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2010-09-28 21:01:45
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Back to:Siren's Treasure or The Merfolk

Job tittle:

Username:[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name:everyone calls him Zuki
Race:Half deamon half nymph
Job tittle:cook and the main sharp shooter
Personality:He's an ass basically, and he'll kill any merfolk that he spots
History:His dad was abusive and killed his mom when he was four. He left home when he was ten, beoming a pirate

Username: [Lord Starscream]
Name: Chris Overdarf + Tai
Age: 16 + Age unknown
Race: human + Devil
Job tittle: Bounty Hunter+Help
Description: Chris is short for her age, has short blond hair, not very curvy in any aspect, and look way younger then she is. Tai is a little over 5 inches taller then Chris, has white hair that is spiked down, and is very slender
Personality: Chris is very polite to anyone she's just met. However, she has a very short temper, especially towards Tai, who sets her off at every turn, and is very trigger happy with her gun. Tai is very sarcastic, and a smartass. He loves picking on Chris, even though he usually gets hit (hard) for it.
History: Chris came from a fishing comunity and met Tai(who doesn't remember anything until a month before he met Chris. Even then, he just woke up, clothed and knowing only his name and that he was a vampire(lie)) 3 years after being a bounty hunger. The two never liked echother, but were bound by a crazy old woman for no reason (they say). Now, when one gets hurt, the other feels it. When one dies, so does the other. They can't get 1 mile away from eachother, if they do, they can't go any further. Ever since then, they've stuck to eachother, arguing and working together.
Other: Chris is very knowledgable when it comes to mythical beings, and has to explain things to Tai. Whatever she doesn't know, she has a book, filling with all information on nearly everything. Her favorite weapon is a gun that had been passed down through her family.

Username:[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name:Osari(Pronounced like oh sorry)
Job title:Ship maitanence(Well, when there was a ship)
Decription:She doesn't speak, ever
Personality:She's curious, sometimes a little too curious. Very little ever really makes her mad, the one thing that really gets to her is when people make of her name, using it as an apology instead of her name.
History:She born and raised on a pirates ship, and when her father was alive, he was the best, most illusive pirate. Now, the reason she doesn't speak is alittle complicated. Her father and the crew loved her dearly,but feared in her young age she wouldn't be able to keep her mouth shut. So, they took her to a Warlock and had him place a spell on her. She's able to scream and grunt and such, but she can't talk. There are only a few people who can remove the spell, and most of them are dead.
Other:She's really the only one who can get away with making Zuki angery.

Username:[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name:Nicholas Borelli
Job tittle:None on the ship. He's the future Borelli mob boss
Personality:He's pretty quite. He can be cold and ruthless when he needs to but has a good sense of humor
History:He's been going on jobs with his father sense he was 13, when his mother was killed. he's already well known in the bissness ad by the feds, who can't catch him.
Other:There's a four million bounty for him but you have to have evidence of four different 'transactions' and his confession

Name:Maritren Garinet
Race:Elementalist(still human just had opened chakra)
Job title: Crew management/firepower
Description: His job was to organize work for the ship and he also maintained the weapons and ran the firing crew and ammo stashes.
Personality: Calculating, smart some people call him arrogant but he thinks hes just confident.
History:He was a close friend of the captain when they were on the sea but he never truly trusted him until the captain gave him his own saber in a show of respect.He trained for 4 years in jiu jitsu and other martial arts, mainly Jiu Jitsu and Judo. He was taken from his family when he was born to a small port town where the last of the elementalists lived. Everyone called the old man 'Shaman' and he is where Mariten learned his control over Water and Earth which are the only two he can currently manipulate.
Other: His weaponry consist of the captain's old Sabre which is imbued with a potent unending supply of poison and his martial arts. Mariten also has an old-style pirate pistol and his elemental control.

Username: [Tis gone but never gone]
Name: Susanna Argeneau
Age: 23
Race: Seer
Job tittle: Cook and ship's seer
Personality: Loud, fun but has a temper
History: Susanna's family all died in a huge house fire but only she lived because she forsaw the fire, sadly no one in her family didn't listen to her. So she was alone from the age of 13, she walked from town to town looking for work then she found it in a inn. She worked in the inn until the owner died of an illness. She later found the pirate's and became there cook and seer.

Username:[Sonya Blue]
Job tittle:
Personality:Outgoing, fun loving person.

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2010-04-17 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Woot, someone joined!Yay!

2010-04-17 [GlassCasket]: nom nom nom...*ninja sneak*

2010-04-17 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: lol

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