# of watchers: 5
| D20: 6 |
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Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Morning or should I say night class." Yagari chuckled.
2010-04-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka, Rima and Aido looked at Yagari
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Anyone like notes" Yagari.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smiled as she grabbed his hand.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko walked with her down the street.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki glanced at aiko and smiled brightly. "love ya." she said sweetly.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: AIko kisses her forhead. "I love you too"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smiled softly as she tightened her grip on his hand as they entered the club.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: The music pulsed around them has people danced closely, Aiko lead her through the club.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smiled as she held tightly to his hand as to not be swept away in the crowd.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko came to a stop in the middle of the club and turns around and pulls her to him.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki blushes and smiles as she holds him tightly.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko starts adancind with her has he held her close. "Can you dance?"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki blushed hard and shook her head. "not very well. i can only slow dance." she said.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Im going to have to teach you to dance" Aiko smiled when a mean looking guy pushed Mizuki.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki fell to the ground. she stood up and growled. "whats your problem man?!" she asked angrily.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: He turned to face her and snarled back. "Shut the fuck up you creature."
Aiko growled at the man. "Dont you talk to her like that you fucking fat ass loser"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki growled fiercely. "shut up!!!!" she yelled. she then punched the hell outta him and stood her ground growling still.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: The man didnt seem hurt by her hits. "What was that, bitch? You cant hit like shit" The man goes to hit her but Aiko steps in the way and gets punched in the stmoach.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki gasps and growls fiercely baring her fangs. "ill kill you for that..." she said growling and walking towards him.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: The mna grabs her by her neck and tosses her backwards. "Fuck off vamp"
Aiko jumps up and tackles into him but gets tossed back has well.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki gasps and coughs and stands up weakly. "i dont...g-give up t-that easily..." she growled.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: The manager of the club steps forward and snaps. "Take this outside you people, now"
The man nods and heads for the door. "Come on yuo weak ass vamps"
Aiko growls\ed and bared his fangs.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki appears outside waiting for the man. "im waiting fat ass." she growled.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: AIko appears next to her. "He deserves to die"
The man spits to the ground and staps forward, "Im going to in joy killing you vamps from hell"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki growls fiercely. "you take the right i get the left." she said whispering to aiko. she then attacked from the right. she bore her fangs ready to bite.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: AIko nodded and went at him from the right.
The man smirked know they would do this.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki growled and then saw his smirk and grabbed aiko and backed away quickly. "he knows...we have to confuse him somehow." she whispered.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: The man rolled his eyes. "Bitch you really think any of your plans will work, like a confusion plan come on do better."
"I will fucking kill yuo" AIko launches for him, but the man side steps and stabes a blade into his arm.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki gasped and grabbed aiko. "damn it all! what do you want?! we were just having a good time out dancing!" she yelled. her tears hit aiko's wound and surprisingly started to heal it.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Thank you Mizuki. I will be fine" Aiko kissed her softly.
"You vamps make me sick and I love picking out vamps and killing them" The man chuckled.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki whimpered and nodded as she kissed back just as soft. "alright you bastard. your going down one way or another." she said baring her fangs as she felt a new strength.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Mizuki here drink some" Aiko bit his arm. "It will help you become stronger"
"Bring it bitch!" The man smirks.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki nodded as she drunk from him. her eyes glowed a pitch black as she stared at the man. she released aiko and glared at the man. her voice became more demonic. "what did you just call me you bastard?" she asked as her whole body transformed as if she had a new power flowing through her.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: The man stepped back and blinked. "Damn this is new"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki growled. "you wanted me to bring it...and now its brought damn it." she said growling as she charged for him. her hand went straight through his stomach. "die." she said smirking as she twisted her arm around in his stomach. she then swirled her arm up and grabbed his heart. "heh..i could squish this easily. any last words?" she asked holding his heart in her bare hands.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "This" the man coughs up blood and manages to pull a gun from his pocket and shoots her in the stmoach.
"Mizuki!" Aiko eyes went wide.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki gasps and squishes his heart to dust as she falls to the ground coughing up blood. "i...i killed him...." she coughed. her breathing got weak.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: AIko held her in his arms. "Mizuki! Mizuki! Here drink." Aiko cut a long slash on his wraist and held it over he mouth. "Please be okay"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki sniffed the blood and weakly drank a little and then passed out unable to drink anymore.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko picked her up in his srm and bolted for home.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki laid limply in his arms as he ran.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko laid her on the bed and tapped her face lightly. "Mizuki Mizuki!!!" Aiko took his bleeding arm and held it over her mouth has blood dripped.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: the blood slowly dripped into mizukis mouth as she laid there unable to move and still barely breathing. her body was covered in her blood.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: (ahhh...the drama. ^__^)
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: (Aiko is so flipping out)
Aiko had blood tears running down his face has he tryed to save mizuki. "Mizuki please wake"
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [What's the time of day?]
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [nighttime right now. ^^]
mizukis breathing slowed to a halt for a few long seconds for aiko. her body went cold.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: AIko held her to him and rocked slowly. "Mizuki"
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Locations ^^]
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [well mizuki is with aiko at aiko's house. dont know bout everyone else]
mizuki took a big gasp of air and weakly opened her eyes. she weakly caressed aikos cheek and smiles weakly.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [:/ so yer not at school?]
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [noz...i was just at a club with aiko. im on the evil side. i was trying to destroy everyone at the school but had to leave in fear of getting destroyed. im at aikos house on the brink of dieing. lol]
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Can I come, cause Seamus is evil ^^]
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [lolz. not at the moment. mizuki and aiko are a little worried. we're not at the club anymore. like i said before. we're at aikos house. away from everyone except his sister rei.]
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Awh, I has no ones to rp with, I'll wait a bit then if you'd prefer :D]
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [that'll be fine. ^^ we'll just say that you stumble upon the house. lol]
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: [put him in the evil wiki profile^^]
Aiko had blood all down his face and smiled has he hugged her. "Mizuki your alright"
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [When now or later, I r confused, I could be escaping hunters! and break into the house]
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki whimpered weakly. she smelt his blood and weakly reached for his arm.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [put him in the evil wiki right now. ^^ that wayz you can be evil as well. ^^ hehe and yes you can break into da house when me n aiko ish asleepers.]
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: AIko lowered his arm to her. "Here"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki drank hungrily. a few minutes later she released his arm and panted softly. "......aiko?"
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Dun see where to put evil!]
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Mizuki Im here" AIko smiled.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [click on the vampire knight link above the pictures and then look for the evilest of evil link]
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki coughed slightly and whimpered. "w-what happened? d-did he die?" she asked.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [YAY! I r ebil nao]
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: [haha yesh chu are]
"We got into a fight with a vampire killer and you killed him befor he.....shoot you" AIko frowned.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus had been running as fast as he could, why he ventured away from teh school was beyond him. Maybe it wasn't the best of ideas, for now he was being tracked by hunters, those who intended to kill him. Seeing a house, that looked completely empty, his survival instincts took over and he bum rushed the door, slamming his body into it, and sending it flying off it's hinges, rolling straight to the side, he'd enter what ever room was there, kitchen highly doubtful, living room maybe?
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [woot!]
mizuki caressed his face again and smiled weakly. "but im fine now...thanks to you aiko my love." she said. she then gasped and weakly turned her head at the loud sound.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [I hope you read his profile, he has lots of piercings]
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [havent read it yet hun but i will. ^^]
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko laid her gently on the bed. "Wait here Mizuki" AIko went to the loud crash.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki nodded and laid on the bed. she sat up weakly and listened.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [You are worth exactly $2,684,096]
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus heard voices inside. "For the love o' Mike." he muttered beneath his breath and hurried off into the next room. The hunters past by the house, still searching for him, unaware that they just passed the home he was in.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Who are you" Aiko growled.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki listened closely.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus could of sworn there was humans inhabiting this place, but from the tone of that voice, it was entirely false. Noting that it was safe to come out, he took a step back into hte room where he crashed into, and stepped into view of Aiko. "Seamus McKnight, boyyo." he'd say.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Boyyo? And what the hell do you think your doing crashing into my home like that eh?" Aiko slightly growled.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki peeked through the crack in the door.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus nodded. "Aye, boyyo, common term used when the age is unknown, boyyo." he'd say offering a small polite nod. As for the question, that he'd get to after peaking out the window, noticing the close was clear. "Hunters, three of them." he'd say, directing his attention back to Aiko.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Okay well please stop calling me boyyo. And you bring them here. They going to kill us all now" Aiko.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki gasped from the other side of the door.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus shook his head. "No lad, dey're not, dey went down da street, we're safe 'ere." he'd say with a over conficent nod. WHen he heard the gasp, he looked up and canted his head to the side. "Ye not alone?" he'd question the male, uncaring either way, but the voice he recognized, the gasp, was of a female.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Its Aiko not lad okay. And those are hunters so dont go being to confident, eh. And no we are not, my girl Mizuki is here" Aiko sighed.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki peeked her head out weakly and glanced at aiko. "c-can i come out?" she asked.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus shrugged at the mans 'don't be confident' speech. "Anyway, dun I know ye from da school? Da name Aiko sounds familiar." he'd question. Turning his head toward Mizuki, he'd nod. "Up ta 'em, but I ain't gonna hurt ye, lass." he'd say, flashing a polite smile and bowing. Every single one of his earrings clanging together like a wind chime.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Yeah I tryed attacking it once. Mizuki its sfae to come out" Aiko nodded.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki nodded and weakly limped towards aiko. she held onto him for support. there was still a huge gun wound in her stomach.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus shrugged. "Thought dat was ye, I'm workin on a plan doe, I tink we can make great comrades, if we put our minds to it." he'd say staring at the hole in the females stomach. "Ye 'aven't 'ealed yet?" he'd ask, canting his head to the side, which he found strange, vampires had a great regeneration rate.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki shook her head softly. "not yet...it just happened not too long ago." she said softly.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko held her gently and looked to him with great interest. "She got hurt bad and she need to drink some more blood, but then you bursted in. And what is your plan?"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki stared at the strange guy.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus nodded softly. "Ye should go rest then, lass." he'd say, pointing back to the room she came from. Though he meant no harm from it, it'd just be better if she got some rest, rather than standing out here and agrovating her injury. "Before I tell ye me plan, would you mind bringing me a glass of water, it'll 'elp with telling ye." he'd say kindly.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki stood her ground still looked at seamus. "and just exactly who are you?"
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Come on Mizuki he is right" Aiko nodded. "You need rest"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki sighed and nodded. she weakly limped back in the bedroom and laid down.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus was just about to answer when Aiko stood up for him. Now that was mighty kind of him, such a nice jesture to do. Anyway, looking toward the man he'd nod. "About dat glass of water." he'd say.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko nodded and walked to the kitchen and came back with a glass. "Here"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [alright guys...since mizuki is going to sleep..im heading off to bed. ^^ dont get to far without me please. ^_^ love ya guys!]
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: [tay and nighty night]
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus took the glass of water and stared at it for a moment. "Such a beautiful element is it not? This object you gave me makes up roughly 65-80% of the body." he'd say with a grin.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko raised one eyebrow."Eh?"
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus looked up to him. "I wasn't actually going to use either of you two as a prime example, and there's not enough moister in this air to proper do anything." he'd say as he tipped the glass over, pouring the water out and letting it descend to the floor. Yet before it had a chance to hit the ground, it stopped and began to gather there, forming a small sphere. "There's so much a hydromancer can do to this world with just this simple ball of water.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko shook his head in confusion. "Alright dude. What the fuck are you trying to say, eh? Cause you sure lost me"
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus looked toward him. "Let me ask you this, what does every building especially school buildings have, that are required by law during the construction process?" he'd ask.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "I dont really know, but go on." Aiko listened.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus blinked. "A sprinkler system, Aikoj," he'd say with a grin, allowing the globe of water to raise up inbetween them, meeting them at their chest. "And whats' in a sprinker system for fires?" he'd ask.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Oh yeah, duh. Totally forgot about that. What does that have to do anything with take down the school?" AIko wondered.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus looked at Aiko with a few blinks and looked out the front door, staring at a home in front of him, right across the street. "Sorry." he'd say. Then, began to go silent, his eyes staring the house down with an evil expression masking his face. After a few minutes, maybe ten minutes, the house crumbled from beneath itself, the weight of the roof causing a major weight upon it, crushing any inhabitants that may reside inside. "You have no clue how long it'll take me to take down that school, It'll take hours upon hours upon hours." he'd say.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "You are very strange and it will not be that easy with Kuran and the other there, Also cross and the hunters around there" Aiko smirked has he saw the place fall.
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus looked Aiko up and down. "I'm sure we can get others in on this, but, I must keep my cover of the dark, depressed, silent type. So far it's working perfectly." he'd say with a grin.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko stepped back shaking his head. "Whoa whao what in the world are yuo saying?"
2010-04-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus cocked a brow. "My parents sent me there, how I act, is all an act, a mask, a false action. How I'm acting around you at this moment is how I am. Besides, now that you're gone, we have to keep eyes on the school somehow." he'd say.
2010-04-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rei walked out the bathroom on just a towel."hey asshole, bitch you guys home?" she walked down the hall to her bedroom.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Oh I see. Good point" Aiko nodded and looking to his sisters room when he heard her yelling.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Yagari looked over the class and took a seat. "SO tell me what happen to your last teacher for this?"
2010-04-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rei walked to her brother."Oh you are here, great."she glared at him.
Rima eats pokeys.
Aido chuckles
Ruka look down at ehr notes
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "I live here duh" Aiko smirked.
"Teacher there are somethings that you dont have to know." Kuran chuckled.
Yagari shook his head. "Why is that? Its not like you kill him"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki whimpered from all the yelling and tried to get up and open the door. "will you please be quiet? im trying to get some sleep so i will be able to heal. right aiko?" she asked looking at him.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko nodded to her. "YEs and I will be bring you back a snack later"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smiled. "thanks love." she said. she quietly closed the door and went back to bed.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko smiled. "Sleep tight"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: a few hours had passed. mizuki sat up in the bed feeling refreshed but still very sore.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Aiko walked in with a young infant sleeping in his arms to her room after going out hunting real fast. "This should help you heal to prefect"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki stared at the infant. something told her not to do it but she needed the blood. she grabbed the infant and sucked it dry. her wound healed perfectly. "much better! thank you aiko." she said smiling.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Its hard to kill a infant the first time you drink one trust me. And your welcome, has long has you are healed. You scared the shit out of me before" Aiko smiled.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki wiped the blood off her lips and smiled. "im sorry for frightening you."
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: AIko kisses her deeply. "Dont ever do it again"
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki kissed back just as deep and smiled. "it scared me as well." she said.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Im sorry" Aiko smiled.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled softly. "it isn't your fault. thanks for the strength by the way. it felt amazing." she said.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "I bet so" AIko chuckled.
2010-04-05 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled brightly.
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "You and me are one. SO that means my pureblood ability is part of you" AIko.
2010-04-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido laughes.
Rima chuckles.
Ruka reads her notes.
Rei walked out the house after dressing
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Yagari turns to the calke board and writes and bie letter Ethices and then turns back to them. "NOw I know vamps like you can at least act human"
2010-04-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido."maybe"
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Oh haha Aiko. You would be hunted if you didnt" Yagari smirked.
2010-04-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido shrugged
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Yagari rolled his eyes and says to himself. "Damn cross why you making me teach them"
Kuran chuckles at Yagari.
2010-04-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido chuckles
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "TEacher why dont you just let us be. We been fine for now" Kuran smirked.
"No thanks. I know how you guys are" Yagari
2010-04-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido sighed."Shame"
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Kuran nodded.
Yagari chuckled and went to writing down notes
2010-04-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka read her notes
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Kuran gets up to leave.
"Sit down Kuran. You can leave when I am done" Yagari smirked.
2010-04-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido stood up."Your not in charge here hunter"
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: Kuran picks up his books.
"Yes I am vampire. Im the teacher and your the student. Now like I said sit down Kuran" Yagari smirked.
2010-04-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido chuckles."I'd love to see you try and stop him or any of us"
2010-04-05 [ArtworkA]: "Aido just sit down you are no threat to me" Yagari chuckled.
Kuran walked up to Yagari. "I have more important things I need to see to right now then you"
2010-04-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido chuckles.
Yuki was sitting at the water foutain thinking
2010-04-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smiles brightly. "thats awesome!" she said.
2010-04-06 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: SEamus snuck into his room through the window and looked around. No one saw him, good perfect.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: Yagari stepped in his way and without fear. "Sit down Kuran"
Zero whistled has he walked around.
Aiko smiled and nods.
2010-04-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido."I would back down hunter."
Yuki looked up at the sky
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smiled softly and sighed. "so..what was the big plan?" she asked.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: Kuran sighed, not wanting any problems and turns around for his seat. "Its fine Aido I can wait"
Yagari smirked. "Smart"
Zero whistled not paying atention to where he was going.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: "Im not sure. He left" Aiko shrugged.
2010-04-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido sighed."Fine"
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki shrugged. "he looked evil though..." she said.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: Yagari turned back to the board and wrote notes.
Kuran sighs and looks out the window.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: "He sure did. His acent is different for sure" AIko nods.
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki nodded. "it sounds kinda wierd..." she said. it sounds sooo hott.... she thought without aiko knowing. (XDD)
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: [smoooootttthhhh XD]
"For sure there, but he did have a good plan going" Aiko nodded with a shrug.
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [lolz...thanks! XDD]
Mizuki sighed. "anyways...wha
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: "Lets grab a snack then back home for a movie. I dont wanna go out to any bars tonight" AIko smiled.
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki nodded. "I agree. lets go." she said standing up and grabbing his hand.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: Aiko stood up. "What kind of snack you want?"
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki thought for a moment. "hmm...a good pregnant mother." she said smirking.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: Aiko grinned. "I agree"
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smiled. "we share both the woman and baby." she said.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: Aiko chuckeld and openned the door for her. "Yes lets"
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smiled and walked out.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: AIko followed behind.
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smirked as she shook her butt sexily in front of him.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: Aiko looked her up and down. "So sexy"
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki turned around and winked. "why thank you.' she said smirking.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: AIko chuckled and walked up along side her.
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki giggled and looped her arm into his.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: Aiko smiles. "Where should we go to find us a women with child"
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smirked. "the biggest baby. hospital." she said. "maternity ward."
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: "I like your ideal" Aiko laughed.
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki giggled. "why thank you love....to the hospital?' she asked.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: Aiko nodded and took her hand. "Lets run"
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smiled and nodded as she held on tight to his hand and they both bolted off.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: Aiko headed for the nearest hospital.
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki followed right beside him.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: AIko comes to a stop in front of the place. "Hmmmm?"
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki looks at aiko. "what is it?" she asked.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: "How are we going to get one without to much trouble?" AIko asked.
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki thought for a moment. "ooh..we could disguise ourselves as a nurse and doctor." she said smirking.
2010-04-07 [ArtworkA]: Aiko laughed. "Good Ideal"
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smiled and shifted and touched aiko as he shifted.
2010-04-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki looked herself over and smirked. "sexy.." she said giggling. "wow...talk about a handsome doctor i would come to see everyday." she said smirking.
2010-04-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Seamus grunted as he left his room to find Ruka.
2010-04-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka was in class taking notes
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