The Yaoi house costumers
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Age: [
Nothing under 17]
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Name: Jericho Cross
Age: 40
Race: Demon
Powers: demon powers XD
History: He's a well to do business man who comes to the house for a little stress relief.
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Name: Mike and Leo
Age: 22
Race: vampires
Powers: mind control
History: There rich and liked to pay alot
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Name: James
Age: 29
Race: human
Powers: none
History: He doesn't like to talk about it
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Name: Lucian
Age: 29
Race: human
History: he keeps it hidden
Other Info: nobody likes to get picked by Lucain, he's mean and even considered cruel at times he treats the workers like shit and tips little or nothing
Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Sean Lapen
Age: 32
Powers:Dark energy, telekinesis,py
rokinesis,molecular combustion and healing.
History:Sean worked for Torchwood 1 ,in London. When the Battle of Canary Wharf was on, Sean escaped from the Daleks and the Cybermen. Then he traveled the world to find Torchwood 4 (which is still lost), he sadly couldn't find it. So he went to Cardiff, Wales and asked Gwen for a job and she said yes. So Sean works for Torchwood 3. But now he is working for UNIT in the USA as a Computer specialist and Scientist. But from time to time he likes to go to the Yaoi house to relax.Sean is into S&M, he loves the pleasure pain of sex but he's a masochist, loves to felt pain when having sex.
Other Info:He smokes

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