Page name: the ultimate rpg: a new begining [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-04 15:33:44
Last author: Tis gone but never gone
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 20
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From the creator of The Ultimate RPG come The Ultimate RPG: A New Begining

This wiki is very similair to The Ultimate RPG in that you can be whatever you want and have whatever powers you want, however I want this wiki to be a little more open for instance, The Ultimate RPG you need my permission to join or even look at, this one I want everyone to be able to join and feel free to RP. If however people are asses again I will probably get pissed and make this password protected so you have been warned.

A little background info for you all:
Since we have all sorts of charectors in this wiki, background info is too hard to post, if you wish you may put indiviual charector background info on your info

Here are the official Rules of this wiki, obey them and you shall be fine, disobey them and [wolvie] shall get pissed off majorly
Rule 1:
DO NOT INSULT OTHER PEOPLES CHARECTORS!!!! Everybody is unique and look at things in a unique way so play nice damnit!
Rule 2:
Swearing is alright however, do not use racial or sexist terms or I will kick your sorry ass out
Rule 3:
This is just a game, please do not get all emo if something happens on here that you didnt want to (ie: a girl you wanted falls for someone else) again this is not the real world calm down peoples
Rule 4:
THIS IS NOT A FUCKING CHAT WIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you want to chat please either go to Wolvie's chat of doom or the loosers club. Any and all chat comments shall be deleted
Rule 5:
NO KILLING OF CHARECTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One more time and this wiki goes password not joking!!!!

I may add more rules later so be aware of that, now then lets get this started to join just fill out your information like i did, right here 
Here is the member page add your info here thank you
Note: You may have a MAX of 3 pics

Full Name: Logan/ other personality: James
Alias's: Wolverine, Wolvie
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Powers: Heals rapidly from virtually all wounds, has animal like senses, has retractable claws that come out of the knuckles, has an unbreakable adamantium skeleton, has no memories of his past life, was part of the Weapon X experiment, and can turn into a wolf at will
Has a dark half named James that takes controll over him at times and is pure evil
Weapons: Retractable claws, uses guns from time to time
Logan & the amazing L.T. ----><img:>
James ----><img:>
Wolf form ----><img:>

Full Name: Bruce Dickinson [he's fun :D]
Alias': errrr....Brucey :D
Age: 23 [for he is magicly young again yay :D]
Gender: Male
Powers: he is evils :D nah not really he is like a kickass singer and haas kickass singing abilities? o.0 no wait i know :D he can heal others but not himself and this causes a horrible drain on him
Weapons: he doesn't like em :0

Full Name: Spike
Alias': none yet
Age: 1 year old
Gender: Male
Powers: he's a fire demon dog, he can make fire out of nothing and use it to attack anything/anyone he finds as a threat however he's a puppy and really has a very sweet disposition, he used to belong to James who constantly abused him to try and make him as mean as possible, he fears James and tries to do his best to please him to avoid his wrath
Weapons: his teeth and fire

Full name: Vixen Takoma/ other personality: Kira
Alias: Vix
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Powers: telepathy, spells, automatic healing, control of demons and angels, able to take other or copy others powers, has a split personality one is good the other was evil but for some odd reason has changed
Kira---> <img:stuff/aj/49600/kira-neko.jpg>
Vix---> <img:>

Full name: Anna Marie
Alias: Rogue
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Powers: she can drain the energy (life), memories, and in the case of mutants their powers and adapt them as her own
Other info: [for the hell of it :D] her family is known to logan but not when he's logan her family are good friends with his other side James and she is deathly afraid of James for reasons known only to her and him.

Full Name: Liza Kornakova
Alias: n/a
Age: 18
Gender: female
Powers: she can control fire and teleport and has almost figured out time travel
Other info:errr cheese xd

character name: Kait
Race/species:[Silverline]-style vampire
Powers:can see into future or past,create force fields, and influence thoughts/actions of others. Has deadly accurate aim.
Weapons: Anything she can get her hands on. Almost never uses guns.
History:(workin on it)
[picture coming soon]

Full name: Marius Vergilius
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Werwolf
Powers: He can turn in to a wolf at will.
Weapons: He fights as a wolf, or any thing close.
History: He lived with his uncle till he was ten when his uncle was killed. He now just travels.

If you have any questions just message [wolvie] dont post question on the RPG area they will be ignored and deleted

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "Nice place he has"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan walks back in a few minutes later

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen is still looking around.

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan looks at Vixen and tilts his head a little, watching her

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen turns around then jumps when she see's Logan, "Im sorry I was just looking around"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan smiles, "Don't be sorry, I don't care"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen smiles back, "well ok then"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods then gets a beer out of the fridge, "You want anything?"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen shakes her head, "no thank you"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "You sure?"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "Yes im sure"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan, "ALright then"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen nods then sits down.

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan drinks his beer and yawns

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "You sleepy?"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan, "No just bored"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "well then do something"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: logan, "Too lazy"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "well then you have a problem"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Clearly"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen shrugs and gets up, "well have fun with that"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods then gets an idea and goes outside to hunt

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen goes for a small walk.

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan huts carefully

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen smiles as she walks.

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan shifts to his wolf form and growls, seeing a bear ahead

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen sits down after awhile to rest.

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan lunges at the bear

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen looks up and then around.

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan yelps a little in pain and tries to keep attacking the bear

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen jumps hearing the yelping then gets up and heads in that direction.

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan shakes his head then manages to kill the bear and pants tiredly

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen walks up to Logan, "you ok?"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "I think so"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen nods, "need any help?"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan shakes his head then shifts back to normal form, "nope I got it covered"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "oh cool you can shift"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "yeah it comes in handy sometimes"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "It would seem so"

2009-10-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [ssssssshhhhh dont tell wolvie but we're gonna restart this one for no reason :D so join >.<]

2009-10-09 [WASHACKED]: [can I join :D]

2009-10-09 [ArtworkA]: [tay i join]

2009-10-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [of course you can join and you know it :D ^^]

2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [epics :D]

2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: [OMG Wolvie :O]

2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [hey :D i can only be on tonight v.v sorries i'm having a hard time v.v but if you wants to talk to me you can always txt me :D]

2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: [Tis ok.... so how long for you computer to be fixed?]

2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [i have no clue there's a lot of stuff goin on right now and targus doesn't even have the part i need for now so i don't know what to do v.v]

2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: [Oh that sucks.]

2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [i know >,< pisses me off terribly trust me ooooh i know :D *kills it :D*]

2009-11-14 [WASHACKED]: [XD thats always the answer]

2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [of course :D]

2009-11-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [yay? o.o]

2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [errrrrrrr....yes :D]

2009-11-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [well tay then :D]

2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [and pfffffffft nice try to restart mai wiki without me knowing :D]

2009-11-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [err you woulda found out eventually :D]

2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [so very true :D]

2009-11-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [of course :D]

2009-11-14 [wolvie]: [woot?]

2009-11-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [ness :D]

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [omg i forgot this one XD clearly it never got restarted properly XD]

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [well damn XD]

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [i blame uhhhhhh nick XD]

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [that works for me XD]

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [and me XD]

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: [And me XD]

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [and now we know its here XD]

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [or do we? @_@]

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [i hope so?]

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [me two otherwise we're in deep shit XD]

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: [XD I remember when I first joined this one,]

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [woo XD]

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [i remember makin it but that's it XD now then kitteh you get to not start but silverline does :D]

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [well alright works for me :D]

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: [gah >.< Losers XD]

Kait walked along the side of the road

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: [lovers you :D]

Logan is walking along the road and frowning

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [you know you love us XD]

Vix yawned sitting up slowly looking around.

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: [Oh yeah, thats right. I loves you.]

Kait chewed her lip and looked at her feet as she walked

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue sighed sitting at home "ugh so bored"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan growls softly, feeling James trying to take controll over him, damnit james no...

Bruce is walking up a random road singing to himself

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix looks around "kira? where'd you lead me?"

Rogue shrugs then goes out and for a walk down the street

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Bruce isn't paying attention and walks right into Kait, "eep shit I'm sorry"

Logan growls then collapses as James takes over the controll

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: [Has this been restarted since you came back???]

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait falls on her ass and looks up at Bruce

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [it just restarted about 10 min ago XD]

Rogue tilts her head walking over to logan/james "you ok sir?" she says not realizing its james.

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: [XD nice]

Marius walked down the road

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Bruce offers a hand to help her up, "So so so sorry ma'am"

James smirks, recognizing Rogue's voice as he looks over, "Hello Rogue"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait blushed "No, its okay, I should have been paying attention"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue backs away "oh god..."

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles softly, "So should I"

James gets up and smiles, "Awe what's wrong their Rogue?"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shakes "leave me alone"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiled back as she brushed herself off

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Bruce, "So ummm I'll see ya later?"

James smirks, "Why?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chuckled, "Sure, I'm Kait by the way,"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "I'm Bruce"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait shakes his hand "Nice to meet you,"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Bruce shakes hers as well, "And you two ma'am"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shakes more tryin to back away more then trips falling on her butt.

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chuckled awkwardly, "Well, See you,"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: James smirks, "Your path--" he starts then growls, "damnit logan leave me alone!"

Bruce nods, bowing sligthtly then starts walking again

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait kept walking, looking back down at her shoes

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shakes watching him logan?

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius walked down the road not looking where he was going

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait tripped and fell into Marius

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: James snarls in anger as Logan regains the controll then sits up looking around confused

Bruce whistles softly as he walks

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius caught her, "You OK?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait blushed "Yeah, sorry,"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius shugged, "It's alright I wasn;t watching where I was going."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiled a bit, "Nah, I was the one that tripped."

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius chukled, "Nah I wasn't looking."

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shakes "who're you?"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan shakes his head, "Logan...who're you?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiled "So where are you headed?"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "im rogue"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius shugged, "Coffee I was thinking than home, you?"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Do I know you?"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shakes her head "i dont believe so"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiled "I don;t really know where I'm headed, mind if I join you?"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "Nope it's fine don't have to be the guy all alone in the cafe." He smiled

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods and sighs, "So what happend?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiles back "Cool,"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue looks around "did you see where james went?"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius nodded and started walking

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan, "james? uhhh welll...i beat him for now.."

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue looks confused "beat him?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait walked beside him

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "I'm Marius."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: "I'm Kait,"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius nodded, "Cool name."

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logna, "He's my split personality i know it doesn't make much sense"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "do you remember anything he does?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chuckled

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan shakes his head, "No"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius smiled and held open the door to the cofe for her

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait walked in

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue sighs with relief "good"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius fallowed her in

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan, "Why?" he asks, instantly curious

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue jumps "i'd rather not say"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait ordered her coffee and sat down

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius ordered his and sat by her

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Alright and for what it's worth i'm sorry for whatecer he's done to you"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiled

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Max smilede back, "So how old are you?"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue shrugs "I guess"

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan sighs and gets up, dusting himself off

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait, "I'm fifteen, you?"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "16."

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "well thanks for the apology"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait nodded a little "Cool,"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius nodded and sipped his coffee

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait drank her coffee

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Welcome"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue gets up dusting off her butt.

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius drank his

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan, "Well see ya kid take care of yourself"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chewed her lip. He smells different...

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius glanced at her, "You ok just your looking at me weirdly."|

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue nods "will do"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait blushed "Yeah I'm fine, sorry,"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius raised an eyebrow at her

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan nods then starts walkinga gain, not wanting to bother Rogue anymore

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue sighs i thought i'd never see him again

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait blushed more and sipped her coffee

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "So why the weird look?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait shrugged

2010-02-25 [wolvie]: Logan frowns, wonder what he did to that poor girl...

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue starts walking im so glad he's gone

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius frowned

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait raised an eyebrow "Why the frown?"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius shugged

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chuckled, "So do you go to school here in town?"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "The collage, I skiped a few grades."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait smiled "Thats awesome,"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius nodded, "Yep, what about you?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait, "I was home schooled, graduated early"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius nodded

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait finished her coffee and threw away the cup

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius finshed his and tossed his

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chewed her lip "So I guess you'll be going home then?"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius shugged, "Yeah, I can walk you home first."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait shook her head quickly "No its okay,"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "Naw it's fine I will, I have nothing to do at home anyways."

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chewed her lip. "Well, you could walk me to the park"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius raised an eyebrow, "You live by there?"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait, "Umm yeah,"

2010-02-25 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "Or you live there at the park??"

2010-02-25 [Silverline]: Kait chewed her lip "I'm kinda between places right now,"

2010-02-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue frowned lightly though that man didnt know about it

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha walked down the street very happy with herself because she has finally got a day off from all three jobs

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen hummed softly as she walked happy that her other half Kira was sound asleep

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha rolled her shoudlers as she walked

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Marius frowne at her

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha walked more

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: [jerks >.< :D what happend?]

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [people still walkin XD]

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: [epics XD]

Bruce trips over his big ass feet >.<

Logan walks by then laughs at Bruce :D

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen tilts her head seeing Bruce then walks over "you ok sir?"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha hummed as she walked

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