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2011-06-20 04:06:05
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Wolverine's Allies

Please use this when making a character:

Race: [mutant or human]
Abilities: [leave blank if your character is human]
Other Info:

Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Name: Rogue, aka Anne Marie
Age: 16
Sexuality: bi
Personality: she keeps mostly to herself doesnt really want the help from anyone doesnt think she needs or deserves it but under her tough skin just screams a girl looking for acceptance and someone to love her and not worry about her power
Race: mutant
Abilities: she can drain humans and mutants of their life force and in the case of mutants there abilities if she holds on for too long then she absorbs their memories and can read their minds and she can potentially kill them she's one of the extreme few mutants with her power that can actually kill logan or his son
History: She's from a small town in louisiana she tries to hide her southern accent cause she's not a fan of it but occasionally it slips out. She ran from home after her ex boyfriend and her kissed in her room and she accidently put him into a coma. She feels she's a danger to herself and society she somehow found her way to Japan she's not sure how and she really doesnt care
Other Info: none

Name: Kitty Pryde
Age: 20
Sexuality: straight
Personality: she's super sweet and always the first one to help to offer someone who needs the help
Race: mutant
Abilities: she can phase through objects and junk
History: She was sent to a xavier's school, that for whatever reason im too lazy to give or think of, in japan. She knows its because her parents dont approve of her being a mutant but they dont want their little girl hurt either so they figure there she'll be safe and no one can harm her.
Other Info: she's sephiroth's girlfriend

Name: Angel
Age: 30
Sexuality: gay
Personality: he's a big loveable teddy bear he just looks evil and that bugs him cause a lot of people think that he's evil and dont trust him but they can
Race: mutant
Abilities: he can control the weather
History: He doesnt care to talk about it cause he doesnt feel its important to anyone but himself he has been following after logan to make sure he stays safe and is able to kill those who have done nothing but to hurt mutants
Other Info: he's like super gay like omg glittery sparkles gay :D cause he rocks like that

Username: [Elf-Person]
Name: Keto Uskai
Age: 21
Sexuality: STRAIGHT
Personality: He is kind kool and collective, he can be pretty lud and obnoxious at times, and he'll do anything for his firends
Race: [mutant or human] MUTANT
Abilities: He can use shadows to teleport
History: He figured out his power when he was only 3 his parents sent him to an orphanege because of it and he grew up there until he ran away at age 13 he has been on his own since
Pic:your welcome!

Age: Unknown
Personality:[ forgot?]
Race: [mutant or human] I'm gonna make huim a mutant ^^
Abilities: [leave blank if your character is human]Cosmic
History:TOO LONG!
Other Info:Just woke up...from a long sleep *stretch/yawn/Fixes coffee*

Username: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Name:Samara Williams Drake
Age: 18
Personality: Bubbly, hyper, very random
Mutation: Ice control
Affliation: X-men
Other Info: She's Bobby Drakes Cousin
Ice Form
True form

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2011-05-05 [Elf_Person]: so i gots a question can i be a fictional character?

2011-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: you can be whomever you want real or not ^^ you can pull from other movies or comics if you want cause in volume one of a different wolverine origins comics ive read captain america is in it and he's in the like the 5th volume too :D

2011-05-05 [Elf_Person]: ok i just wanted to know if i could use my own character thanks kitteh

2011-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: welcomes ^^ yea im not picky on how people make there characters ^^

2011-05-05 [Elf_Person]: i know your not lol

2011-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: woo now to the rp page >:D in a minute XD gotta make a character real quick :D

2011-05-05 [Elf_Person]: ok lol

2011-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: k now im done XD *refuses to make another one at this moment in time* :D

2011-05-05 [Elf_Person]: you'll make another sooner or later lool

2011-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: maybe >:D

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