# of watchers: 5
| D20: 6 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka blinked."Ummm.
Yuki sleeps
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled. "that would be awesome." she said smiling.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kain blinked. "Really? This would be the first time and said yes"
Zero pushes his back against her door and pushes it open and walks in and lays her on her bed.
Kuran smiled. "Its a lovely night out"
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki smiled and nodded. "it really is. perfect temperature too." she said smiling as she hesitantly grabbed his hand.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Yuki sleeps.
Ruka laughes."I got ya."
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran smiles and held her hand and walked out of the Library.
Zero pulled the cover over her abd looked down at her. "Get well Yuki"
Kain chuckled. "Do I stil get that hug??"
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled as she tightened her grip and walked with him.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka shrugged."Sure if you want it."
Yuki sleeps
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran looked up to the sky at the stars.
Kain smiled and hugs her. "You do have a soft side"
Zero closed the door behind him and headed back to the office.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka hugged him back."Maybe."
Cross was seated at his desk.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled as she looked up. "its beautiful..."
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kain chuckled. "You hugged me instead of poking or hitting me with a book"
Zero walked quietly in the office.
"I agree. Its endless and goes on forever." Kuran looked at her and smiled.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka chuckles."Who says I still can't hit you?"
Cross looks up."Zero."
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki didn't catch him looking at her as she continued looking up. "it really is..." she said.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kain smirked. "Yes I know you can still hit me, but just now you didnt"
Zero frowned. "What happened to her"
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: [sorry guys but I have to go ^^]
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran chuckled and moved his free hand and caressed her cheek.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka rolled her eyes and she poked his cheek.
Cross sighed."A book fell on her head and cut her head...in the moon campus library."
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [alrights...byez! ^^]
mizuki blushed hard and stared at kuran.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kain chuckled. "Wow you poked me." Kain poked her back.
Zero frowned. "I dont like her over there"
Kuran hugs Mizuki tightly and kisses her slightly on her cheek.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki blushed hard and hugged back with a shy smile. "and may i ask what that was for?" she said smiling.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka chuckles."You poked me."she poked him back.
Cross sighed."Yuki is a guardian and she can take care of herself, Zero."
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran tilted his head. "What was what for?"
Kain chuckled and nodded. "I did poke yuo casue you poked me." Kain poked her again but then side steps.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Zero shook his head. "I know she is but still. I dont want her around those beast"
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka poked him back again."Well I poking you cause you poked me back."
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross sighed."Zero."
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled. "the hug and the kiss on the cheek? i would have much rather have done this." she said. she then pulled his face down and kissed his lips deeply.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: "You first throw a pencil the n poked me and then poked me again. So thats why I poked you" Kain smirked.
"Well you please stop saying my damn name!" Zero hits his fist on the desk.
Kuran kissed her back. "Oh I see"
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki blushed softly and smiled. "yeah..." she then looked up at the night sky. the moon made her hair sparkle.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross sighed."Listen it's Yuki's choice if she wants to keep doing her job as a guadrian. I can't tell her no."
Ruka rolled her eyes.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran ran his hand through her hair. "Wow"
Zero shakes his head. "They could of killed her when she began to bleed"
Kain smiled. "Ha"
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki shivered slightly and smiled. "is my hair sparkling again? that always happens in the moonlight..." she said.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross sighed."Kuran wouldn;t let that happen to her."
Ruka stuck her tongue out at him
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: "Its beautiful." Kuran put his arm around her waist has they walked.
Zero turned his head away to that name. "I hate him."
Kain surpises her with another hug. "Ha"
Yagari steps into the headmasters office with a worried look.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross was about to say something but he looked at Yagari."Yagari
Ruka flinched a little btu she hugs him back.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled softly. "thank you..." she said walking with him.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Yagari walked over to the desk and looked to Zero. "Leave to your room I must talk to Cross alone"
Zero looked concerned but did has told.
Kain chuckled. "Surpise haha"
"Welcome" Kuran smiled.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled as she walked with him. "so..where exactly are we walking to?' she asked.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross looked at Yagari."So what is it?"
Ruka chuckles.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: "To a garden I like to go to and think" Kuran smiled.
"Has there been any bloodshed around or near here?" Yagari asked.
Kain. "Wanna head back to our dorm?"
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled. "amazing..i love gardens." she said.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross sighed."Yuki loss some blood in the moon campus's library. A book cut her head but Kuran brought her here and I stopped the bleeding."
Ruka nodded."I'm cold."she shivered.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: "Your the first to really go to this one. I usually keep it to myself" Kuran smiled.
Yagari face became very worried. "But nobody has been like killed"
Kain nodded. "Lets go then"
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled. "i must be really special then." she said.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross sat down."No one is dead."
Ruka pulled from him and walks to the dorms.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross frowned."What? Humans where killed in the town?"
Ruka looks at him as they walk."Whats so funny?"
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: "Not here, but in the town over" Yagari frowned.
Kain looked to her. "Oh nothing"
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran smiled at her has he walked. "Very"
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross sighed and nodded.
Ruka rolled her eyes."I'll poke you again if you don't tell me."
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki blushed softly and giggled. "and what makes me so special?" she asked still walking as they neared the garden.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Yagari sighs. "I dont know who it is yet but me and the hunters thnik its a pureblood if not a level E"
"Poking isnt going to make me tell" Kain.
"You beauty and you love for books like me and you remind me of my garden" Kuran moves wines away next to him and showed the hidden pathway to a garden.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki blushed hard and smiled as she walked in.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross looked at him."None of my students would do that, Yagari but I will talk to Kuran about this."
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka."What about a kick up arse?"
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: The garden was feeled with roses of every color and vines ran all around it except the one spot in the middle of it. Kuran looked at the garden. "Its peaceful here"
"Please do so. Somethings up and we just cant seem to get ahead of it and Im afraid the school my be its next target" Yagari.
Kain chuckled. "Bring it then"
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki nodded. "it looks like it would be. its beautiful really." she said smiling.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross sighed."You want me to ask him to come here now, don't you?"
Ruka nodded."Fine."
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran walked with her to the empty spot. "It beautiful has you and your flowing hair" Kuran picks a blue rose up.
Yagari nodded. "yes"
Kain rubbed his sore spots. "I just got beat by a girl"
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross sighed and nodded, he picked up his cell and called Kuran.
Ruka chuckles."Awww
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki blushed soflty and smiled brightly. "thank you kuran..thats so sweet." she said.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran heard his phone ringing. "One minute Mizuki" Kuran answers it. " Hello. Is there something wrong?"
Yagari sighed.
Kain sticks his tongue out at her.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross."Kuran could you come to my office. I need to talk to you about sonething, important."
Ruka smirks at him.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki nodded and listened closely. she then frowned and then smirked.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: "I'll be right over"Kuran responed and hung up and looked to Mizuki. "Im sorry, but I must go"
Kain chuckled again. "Okay"
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross put his cell away."he's coming, Yagari."
Ruka shivered.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki frowned. "aww...why so soon?' she asked with a cute puppy pout.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Yagari nodded. "Very good"
Kain looked at her and smirked. "Maybe we could walk closer, but thats up to you"
Kuran frowned. "Something important came up with the head master"
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka chuckles as she walks.
Cross sat down on his chair with a sigh.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki thought for a moment and then smiled. "well let me come with you then." she said grabbing his hand.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kain smiled. "What was the chuckling for?"
Yagari. "Do you mind if I smoke in here or no?"
Kuran stops in his walk and thinks. "I dont know"
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki frowned and lowered her eyes. "please...." she asked.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross."Go ahead."
Ruka shrugged."Can'
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran sighs. "Okay but when we get there Im going to have to ask you to wait outside to place"
Yagari got a cig out and lit it up. "So stressed"
"Yes but there usually a reason" Kain smirked.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross nodded.
Ruka shrugged
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki pouted. "please..let me come in with you. i promie i'll be good." she said crossing her chest.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran thought about it. "Maybe, but lets go I cant waste time"
Yagari smoked.
Kain poked her and skipped ahead of her.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka jumped."Hey!" she ran at him and kicked his bum."Ha!"
Cros leaned back on his chair
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki nodded and walked with him as she grabbed his hand tightly and stayed close.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kain jumped. "Meanie I just poked you"
Yagari thought to himself.
Kuran walked quickly to the building.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki followed just as quickly.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka giggles
Cross sighs
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kain poked her again and ran into the dorm.
Kuran walks up to the building and enters into the hallway and turns to Mizuki. "I think you should wait. THe headmaster might not want you hear"
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki pouted and whimper. "but...."
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka jumps."Hey I'm going to get you for that!"she ran after him.
Cross chewed his lip
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran frowned. "Im sorry but you cant follow" Kuran headed for the office.
Kain hid himself behind one of the chairs in the dorm and smirked.
Yagari heard kuran in the hall. "He is here"
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki growled softly and nodded. she listened closely through the door.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross nodded."Come in Kuran."he called.
Ruka ran into the dorm room."Kain,."
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran walked in and closed the door behind him. "Whats wrong? Your voice seemed so urgent"
Yagari nodded. "Cause something go up around here"
Kain ducked down beihnd a chair.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki listened closely and frowned.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross sighed."Human have been killed, Kuran. And some of the hunter believe it's the purebloods that are doing this."
Ruka looked around the class room."Kain!"
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran nodded. "Oh dear thats not good. I will do all i can to bring down this killer, but your going to have to let me outside of this school with some trusted friends."
Kain popped up from behind her and poked her and jumped away.
"Kuran I hope your not the one doing this" Yagari smirked
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki growled softly and listened still.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross stood up."Kuran you can go but take Ruka, Aido and Kain with you. I'll also send Yuki with you."
Ruka eeped and turned to kain and poked his chest
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kain chuckled. "haha wow"
"Im sure you I have nothing to do with this Yagari, and Cross I dont think it safe if Yuki goes. If it is a pureblood she could be put indanger. Please have Zero keep a close eye on her" kuran urged
Yagari smirked but nodded.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki frowned and sighed. she hoped cross would mention her to go with him.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Cross nodded."Fine then Kuran. You, Ruka, Kain and Adio will go and find out what is going on."
Ruka stuck her tongue out at him
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: "What bout Mizuki? I will leave with them has soon has possible" Kuran nodded.
Kain chuckled but stopped and looked to the window. "Do you feel that?"
"Im going to go and report to the other hunters" Yagari headed for the door.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka blinked."Yeah I do...it's like troble is on it's away."
Cross nodded."yes, yes Mizuki can go as well."
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smirked hard and sighed as she sat down on the bench right by the door.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kain looked up to Aido room. "Aido you up there?"
Kuran nodded. "I'll leave right away"
Yagari walked out of the room and looked to Mizuki. "What are you doing here"
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido walked out his room."Yeah I'm here. Cousin do you feel that?"he walked down to where Ruka and Kain where at.
Cross nodded."Yes and thank you Kuran."
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki waited outside for kuran. mizuki looked up. "kuran brought me here but i was just waiting for him to come out."
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: "I sure do. We better find Kuran, cause he probalbly feels it too." Kain nodded.
Kuran nodded and exited the room.
Yagari looked to kuran and then left.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki stood up and smiled at kuran. "whats wrong?" she asked.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka nodded."Move it boys."she ran out the dorm.
Aido nodded,."Come on cousin." he followed Ruka.
Cross nodded
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: "A town next to us got murder and we think its a pureblood" Kuran ran his fingers through his hair and sighs. "Lets go we need to get Ruka and them"
Kain followed with them.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki nods and grabs his hand. "im sorry about the humans.." she said.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka ran."Guys where do you think he is?"
Aido thought about it."Water fountian? Cross's office? Library? Yuki's room?"
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran frowned and held his hand with her. "Lets go" Kuran heads outside.
"Lets check the office" Kian urged.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki nodded and followed. she smirked to herself.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka and Aido nodded and ran to the office.
Aido."I wonder why he is there?"
Ruka shrugged."Mayb
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran stood outside the building and thought of where they all might be.
Kain spotted Kuran. "There he is!"
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki glanced at kain and ruka and aido. "here come the guys." she said smiling softly at kuran.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka ran to him."Kuran. Did you feel that?" she asked him as Aido stood to her side.
Aido."All three of us felt something stange and we came to see if you had too."
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran nodded. "The headmaster told me a town next to house had been slaughtered and it might be a pureblood. We all are going to that town and see if we can get any leads then we must do all we can to protect this town"
Kain looked shocked. "Oh my"
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka gasped."But what pureblood would do that?" she frowned.
Aido looked shocked.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smirked inside knowing exactly what happened. she then put on a shocked face. "oh wow....we have to do what we can to help." she said.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka nodded then she looked at Kuran."How's Yuki?"
Aido nodded.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: "Yuki is fine and I am having headmaster and zero keep a close eye on her. We have no clue why a pureblood is doing as of yet. Now lets go." Kuran looked to Mizuki. "Ready to run?"
Kain nodded.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka nodded."Just as long as she is okay."
Aido nodded.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled sweetly at him and nodded. "ready as ill ever be." she said.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran nodded. "I agree Ruka. Now lets go" Kuran took off for the town over.
Kain kept up close behind Kuran.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka and Aido followed him keeping close to Kuran
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki took off and stayed near kuran.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran and Kain ran and ran in till they started smeling blood and lots of it.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki followed still very close.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka smelled blood."Smell that?"
Aido nodded."Yeah lots of blood"
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran stopped suddenly and look shock at what he saw.
Kain stood behind him. "Blood Blood and more blood"
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka stood next to Kain."Yeah a LOT of blood."
Aido shook his head."Bloody hell"
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki frowned. "you guys took all the good blood catch phrase." she said looking around.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka looked around as she shook her head.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran looked at her and shook his head. "Its horrible. It is a pureblood I know it." Kuran lookes to the rest of them. "Spread out and see if anyone lived, even tho its unlikely"
Kain nodded and went looking.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki sighed and stayed near kuran. "ill help you search kuran." she said.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka nodded and went looking as dose Aido
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran walks along the street which were fill with bodies.
Kain looked at all the bodies and saw all the saddness they must feel.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki glanced at each body and smirked down at them.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka frowned when she saw all the bodies.
Aido heared a heart beat but it was very weak. He ran to the girl who looked about 10."Kuran! Ruka! I found alive one!" he kenlt by the girl."Shhh...y
The girl was so very weak but she was scared, she just looked at Aido.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki sighed and walked over towards the girl away from kuran and glanced at the girl with a hard glare.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran ran to Aido and knelt down next to the girl. "How bad is she hurt?"
Kain heard Adio and came running.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka ran to Aido.
Aido sighed."She has mintues left, Kuran."
The girl gasped for air.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki looked up at kuran. "i wanna help her live so we can find out." she said.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran frowned. "No Mizuki. Go with Kain please and look for any others."Kuran looked to Aido and Ruka"I cant let her suffer. Im going to end her pain" Kuran took the girl in his arms.
Kain nodded and looked to Mizuki.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki glared at kain and walked off. "come on kain lets find others."
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: The girl looked up at Kuran."B-beast
Aido nodded."Beasts
Ruka frowned
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kain looked to ruka then to Mizuki. "Humm okay" Kain walked after her.
Kuran looked into her eyes. "Im going to end your pain. Go join your family with god" Kuran tryed to sooth her, befor ending it all for her.
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: The girl looked scared."Th-The
Ruka frowned more as did Aido.
2010-03-26 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki stepped on already dead bodies without a care and looked around for someone alive.
2010-03-26 [ArtworkA]: Kuran frowned looked to Ruka and Aido."Go look for more people" Kuran then looks to the girl. "I wont let them hurt you no more. Now close your eyes and picture your family waiting." Kuran moved the hair from her neck.
Kain grab Mizuki by the arm and forced her to stop. "What the hell are you doing? Dont step on them like that."
2010-03-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka and Aido nodded and went to find more people.
The girl nodded a little, she closed her eyes and picture her family waiting for her.
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran bite into her neck and drank her blood from the body in till the life in her left.
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: The girl is dead
Ruka walks as she looks for people as dose Aido
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran layed her body softly on the ground and stood to his feet and went back to walking and looking.
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka sighed as she walks. Her head turned to the left and she saw a level E."What happened her?"
Level E chuckles."Bloo
Ruka looked the level E in the eye and took over his mind to make him kill himself.
Level E rips out his own heart and dies.
2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smirked and stepped again.
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Another level E jumped on Ruka's Back.
Ruka stubbled forward."Ah! GEt off me!"she growls.
Aido was on the other side of the town fighting some level E's.
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran heard Ruka and ran to her. "Ruka!"
Kain pulled her back to him. "Answer me."
2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smirked at him and sighed. "you don't wanna know kain dear." she said jerking her arm away and walking on them still looking for someone alive.
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka ran backwards into a wall and smacked the level E into the wall."Over here!"
Level E held onto Ruka tightly, his claws dug on her skin making her bleed.
Ruka winced.
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain walked up to her and yet again forced her to stop. "What the fuck are you doing?"
Rido was hidded in a ally looking over to Mizuki and smiled.
Kuran ran over and tore the level E from her and takes the level E heart out and crushes it. "You okay?"
2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki hissed and pushed him down hard and senced rido and ran into the alley way before kain saw her. "what are you doing here?"
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka stubbled forward and stayed herself."Yeah, I just got clawed."she sighed.
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "Just seeing hows it going" Rido smirked and turned to leave. "Better get back he is getting up." Rido disappears into the shadows.
Kain sits up and brushes himself off.
Kuran nodded. "This place is crawling with level Es"
2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki nodded as she ran out and ran up to kain. "you ok? you tripped over a dead body." she said smirking as she took over his mind making him believe her.
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka nodded."We'd best find the others."
Aido ran up to kain."kain!"
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain stood to his feet. "Fuck you! You pushed me. Im not stupid"
Kuran nodded and looked to the direction he heard Aido yell. "Lets go"
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka nodded and she ran to them.
Aido stopped running."Kain you okay? Did a level E attack you?"
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain looked to Aido. "Hell no. She pushed me" Kain looked to Mizuki.
Kuran ran to them.
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido blinked."You where pushed by a girl?"he chuckles.
Ruka ran up to him, her back was bleeding lightly from the claw marks that the level E gave her.
2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: Mizuki frowned "no i didnt." she said. she then shrugged as she walked over to kuran. "alright..." she said following.
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain made a face at Aido. "Hey now. She the one stepping on these poor bodies." Kain looked to Ruka. "You need some blood to heal"
"Find anyone alive?" Kuran asked.
2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki shook her head and sighed. "not one..." she said.
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka rolled her shoulders and winced."I'm fine, Kain."
Aido frowned."She was stepping on the bodies? Uncool."
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran looked to Mizuki. "Were you really?"
Kain walked over to Ruka and whispered in her ear. "There something wrong with her?"
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka nodded."I know."she whispers back.
Aido walked to Ruka."Come on Ruka your hurt and you need blood to heal."
Ruka growls at Aido."I'm fine!"
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "Here take this little bit" Kain held his hand up the bleed a little when he fell.
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka looked at Kain and shook her head."No."
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain held his hand to her. "Ruka just do it. You need to heal and this place is no place for wounded vamps"
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka sighed."Fine."
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain felt his blood be drawn.
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido looked at Mizuki with a frown.
Ruka drank Kain's blood.
2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki whimpered and looked to kuran. "why would i do that?" she asked with a pout.
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain let her drink his blood into she is fully healed.
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran frowned. "Im sorry." Kuran hugged Mizuki. "Lets get back to looking everyone"
2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki smiled and hugged back. "its ok. but no i didn't." she said. she nods and starts looking.
2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [-laughs evily- feels soo good! ^^ hehe]
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka let go of his hand and took a step back."Thanks." she licked her lips.
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran nods and walks along with her.
Kain nodded. "Welcome and lets get back to looking" Kain frowns and looks to Kuran who has begun to look.
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka nodded."Watch out for level E's." she started to look around as she takes off her ripped jacket.
Aido looked away from Kuran and Mizuki as he looks for more alive people.
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain shakes his head and frowns, but shakes it off to look along side Aido.
2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki stayed near kuran and sighed. "i havent seen one living person yet..." she said frowning.
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido walks with his cousin."I don't like her."he mubbles to him.
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: "I know. Its sicking how vamps can act like this." Kuran frowned.
"I hate her so focking much" Kain snapped not caring if she heard ot not.
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido nodded."I wonder why Kuran can't see how evil she is?"he sighs.
2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki frowned and nodded. "its utterly repulsive." she then turned to kain and glared. "why do you hate me kain?" she asked so kuran could hear.
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kuran looked to Kain with wondering eyes.
Kain turned to face her and snapped. "Cause your the one who fucking pushed me and you walked on those bodies not giving a shit if they live or not."
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Aido looked at them."Kuran can't you see that she is playing you."
2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki burst out in tears and cried into kuran. "i did not push him and i did not step on those bodies! i promise! im not that heartless!" she cried.
2010-03-27 [ArtworkA]: Kain grew even more angry. "Dont you fucking believe her!"
Kuran back away from Mizuki and kain and shook his head and ran his hand through his hair trying to think.
2010-03-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: mizuki looked up at kuran and whimpered. "im not lieing...i promise..." she said with tears rolling down her face.
2010-03-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ruka heared them yelling so she ran to them and saw that Kain was going to lose it."Kain!" she stood in front of him."Chill or I will get Aido to put you on ice. This is none of our buisness. If Kuran wants to make a mistake then let him and be there for him after he fucks up." she put both her hands on his chest."Just calm down Kain."
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