Page name: Wolverine's Enemies [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-06-20 04:06:34
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Wolverine's Enemies

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Race: [mutant or human]
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Other Info:

Username: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Name: Daken
Age: 24
Sexuality: straight, but will play gay to get to his targets to get information on logan
Personality: he's focused and heartless he only cares about getting revenge against his father
Race: mutant
Abilities: bone claws, healing ability, super senses, all the powers logan has
History: He never knew his father, logan, all he knows is that he left him and his mother in japan and never came back he was completely abandoned by the man who was suppose to protect their family and when he was a few months old a stranger, most to believe was sabretooth, came in and murdered his mother and took him. He knew what had happened and he found out that his father, logan, had left before then.
Other Info: he's logan's son

Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Name: Peter Mcfarrin
Age: 27
Sexuality: straight
Personality: he's a cold unmerciful person he doesnt say much he just what needs to be done to get the job done he doesnt tarry from his mission
Race: mutant
Abilities: telepathy and telekinesis
History: He's been hunting after Logan for years by orders of Sryker. Thats all he lets anyone know about. He knows that Daken is Logan's son and he thinks that he can be a bit childish but he keeps that to himself.
Other Info:

Name: Raven
Age: 19 but is over thousands of years old
Sexuality: bi
Personality: she's quiet and reserved she says very little to other people
Race: mutant
Abilities: she can control all elements ex: fire, wind, earth, water, light and dark
History: She has just woken up from a couple hundred years sleep unsure of where she is and what her mission is. She is working with Stryker to get rid of Logan cause she's been told that Logan is a man wanted for committing horrendous crimes. But what she doesnt know is that logan does what he does to help protect others and that he's not the monster that she believes him to be.
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