...(>.<)

2005-03-05 [Leelo]: Well the rainbow is God's promise, that he would never flood the earth with water again, so I thought rainbows would be appropreate for this christian wiki. The gays can do witht he rainbow what they want, they are only using it to make us christians angry. Just remember the rainbow is God's promise.

2005-03-05 [RabidSphinx]: i know that...but still, gays took the rainbow and made it dirty

2005-03-05 [Leelo]: i know and I took it back and made it clean, read the last thing i wrote X) should clear things up, lol, I'm planning to add more...

2005-03-05 [RabidSphinx]: yeah...i like the notes...and make me a member...(^_-)

2005-03-05 [Leelo]: lol You wanna be a member????

2005-03-05 [RabidSphinx]: i'm christian am i not?

2005-03-05 [Leelo]: Duh LeAnna!! I'll add you!! WHOO!O!! MY FIRST MEMBER!!! YAY!!!

2005-03-05 [RabidSphinx]: yay!

2005-03-05 [Leelo]: What's going on in the catholic wiki??? I'm a bit confused, is it over the mary healing thing???

2005-03-05 [RabidSphinx]: just people being morons...i hate catholics...and pagans...they are all morons

2005-03-05 [Leelo]: Wow.... well I must say i don't agree fully with the catholics, as they with me, but I don't hate them for it....

2005-03-05 [Leelo]: Now pagans I've never got what the pagans believed in.... besides black majic and stuff.... hmmm not my kind of religion

2005-03-05 [RabidSphinx]: they are all about their being a mother creator, and dream walking, and spirits, and auras and shit like that...and catholics have their hearts in the right place, but are too stupid to do the right thing...they are all brainwashed and give us religious people a bad name

2005-03-05 [Leelo]: hmmm... ok

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