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Students of gayness [Logged in view]
2011-03-10 11:25:29
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k gimme a minute :D and [
wolvie] call's ron weasley so ha! but i hate harry so someone else be him please? well i don't hate him i just think he can be a whinny bitch at times >.> xD
What year are you in: [
1-7 :D]
House: [
Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin]
Short History:
Any other Info you wish to share:
k *attempts to be serious*
Username: [
Name: Ron Weasley :D [
woo i lovers Ron :D]
Age: 13
What year are you in: 3 [
shut up! it's my favorite book :D]
Sexuality: Bi :D
House: Gryffindor
Short History: He has 5 older brothers [
i think lemme see bill, charlie, fred, george, percy the lame...that's all right?] he's extremely poor, he feels that no matter what he does he'll never be recognized for his accomplishment
s since someone else has most likel already done it. He isn't the brightest one but damnit he tries :D
Any other Info you wish to share: he can transfigure into a lion for unknown reasons xD oh and he hates spiders >.>
pfffffft so he doesn't look 13 i don't care xD

His pet rat (who isn't really a rat but an evil fool in disguise oh snap! :O)
scabbers :D
Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Name: Aidan Morrow
Age: 17
What year are you in: 7
Sexuality: Bi
House: Slytherin
Short History: he comes from a very rich family and has a long line of family members who were also in the slytherin house so it was only proper for him to be in there as well he fits in somewhat he can be just as cold and uncaring like the others but around certain people he shows a softer side.
Any other Info you wish to share: he can shift into a wolf ^^

Name: Gwen Sparrow
Age: 13
What year are you in: 3
Sexuality: Straight
House: Gryffindor
Short History: she's always been the quiet one and keeps mostly to herself. but she has a few close friends she's not rich but she's not poor either she's sorta in the middle but a little closer to the poor side she doesnt really think money is all that that the only thing its good for is survival like for getting food and nothing else
Any other Info you wish to share: none that i know of :D

Username:[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name:Luna Lovegood
What year are you in: 3
House:Ravenclaw (I think...We're going with that)
Short History: Luna lost her mother when she was nine. Her mother liked to experiment. Everyone calls her and her father crazy because the things they say are somethimes a bit out there, and while it might sound odd, they're actually very intelligent.
Any other Info you wish to share:Her favorite pair of earings are made to look like Radishes...Oh, and her father produces Quibler..

Name:Amanda Lestrange
What year are you in: 5
House: Slytherin
Short History:She was born in Azcaban prision, her mother is yes...Bellatrix, her father is unknown. Because of her last name, people have either teased her about her mother, or feared her. She in truth, is actually pretty kind, but has a temper and doesn't really like big crowds.
Any other Info you wish to

Username:[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name:Harry Potter
What year are you in: 3
Short History:Son of Lily and James Potter, parents were killed when he was a baby. Survived the killing curse, but now has a scar from it. Was raised by his evil Aunt and Uncle, tormented by Dudley. Had no idea he was a wizard-because that was Dumbledor's plan. Found out he was a wizard, finally got to go to school, made friends with Ron and Hermione(sp?) and of course, Hagrid. Found that he's good in Defense against the Dark Arts, and great at Qudditch.. Not so good with potions. [Is there anything I missed? If I did, ya'll should know it by now.]
Any other Info you wish to share:Nope

Username:[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Jade Redfern
What year are you in:6
Short History:Her father was a wizard and he was twenty-five years old when he fell for Jade's mother, a muggle. A year later they were married. Another year passes and there was Jade. And then six years later, never really gotten used to this whole new magical side of things, her mother moved out. She just didn't want to be apart of that world anymore. Jade remained with her father but her mother stayed close by. And then the long anticipated letter came - and Jade was off to Hogwarts. It turned out she had a gift for Charms and excelled in History of Magic. But she'd have to work very hard for Transfiguration to make that work. Jade also showed great potential as a Chaser and has been on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team for three years now. Because of this and because of her Charms talent she's part of the 'Slug Club'.
Any other Info you wish to share:Nah

Username:[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Mark Mulciber
What year are you in:4
Short History:Mark is from an old wizarding family and, until he went to Hogwarts, he lived in Lincolnshire. His parents tried to give him an early start with magic and when he went to Hogwarts he was well ahead of the year. Throw in his natural talent and he quickly made a name for himself. Mark was never that hardworking though and never really worked that hard in lessons or out of them so after a while he ended up in about the middle of each class but still had a reputation as being smart. His relaxed and unassuming attitude earned him a reliable group of friends. He generally tends to be quite lazy and the only thing he really puts any effort into is his Quidditch which he lacks any talent in.
Any other Info you wish to share:He is the son of Tom Marvolo Riddle but he dosen't know it...yet lolz

Username: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Name:Scorpious Malfoy
House: Slthryin
Short History:He lived hapily with his parents in Colorado, he was a happy-go-lucky kid. He didn't have absolutetly everything handed to him like his father had. When he was six, he watch Vee torture and kill his mother while X made him watch. X then preformed the killing curse on him, but much like Harry Potter, he didn't die. He was left with what looks like burns along his chest and arms. He was in acoma when his father died. When he finally did wake up, he was sent to his Uncle's on his mother's side. When he got to Monarch, it was difficult to sort him, but he's happy with where he is. His biggest rival was once Luna Blackheart, but slowly they became friends, despite house differences. He also has a crush on her...He's also an Animagus
Personality:He seems standoffish, but in truth he cares. He's brave, strong, wize, and some would say calculating.
Any other info you wish to share?: Good or Bad?:Good
Pet: He wants a dragon...srsly, but he instead has a Phoenix.
Animagus: Tiger
What year are you in:6
Short History:(thinking)
Any other Info you wish to share:O.O secert

What year are you in:3
House: Gryffindor
Short History:(thinking)
Any other Info you wish to share:

Name:Praenuntius Piculiarium [That's close to his last name...]
House: Slytherin
Age: 16
Year: 5
Gender: Male
Sexuality: STRAIGHT [That means no making him bi kitt ^^]
Other Information:Ebil beyond all imagineation...can be considered...even though he's not...the very son of Voldermort. He's also, like Voldermort, a parseltongue, and is a animagus, his animagus is...a 21 foot Boa constricter

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