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2010-03-20 19:31:48
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Vampire Knight

<img:stuff/C%3aUsersMichellePicturesAnime%20picturesfdfg668-vampire_knight_01___369_large%5b1%5d.jpg> Birds eye view of the School

<img:stuff/C%3aUsersMichellePicturesAnime%20picturesfdfgCentralArea%5b1%5d.jpg> Main building where classes take place

<img:stuff/C%3aUsersMichellePicturesAnime%20picturesfdfgSunCampus%5b1%5d.jpg> Sun Campus is where the Day Class all live

<img:stuff/C%3aUsersMichellePicturesAnime%20picturesfdfgmoon%20campus.bmp.jpg> Moon Campus is where the Night Class all live

<img:stuff/C%3aUsersMichellePicturesAnime%20picturesfdfgClassroomDay%5b1%5d.jpg> One of the many class rooms.

<img:stuff/C%3aUsersMichellePicturesAnime%20picturesfdfgAcademyGrounds%5b2%5d.jpg> The academy grounds

<img:stuff/C%3aUsersMichellePicturesAnime%20picturesfdfgTown%5b1%5d.jpg> The town just a mile or two away from the academy

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2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain clenched his eyes shut and shook his head trying to calm. "Ugh she...... Kuran please!"

Kuran was beganing to shake a little befor yelling has loud has he could. "Silence! I demand silence!" Kuran was trying to concentrate.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka nodded but she looked Kain in the eyes begging him to calm down.

Aido put his hand on Kain's shoulder.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki cried softly but stayed quiet.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko stood in front of the main building of the school and smirked.

Kain let himself fall to his knees and slam his fist into the ground.

Kuran without a word to anyone bolted down the street trying to find a quiet place to think and think.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka knelt on the ground and she hugged Kain."Calm down Kain."

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: when kuran was out of earshot mizuki laughed hard. "this is too fun." she said smiling. she then looked up at rido and smirked. she waved him down.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido looked at Mizuki and glared at her."Okay I really don't like you."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Rido jumped down next to her. "Hello all"

Kain eyes show nothing but shock. "Rido!"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka looked at Rido."Crap." she stood up.

Aido sighed."I should of guessed."

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smirked and put her arm around rido. "how ya doing rido buddy?" she asked.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko burst through the doors the the office and grinned. "Hello all!"

Kain stood to his feet. "What?!"

Rido hugged her back. "I feel so stronger now. And have you been having fun? Oh yeah I can handle them go comfort Kuran"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido growls."YOur not going to get to Kuran."

Ruka growls."Over my dead body."

Cross jumps."Aiko!"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smirked and nodded. "very much fun. hes so confused right now. well...ill see you guys later! oh and rido...dont go easy." she said smirking as she ran off towards kuran. she sat by him. "are you ok?" she asked.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka growls and ran after Mizuki.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko quick has lightening grabs Cross and lifts him up by the neck. "How are you?"

Kain anger got the best of him and he charged after Mizuki but Rido grab his neck and slams him to the ground.

Kuran jumps a little. "Im not fucking okay"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross gasps."Umm...I have been better."

Ruka ran to Kuran."Kuran!!"

Aido blasted Rido with ice

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki jumped and looked down and sat down. she kissed his cheek softly. "im sorry..."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran looked away. "No dont be Im sorry"

Zero senses Aiko and burst through the doors and aims and shoot the bloody rose at him.

Aiko drops Cross to the floor and growls at him. "That hurt"

Rido broke the ice away and pushed Kain futher into the ground. "Give it up Aido."

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. "i really didnt do any of that. you do believe me right kuran?" she asked. she then pulled his face and kissed him softly and lovingly.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido shook his head."Never."he turned Rido's arm into ice.

Cross ran over to Zero."Good shot, Zero."

Ruka saw Kuran and Mizuik."Kuran."she ran up to them.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran pulled away from Ruka and looks to her. "Ruka!"

Kain brakes his arm with the help of the cie and jumps up and back to Aido. "Thanks"

Aiko smirked and burst through the doors that led to Yukis room.

Zero eyes went wide and chased after him.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki glanced at ruka.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka pulled Kuran to her."Get away from her Kuran!"

Aido nodded."Anytime cuz."

Yuki was still asleep.

Cross followed them

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki whimpered and looked at kuran.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko threw Yuki from her and picked her up in his arms.

Zero pointed the gun at him but aws afraid to shoot.

Kain nodded and picked a broke cement and chucked it at Rido.

Rido bolted toward them.

Kuran looked at Ruka shocked. "What what??!!"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki walked towards kuran. "i don't know whats wrong with her. shes been acting really wierd." she said frowning.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki woke up."I'm up!" she mubbles loudly but then she looked up at the person hodling her."Let me go!"

Cross stood behind Zero."Yuki..."

Aido pushed Kain down to the ground, so they wouldn't get hurt.

Ruka looked at him."Listen to me, Mizuki is working for Rido and Aido! Please believe me, Kuran."

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [-bows and acts all dramatic- oh caught me. ^^ XDD]

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko tighten his grip on her. "Shut up human"

Zero yelled at aiko. "Let her go now!"

Kuran looked to Ruka and then to Mizuki. "Mizuki is that true"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki frowned and shook her head. "why would i work for them?" she asked. she then placed his hand on her heart. "you have to believe me kuran. i love you." she said.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki pushed against his chest."Let me go!!"

Ruka nodded."Tell him the truth!"

Aido stood up and pulled Kain with him. Then he blasted Riko .

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki glanced at ruka. "i am telling him the truth." she said. she then looked at kuran. 'im being fully honest with you." she said.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka growls."Lier! Do not lie to him!." she yelled at her.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Rido jumps into the air and slams himself on aido.

Kain drills his shoulder into Riko to help Aido.

Kuran took hold of Mizuki hand and looked in to her eyes. "I demand you tell me the truth now"

Aiko digs his nails into Yukis arm making her bleed. "Shut up I said"

Zero aimed the gun down and shoot at aiko foot. Aiko kneels down in pain but doesnt let yuki go.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki glanced at ruka once again and started to cry. "im being honest...i swear it. gotta believe me." she said.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki winces.

Ruka really wanted to punch Mizuki."Kuran you can not believe her, please don't."

Aido gasped then he head butted Riko.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Rido back head from them. "Damn it you guys just die"

Kain launched tones of sharp wood and such at Rido.

Aiko goes to bite yuki.

Zero threw his gun down and tackled into akio free shoulder, forcing yuki to fall to the ground. "Cross grab her now!"

Kuran turned his back to Mizuki to face Ruka and embraces her in a hug and whispers into her ear. "I believe you"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki growled fiercely. "darn it all! you will pay! all of you!" she yelled as she dashed off quickly. she ran to rido and growled. "need help i see..." she said.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka hugged him back."Thank god."she whispered back.

Cross grabed Yuki and ran out the room.

Yuki stubbled along."Wait what about Zero?"

Aido."Kill him cuz."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran had a blood tear run down his eye had he looked away. "Fuck!!!"

Aiko grabs zero and launches him into the hall.

Kain nodded. "Freeze ice over the the wood i throw!" Kain launched more pieces.

Rido got destracted by Mizuki yelling.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki turned ridos attention back over to the crowd. "destroy them rido! dont lose focus. im gonna go check on aiko." she said running off.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido nodded."Got ya." he covered the wood in ice.

Ruka frowned."Kuran?"she looked at him.

Cross ran faster to the moon campus where some of the other night students where at."Zero will be fine."

Yuki frowned as Cross draged her.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: The wood slashes into Rido skin. "Aaaahhhhggh!" Rido charges at them.

Kain yelled to Aido. "Again!"

Kuran looked back at RUka with eyes that show pure hate has he goes for Rido.

Zero jumped to his feet has Aiko and him clashed togther.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki burst into the room where aiko was and hissed. "im here to help aiko." she said.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido nodded and overed the wood with ice.

Ruka nodded."Lets get back to the others. They might need help."she said softly.

Cross locked the door to the moon campus dorm and all the windows and he sat Yuki down on the sofa.

Yuki frowned."Whats going on?"

Rina walks down the the stairs."Thats what I want to know."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran caught site and befor the wood could hit Rido, kuran tackled him to the ground.

Kain was shocked that his wood missed, but also Kuran just tackled someone. "Damn I would oh hit him.

Aiko looked to Mizuki then to Zero. "I help me kill him"

Zero charged toward Aiko. "Beast!"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki nodded and charged for zero knocking him down as she grabbed the closest weapon to her. it was a huge bowl. "die!" she screamed in his face.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka ran to Kain."You boys okay?"

Aido nodded."But we have to get back to the school. Aiko is there."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran dugs his hand into Rido chest and latched on to his heart. "Die you fucking piece of shit!" Kuran crushed the heart in his hands.

Kain looked at Kuran than Aido and Ruka. "Lets go!"

Zero pushed her off him and jump away.

Aiko grabs Zero by the face and slmas him to the ground. "Now Mizuki!"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki nodded and charged as she stabbed zero over and over but kept missing his heart.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka and Aido nodded and ran back to the school.

Cross looked at Rima."Aiko is here."

Rima frowned."Thats not good."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Zero screamed from the pain and tries to pushes them both away.

Kain ran has fast has he could to the school.

Kuran licks the other purebloods blood on his hand. "You deserved it"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki kept stabbing until she was breathless.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka ran to the dorm but she hears Zero screaming."Guys Cross's office!" she ran to the office.

Rima nodded."I'll protect you both."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran does the unthinkable and drink of Rido blood.

Kain tackles in aiko forcing him off Zero.

Zero tries to fight but has lost lot of blood.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki stabbed him a few more times and then looks at aiko. "did i do well?" she asked.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka tackles Mizuki to the ground and punched her.

Aido ran to Zero."Hey need a lift?"

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Akio jumps back form kain. "Lets go!"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka was punching Mizuki

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki stabbed ruka and kicked her off and jumped on akios back. "run now!" she screamed.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Zero site was fuzzy and couldnt tell who it was.

Kain goes for aiko.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko grab hold of Mizuki and runs with her out of the room.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka cries out in pain as she got stabbed, she leaned on the wall."Bitch!"she gasp as she put her hand to her stab wound.

Aido sighed."Zero it's Aido."

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki held on tight. "damn it all...and i bet rido is dead." she said growling.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rima and the other night house students stood in a cirle around Yuki and Cross in the moon dorm.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain falls back to the ground. "Bitch!"

Aiko chuckled has hea ran with Mizuki.

Zero didnt care but just nodded.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido nodded and picked up Zero."Guys to the moon dorm. Kain carry Ruka, she's been stabbed so she can't run."

Ruka blinked hard."I'm fine!"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled and she nuzzled his neck. "well at least we're safe." she said.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: kain nodded and picked rukaa up if she liked it of not. "Lets go"

Aiko nodded but frowned. "Rido is gone"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka sighed and just let Kain carry her.

Aido carried Zero to the moon dorm.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki frowned and nodded. "i know...its so sad. he was such a good leader. well it looks like your leader now." she said smiling.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko smiled and kissed Mizuki deeply. "Indeed I am."

Kuran ran back to the dorm still covered in blood.

Kain knocked on the door with his foot. "Hey its me Kain and Ruka, Aido, and Zero.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki blushed and kissed back just as deep. "and a sexy leader at that." she said. they continued running.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko grinned and kept running in till they were far away a possible.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smiled softly and panted. "wow...well...what now?" she asked.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "We will get revenge on them. And I have a ideal" Aiko smirked and pulls Mizuki to him.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smiled. "whats the idea?" she asked.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "a army" Aiko grinned kissing her again.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rima nodded."What happened to Ruka?"

Cross stood up.

Ruka moaned in pain."I got stabbed by a bitch."

Yuki stood up and frowned, her arm was bleeding a little.

Aido carried Zero the sofa and layed him down.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki kissed back and smirked. "awesome...' she said smirking. "i cant wait to get revenge on all those puny little pathetic vampires..."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain sat Ruka down at a chair. "Here" Kain point to his cut.

Zero didnt move but just layed there.

Kuran walked slowly into the building and seem to be fully calmed down. "Im sorry" Kuran kneels to them.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aike nodded and kissed her neck. "I can hear you blood pulsing"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka looked at Kuran."You have no need to be sorry."

Aido nodded."Ruka is right."

Yuki looked at Kuran and frowned."Kuran..."

Cross sighed."I'm the one that should be sorry that I didn't know what Mizuki was up to."

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki blushed and shivered. "your making it pulse akio love." she said.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran shook his head. "It is my fault. I let her get close to me" Kuran looked to yuki and walked to her. "My dearest Yuki your hurt and im sorry"

Kain. "NO Kuran she tricked you and its not your fault for that"

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko grinned. "Am i now"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki kissed his neck and nodded. "very...kuran has no effect on me like you do." she said smiling.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka nodded."Kain is right."she bit his cut and drank his blood.

Aido sighed."It's everyones fault, okay?"

Yuki just looked at Kuran."I'm fine, Kuran."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko kissed her more deeply.

Zero coughed a little blood before gaining coniousness. "Yuki"

Kuran looked to Zero and frowned. "If I would of sensed her sooner he would not be laying near death"

Kain felt he blood go. "Kuran please its not like you the beat your self up"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki looked at Zero."Zero...Is he going to die?"she frowned as tears came to her eyes.

Cross shook his head."No he's not but Yuki come with me to the kitchen and I'll clean your cuts."

Ruka drank kain blood.

Aido nodded."Yuki go with Cross."

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki kissed back just as deep and smiled. "i love you..." she said smiling.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran looked to Yuki. "Go with Cross Zero is in good hands"

Kain nodded.

Zero lifted his head up. "Yuki Im fine"

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "I love you too" Aiko smiled.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled softly. "and im sorry i had to date that kuran vampire. it was just part of my job." she said nuzzling close to him.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross took Yuki to the kitchen.

Yuki frown more as she followed Cross.

Aido sighed."Okay Zero you'll drink from me, okay?"he said when Cross and Yuki where in the kitchen.

Ruka stopped drinking from Kain, she licked his bite mark and she leaned back on the sofa."I'm going to kill that bitch."she sighed.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "Its okay. Its sad you didnt get to kill him" Aiko held her.

Kain sat next to her. "You and me both"

Zero didnt want to but was to sleep to care and just nodded.

Kuran sighed and headed to his room.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki nodded. "i know...wish i could have." she said sighing softly. "so..what cha wanna do right now?" she asked looking up at him.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "I want your blood." Aiko grinned hugging her tightly.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido bit his wrist and held it to Zero's lips."Drink."

Crosw cleaned Yuki's cuts.

Yuki winced.

Ruka nodded sleeply

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled and bit her wrist. "drink what you need love." she said smiling as she held out her arm.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Zero grab hold of Aido arm and began to drink.

Kain yawned. "Off to bed for me"

Aiko held her arm to his lips and drank her blood. "Tasty"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki moaned softly and smiled at him.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka fell asleep leaning against Kain's arm.

Aido let him drink from him."You get some sleep cuz."

Cross put a bandage on her cuts."Zero is going to be fine."

Yuki nodded.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko drank from her.

"I cause im sleep here" Kain chuckled slightly looked at Ruka.

Kuran had washed up and layed down to bed.

Zero drank in till he had healed the pushed Aido arm away. "I hated that"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki shivered hard in pleasure and smiled at aiko.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido licked his wrist."And you think I did?" he rolled his eyes then he looked at Kain and Ruka."Awwww you two make a cute couple."he joked.

Ruka sleeps.

Yuki walked back to the room."Zero?"

Cross ran out."Yuki!"

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko released her arm. "Wow"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled and licked her arm as it healed. "wow what love?" she asked.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Zero just rolled his eyes at him. "whatever"

Kain chuckled. "Shut up Aido"

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "Your sexy and yuor blood tastes wonders" Aiko smiled

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido chuckles and stood up."Ah Yuki. Zero is fine, he just needs to rest."

Yuki ran to Zero and knelt by him."You okay?"

Cross sighed."Long night."

Ruka sleeps against Kain.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki blushed softly and smiled. "well your sexier." she said smiling.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Zero nodded. "Im fine"

Kain has fallen asleep.

Aiko kissed her deeply.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki kissed back just as deeply and held him close.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki frowned more."You sure?"

Aido sighed."Yuki go back to the sun dorm. I'll have Rima take Zero back."

Rima nodded as she munchs on pockys.

Cross."Come one Yuki."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko smiled. "This has been one hell of a day"

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Zero smiled. "Yes, Yuki. I'll be over soon"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki nodded and leaned against him. "you got that right." she said sighing.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko held her. "Lets go some sleep moring will be here soon"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki nodded."Okay." she walks to Cross.

Cross walks out the dorm with Yuki and back to the sun dorm.

Aido looked at Rima."Give them 10 mins, okay?"

Rima nodded.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki nodded. "where will we sleep?" she asked staying close.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Zero ran his hand through his hair. "What the hell happened today?"

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "My home of course" Aiko smiled.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled and nodded. "oh yeah...silly me." she said smiling as she took his hand.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido sighed."Mizuki was-is working for Aiko. She was sent to keep Kuran from Yuki, so Aiko could take Yuki away or kill her."he sighed.

Rima frowned."Is that why there was those dead bodies?"

Aido nodded."yes."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko chuckled and walked with her to his home.

Zero sat there for a minute taking that all in. "wooooowwww. Okay then"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled as they got there.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido nodded and sighed."Zero your going to have to watch Yuki better, so she dosen't fall into the hands of Mizuki or Aido."

Yuki walked into her room and layed on her bed.

Cross walked back to his office and sighed.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko openned the door to his home. "Its not huge but I like it"

"What about kuran? Aint he so fond of her" Zero smirked.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido sighed."That is none of your buisness. Rima take him back to the sun dorm."he stood up and walks up the stairs.

Rima nodded and walked to Zero."Want me to carry you or do you want to walk?"

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Zero stood to his feet. "I can walk."

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled and walked in. "its perfect." she said smilng.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rima nodded and walked to the door and opened it.

Aido walked to Kuran's room and knocked.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko grab her by the waist and pulls her back to him. "Its home sweet home"

Zero walked out of the dorm back to the office.

Kuran openned the door. "Yes Aido"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido,"You okay, Kuran?"

Rima walked Zero to the office.

Cross was asleep at his desk.

Yuki was asleep.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "I got it from here" Zero.

Kuran sighs. "I'll manage"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki giggled and snuggled close. "home sweet home."

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rima nodded."Bye."she ran back to the moon dorm.

Aido frowned."It's not your fault, Kuran."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko released her and walked into the bedroom.

Zero sighed seeing Cross out like a light and wonders to his room and crashed on his bed.

"Aido you dont get it. I almost had Yuki killed. ANd look at you guys. All messed up and becuase i wouldnt listen" Kuran shook his head.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki watched him leave and sat on the couch.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido chuckles."You where in love, Kuran. We all understand that you didn;t want to listen to us. You have nothing to be sorry for but you might want to put some protection on Yuki just to be safe. ANd also tell her what happened tonight."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko came back after slipping off his torn up shirt. "What are you up too?" Aiko took a seat.

"Aido that wasnt love. That was lieing and betrayal, nothing more. Yuki almost came to death again" Kuran sighed.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki shrugged and laid her head in his lap. "not much..just had a long rough day. what bout you?" she asked with a grin.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido put his hand on Kuran's shoulder."Relax and get a goodnights sleep. Then in the moring go find Yuki and tell her what happened. From what I can see you want her forgiveness because you all ready have everyone elses." he walked to his room and went to sleep.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "Super long day has well" Aiko nodded.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran chuckled and closed his door and went back to sleep.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rima, Ruka, Aido, Yuki and Cross where all asleep.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled. "very." she said. she then gently kissed his stomach and smiled.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Zero, Kian, Kuran were all asleep.

Aiko chuckled and yawned. "Sleepy"

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki yawned as well and nodded as she leaned up. "you can get the bed and ill sleep in here if ya want me to." she said.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "No you can go take the bed. Its more comfy then this couch." Aiko nodded.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smirked. "then your coming with me." she said pulling at his arm with a smile.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko nodded and stood to his feet. "Alrighty then"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: [I'm going to bed, now. You guys can just keep going until it's the next day...or should I say night?]

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [night. lol and byez]

mizuki smiled as she walked into his bedroom and sat on the bed.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko walked into the room and sat next to her.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki blushed and kissed aiko deeply and then laid down.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Aiko layed down and quickly had fallen asleep.

2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki cuddled him as she slept.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross was in his office after sending a new letter to the night campus, telling them not to go the class. The same has been done with the day students.

Yuki slepted all day, she was up just an hour before she had to go babysit the night class. She showered and dressed, she hoped that Zero was okay, and maybe she will find out what happened last night. She left her room and walked to the night campus.

Rima was sitting on the sofa in the moon dorm watching Ruka and Kain sleep on the sofa as she munchs on pokeys.

Ruka sleeps.

Aido was walking down the stairs waith a glass of water in one hand and blood pill in the other. He poped the pill in the glass once he sat next to Rima.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran woke and took a fast shower and slipped on some laid back cloth and walked downstairs.

Zero was still asleep.

Kain was still asleep.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido sipped his drink."How long do you think it will take for Ruka and Kain to wake up? But more importantly how will they react to them sleeping next to each other?"

Rima shrugged as she munches on pokey.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran yawned sleeply and got himself some water and a blood pill and took a seat. "We should probably wake them up in a little"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido nodded."How did you sleep?"he asked as he looked at Kuran.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "Okay and yourself?" Kuran asked.

Kain stretchs and yawns, slowly waking up. "What you guys doing here?" Kain forgot he was still in the main dorm area.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido nodded then he looked at Kain."Ummm watching you sleep with Ruka."he smirked.

Ruka sleeps.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain rubs his eyes and looks over to the sleeping Ruka next to him. "Whoa"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka grabed a pillow and threw it at Aido."Rima just shush, please I need sleep."she mubbles, she was half asleep but she had her eyes closed.

Aido was hit in the face with a pillow."Ruka!"

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain chuckled. "Smooth one Ruka"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka opened her eyes and looked around."I fell asleep in her, didn't I? Next to Kain, right? And you guys have been watching, right?"

Rima nodded as she munchs on pokeys

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran sipped his drink and nodded.

Kain chuckled. "They were indeed"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka stood up and walked up the stairs to her room.

Aido chuckles."Ruka's now in a bad mood."

Rima."Which means she will be poking and hit everyone."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain laughed and yelled up to Ruka. "Chill I thought it was funny"

Kuran shook his head and laughed.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka got to ther room and went for a shower.

Aido laughed.

Rima sighed and stood up."Well done guys."she walked to the kitchen

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "Hey I didnt do anything wrong. She was the one who fall asleep next to me first" Kain defened himself.

Kuran stood to his feet and walked over to the window and looked out. "They will be here soon"

Zero finally woke up and hoped into the shower.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka got out the shower, dryed off and got dressed.

Rima walked back out with a glass of watered blood and shrugged.

Yuki was on her away to the moon dorm, her mind was racing with questions.

Aido nodded

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Yagari looked at the ruined hallway then hurried to the office.

Zero got out and changed into clean cloth and headed to go find Yuki.

Kain stood to his feet and headed for his room. "Peace"

Kuran sipped his drink and just looked out the window.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki frowned when she saw that there was no day school then she remeber reading that poster in the hallway that lessons where canled. She walked pasted the gates and steched."Long night ahead of me."she mubbles as she yawns. She saw that the lights where on in the moon dorm.

Ruka finished drying her hair, she pulled on a skirt and a blouse and walked out her room.

Cross sighed as he sat in his office.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Yagari walked. "You alright? I heard what happened and Im sorry. We thought we had the vamp on the run, but I guess they fooled us"

Zero walked along the campus ground.

Kuran sipped his drink.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross sighed."We're all fine-ish."

Yuki walked up to the moon dorm's front door and knocked. She just wanted to find out if Ruka was okay, cause she was hurt really badly.

Ruka walked down the stairs.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "Ish? So explain this to me. Cause it just doent seem to add up here" Yagari asked.

Kuran openned the door to the place. "Hello Yuki"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki."Kuran hello.Is..umm..Ruka feeling better?"

Cross told Yagari what happened last night.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Yagari shook his head. "So Mizuki and Rido were at the town and Aiko was here. Then who was that the hunters were tracking"

"She has healed and seems to be fine now." Kuran moved from Yuki pathway. "Come in"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki nodded."That is good."she walked into the dorm.

Aido looked at Yuki."Ah Yuki. How are you feeling?"

Ruka looked at Yuki.

Yuki smiles."I'm good. I just came to check up on Ruka."

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross sighed."I don't know. But who ever it is, is after something or someone."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran walked over back to his seat and sits.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "I fear yuki has became its target" Yagari frowned.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka leaned on the wall."I am fine, now."

Aido nodded."After you drank my cousin's blood."

Ruka sighed."Well it was his or yours Aido."

Yuki nodded."Well I'd best get back to potroling." she turned to that door.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross frowned."Yuki? This is not good."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran grab hold of Yuki hand softly. "Wait"

"I talking with the other and they decided I am to live here for a while in till they are hunted down" Yagari.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki stopped walking and looked at Kuran.

Rima, Ruka and Aido walked to the kitchen to give Kuran and Yuki some time alone.

Cross smiles."YAY!"

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "We need to talk" Kuran frowned.

Yagari stepped back. "ooookay way to excited there"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki nodded."okay."

Cross chuckles then he frowns."If your right that Yuki is the target then...I'll have to put some protecton on her."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "I bet you have lots of questions about last night" Kuran nodded.

"I'll do my best to watch her has I know Kuran and Zero will too" Yagari.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki nodded."Yes, I do. Why was that man after me? What happened last night?"

Cross nodded."Yes I know."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran explain every little thing that happened last night then frowned and looked away. "Im sorry Yuki"

"I will want to know every time she bleed and where she at all times" Yagari.

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki blinked."So Mizuki was sent to keep you away from everyone, right? So this Aiko could come and eat me, right? But if it wasn't to Zero I was vamp chow and also Ruka got stabbed, Aido and Kain where hurt a little. Did I get that all right?"

Cross nodded."I will."

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran nodded. "Yes. Im not sure what he was going to do to you. And yes if it werent for Zero who know what would of happened."

Yagari nodded. "Good and now about rooming. I need a room"

2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: YUki hugged Kuran.

Cross nodded."You can stay in the techers dorms in the sun dorm.

2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran hugged her back. "Im so sorry."

Yagari chuckled. "Fine but I am so not teaching"

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