# of watchers: 20
| D20: 20 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "Nice place he has"
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan walks back in a few minutes later
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen is still looking around.
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan looks at Vixen and tilts his head a little, watching her
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen turns around then jumps when she see's Logan, "Im sorry I was just looking around"
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan smiles, "Don't be sorry, I don't care"
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen smiles back, "well ok then"
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods then gets a beer out of the fridge, "You want anything?"
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen shakes her head, "no thank you"
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "You sure?"
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "Yes im sure"
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan, "ALright then"
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen nods then sits down.
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan drinks his beer and yawns
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "You sleepy?"
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan, "No just bored"
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "well then do something"
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: logan, "Too lazy"
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "well then you have a problem"
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Clearly"
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen shrugs and gets up, "well have fun with that"
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods then gets an idea and goes outside to hunt
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen goes for a small walk.
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan huts carefully
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen smiles as she walks.
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan shifts to his wolf form and growls, seeing a bear ahead
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen sits down after awhile to rest.
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan lunges at the bear
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen looks up and then around.
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan yelps a little in pain and tries to keep attacking the bear
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen jumps hearing the yelping then gets up and heads in that direction.
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan shakes his head then manages to kill the bear and pants tiredly
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen walks up to Logan, "you ok?"
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "I think so"
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen nods, "need any help?"
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan shakes his head then shifts back to normal form, "nope I got it covered"
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "oh cool you can shift"
2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "yeah it comes in handy sometimes"
2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "It would seem so"
2009-10-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [ssssssshhhhh dont tell wolvie but we're gonna restart this one for no reason :D so join >.<]
2009-10-09 [WASHACKED]: [can I join :D]
2009-10-09 [ArtworkA]: [tay i join]
2009-10-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [of course you can join and you know it :D ^^]
2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [epics :D]
2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: [OMG Wolvie :O]
2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [hey :D i can only be on tonight v.v sorries i'm having a hard time v.v but if you wants to talk to me you can always txt me :D]
2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: [Tis ok.... so how long for you computer to be fixed?]
2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [i have no clue there's a lot of stuff goin on right now and targus doesn't even have the part i need for now so i don't know what to do v.v]
2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: [Oh that sucks.]
2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [i know >,< pisses me off terribly trust me ooooh i know :D *kills it :D*]
2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: [XD thats always the answer]
2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [of course :D]
2009-11-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [yay? o.o]
2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [errrrrrrr....yes :D]
2009-11-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [well tay then :D]
2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [and pfffffffft nice try to restart mai wiki without me knowing :D]
2009-11-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [err you woulda found out eventually :D]
2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [so very true :D]
2009-11-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [of course :D]
2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [woot?]
2009-11-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [ness :D]
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [omg i forgot this one XD clearly it never got restarted properly XD]
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [well damn XD]
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [i blame uhhhhhh nick XD]
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [that works for me XD]
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [and me XD]
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: [And me XD]
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [and now we know its here XD]
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [or do we? @_@]
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [i hope so?]
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [me two otherwise we're in deep shit XD]
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: [XD I remember when I first joined this one,]
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [woo XD]
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [i remember makin it but that's it XD now then kitteh you get to not start but silverline does :D]
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [well alright works for me :D]
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: [gah >.< Losers XD]
Kait walked along the side of the road
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [lovers you :D]
Logan is walking along the road and frowning
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [you know you love us XD]
Vix yawned sitting up slowly looking around.
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: [Oh yeah, thats right. I loves you.]
Kait chewed her lip and looked at her feet as she walked
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue sighed sitting at home "ugh so bored"
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan growls softly, feeling James trying to take controll over him, damnit james no...
Bruce is walking up a random road singing to himself
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix looks around "kira? where'd you lead me?"
Rogue shrugs then goes out and for a walk down the street
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Bruce isn't paying attention and walks right into Kait, "eep shit I'm sorry"
Logan growls then collapses as James takes over the controll
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: [Has this been restarted since you came back???]
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait falls on her ass and looks up at Bruce
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [it just restarted about 10 min ago XD]
Rogue tilts her head walking over to logan/james "you ok sir?" she says not realizing its james.
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: [XD nice]
Marius walked down the road
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Bruce offers a hand to help her up, "So so so sorry ma'am"
James smirks, recognizing Rogue's voice as he looks over, "Hello Rogue"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait blushed "No, its okay, I should have been paying attention"
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue backs away "oh god..."
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles softly, "So should I"
James gets up and smiles, "Awe what's wrong their Rogue?"
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shakes "leave me alone"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiled back as she brushed herself off
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Bruce, "So ummm I'll see ya later?"
James smirks, "Why?"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chuckled, "Sure, I'm Kait by the way,"
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "I'm Bruce"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait shakes his hand "Nice to meet you,"
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Bruce shakes hers as well, "And you two ma'am"
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shakes more tryin to back away more then trips falling on her butt.
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chuckled awkwardly, "Well, See you,"
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: James smirks, "Your path--" he starts then growls, "damnit logan leave me alone!"
Bruce nods, bowing sligthtly then starts walking again
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait kept walking, looking back down at her shoes
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shakes watching him logan?
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius walked down the road not looking where he was going
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait tripped and fell into Marius
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: James snarls in anger as Logan regains the controll then sits up looking around confused
Bruce whistles softly as he walks
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius caught her, "You OK?"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait blushed "Yeah, sorry,"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius shugged, "It's alright I wasn;t watching where I was going."
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiled a bit, "Nah, I was the one that tripped."
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius chukled, "Nah I wasn't looking."
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shakes "who're you?"
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan shakes his head, "Logan...who'r
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiled "So where are you headed?"
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "im rogue"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius shugged, "Coffee I was thinking than home, you?"
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Do I know you?"
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shakes her head "i dont believe so"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiled "I don;t really know where I'm headed, mind if I join you?"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "Nope it's fine don't have to be the guy all alone in the cafe." He smiled
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods and sighs, "So what happend?"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiles back "Cool,"
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue looks around "did you see where james went?"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius nodded and started walking
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan, "james? uhhh welll...i beat him for now.."
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue looks confused "beat him?"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait walked beside him
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "I'm Marius."
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: "I'm Kait,"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius nodded, "Cool name."
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logna, "He's my split personality i know it doesn't make much sense"
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "do you remember anything he does?"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chuckled
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan shakes his head, "No"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius smiled and held open the door to the cofe for her
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait walked in
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue sighs with relief "good"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius fallowed her in
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan, "Why?" he asks, instantly curious
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue jumps "i'd rather not say"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait ordered her coffee and sat down
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius ordered his and sat by her
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Alright and for what it's worth i'm sorry for whatecer he's done to you"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiled
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max smilede back, "So how old are you?"
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shrugs "I guess"
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan sighs and gets up, dusting himself off
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait, "I'm fifteen, you?"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "16."
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "well thanks for the apology"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait nodded a little "Cool,"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius nodded and sipped his coffee
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait drank her coffee
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Welcome"
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue gets up dusting off her butt.
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius drank his
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan, "Well see ya kid take care of yourself"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chewed her lip. He smells different...
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius glanced at her, "You ok just your looking at me weirdly."|
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nods "will do"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait blushed "Yeah I'm fine, sorry,"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius raised an eyebrow at her
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods then starts walkinga gain, not wanting to bother Rogue anymore
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue sighs i thought i'd never see him again
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait blushed more and sipped her coffee
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "So why the weird look?"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait shrugged
2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan frowns, wonder what he did to that poor girl...
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue starts walking im so glad he's gone
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius frowned
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait raised an eyebrow "Why the frown?"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius shugged
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chuckled, "So do you go to school here in town?"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "The collage, I skiped a few grades."
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiled "Thats awesome,"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius nodded, "Yep, what about you?"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait, "I was home schooled, graduated early"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius nodded
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait finished her coffee and threw away the cup
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius finshed his and tossed his
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chewed her lip "So I guess you'll be going home then?"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius shugged, "Yeah, I can walk you home first."
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait shook her head quickly "No its okay,"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "Naw it's fine I will, I have nothing to do at home anyways."
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chewed her lip. "Well, you could walk me to the park"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius raised an eyebrow, "You live by there?"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait, "Umm yeah,"
2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "Or you live there at the park??"
2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chewed her lip "I'm kinda between places right now,"
2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue frowned lightly though that man didnt know about it
2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha walked down the street very happy with herself because she has finally got a day off from all three jobs
2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen hummed softly as she walked happy that her other half Kira was sound asleep
2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha rolled her shoudlers as she walked
2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Marius frowne at her
2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha walked more
2010-02-26 [wolvie]: [jerks >.< :D what happend?]
2010-02-26 [wolvie]: [epics XD]
Bruce trips over his big ass feet >.<
Logan walks by then laughs at Bruce :D
2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen tilts her head seeing Bruce then walks over "you ok sir?"
2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha hummed as she walked
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