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2007-02-28 04:31:35
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Hello There!

Welcome to Curves are Sexy.

We are living in a world that only recognizes one type of beauty. We are bombarded with picture after picture of slender supermodels which is taking its toll on our attutides towards our physical appearances and our lifestyles. I myself feel it is about time someone knocked some sense into the media.

This wiki is here to promote good health for women (and men) of all shapes and sizes. To raise awareness that having the "body perfect" is not everything and sometimes isn't attractive at all! It is here to encourage a healthy, balanced diet and self respect.

There is a misconstrued definition of what "Curvy" is. Here we believe curvy is of a healthy weight, with a defined curve to the body. Which could be anything from an hourglass shape to a large chest. Its not suporting over-weight or obesity, just health and good self esteem in what is natural.


“Curvy women are more likely to live longer than their slimmer counterparts, researchers have found.”
for the full article :

The Test?

Social parts:
CAS Members- Do you agree? Well, what are you waiting for? Join the list!
CAS Banners- Add one to your house if you want :)

We love Curves!- the gallery to show off what nature gave you!
Famous Curves a gallery of all the healthy celebs. Feel free to add your own celebrity images.
The Protest Page! break free from the media's view of beauty and express yourself here.
What We're Fighting For kind of self explainitory

Dietary information:
Eating disorders- Some basic information on EDs.
FAT- Its necessary

Owner - The Amazing [Love like Winter.]
Co-Owner - The Allmighty [Dirty Lil Juggalette]

Co-Owner - [Roosey]

Got any problems or need to talk to someone about this wiki, message us.

Everyone's Different
Petition to remove ana can help join it to make a difference to EP.
Thick Chicks Rule! OMG, check it out :D
Beauty Comes In All Shapes & Sizes

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2006-07-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Oh, I bet you can tell me... *leans closer to her and whispers in her ear* But only me... Because only I can...get anything out of you...

2006-07-19 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *whimpers* Bad! Bad Zach-y-poo!

2006-07-19 [Ethereal Blue]: O_O I thought it was James... 'Course I also used to think it was something else... >.>;;

2006-07-19 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Nope, It's not any name you all know him by. *shakes head*

2006-07-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *leans especially close to her and runs his hands gently over her thighs* C'mon Allie... Won't you tell me? Pleeeease~?

2006-07-19 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *whimpers and hides away from everyone*

2006-07-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *hugs from behind* Haha, you can't get away from me... You wouldn't really want to, anyway....

2006-07-19 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *giggles and hugs*

2006-07-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: So... What's his name...

2006-07-19 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol Not telling. I'll have to get permission from King since it's HIS name to tell, not mine.

2006-07-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Pfeh, he'd never give you permission... That's why you gotta tell me now... lol

2006-07-19 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol If he doesn't want anyone to know his real name, that's his business, not mine. I will not speak on this matter anymore, sorry, Love.

2006-07-19 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: T_T *falls over*

2006-07-19 [Ethereal Blue]: Wait, Allie, can I send you a private message and tell you what I used to think it was. Because I remember him telling me at one point when I told him mine... <.<; I'm just not sure if I remember it correctly.

2006-07-19 [Love like Winter.]: ... My tummy hurts :(

2006-07-19 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Sure, Kyoko. ^-^ Go right ahead.

2006-07-19 [Love like Winter.]: ... Its quite upset.

2006-07-19 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Awww... *huggles Erin* Go drink some water or go lie down...

2006-07-19 [Ethereal Blue]: Why does your tummy hurt Erin? ._. *Huggles Erin lightly*

2006-07-19 [Love like Winter.]: I have no idea.. Its being emo. Haha, emo tummy :P but thank you *huggles all*

2006-07-19 [Ethereal Blue]: So then you're tummy's all like: "T_\\"?! SWEET! >.>;

2006-07-19 [Love like Winter.]: lol, sometimes its like "$*£+/?!".

2006-07-19 [Love like Winter.]: Messed up tum.

2006-07-19 [Ethereal Blue]: o.o I'm not even like that on my emo days... 'Cept today.. 'Cause you made me wanna be. Hahaha I'd offer to kick your tummy's ass but... Uhm... Yeh. -.-;;;

2006-07-19 [Love like Winter.]: lol XD

2006-07-19 [Ethereal Blue]: Dude... This one guy just won't leave me alone... He's proposed to me too... In like his first message to me! >_<*** *Dies*

2006-07-19 [Eyes of the Reaper]: O.o' That's weird.

2006-07-19 [Ethereal Blue]: *Le sigh* And it's like... *Strangle, strangle, beat, kill, mangle, toss aside, spit on, scream* I'm effing TAKEN! >_<

2006-07-19 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol *nod*

2006-07-19 [Ethereal Blue]: Oui... -.-;

2006-07-23 [FireGypsy]: How is everyone doing =)

2006-07-23 [Love like Winter.]: Alright thanks, you

2006-07-23 [Ethereal Blue]: I'm okeh... >.> And yourself?

2006-07-29 [FireGypsy]: Im good =) Im trying to get people to vote in Design A Plot Voting because we only have 7 voters -_- Everyone is like "its too long waaaa" And im like "parttake in your community damnit!" =D

2006-07-29 [FireGypsy]: and im bored ...

2006-07-29 [Ethereal Blue]: I would but I got stuff to do. So can I give it a shot later? Pleeeeeeeease? ^^;

2006-08-01 [Love like Winter.]: look everyone!! Riot Girl in a bikini!

2006-08-01 [Ethereal Blue]: *Blinks* Erin? IN A BIKINI?! *Shock?*

2006-08-03 [EmmaExCore.]: yaaaay this place roxx mucho!!!

2006-08-03 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yes, yes it does

2006-08-03 [EmmaExCore.]: mmmmmhmmmm *nods*

2006-08-03 [Ethereal Blue]: This place would be teh shit.

2006-08-04 [L V F]: Jess and Erin are both the SEX!

2006-08-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: why thank you?

2006-08-04 [Ethereal Blue]: Jess.... I wanna smack somethin'... T_T

2006-08-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: a little brother or somethin?

2006-08-04 [Ethereal Blue]: Little sister. -.-;

2006-08-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: eh no smacking her

2006-08-04 [EmmaExCore.]: u can smack my lil sister if u want *hint-hint*

2006-08-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol

2006-08-05 [Ethereal Blue]: _>

2006-08-05 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: ::huggles::

2006-08-05 [EmmaExCore.]: im serious....hit her....hard!!!

2006-08-05 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: ::hits [EmmaExCore.]'s little sister really hard:: better?

2006-08-06 [EmmaExCore.]: woooooooohoooooo i think she felt that...

2006-08-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: good...^_^

2006-08-06 [EmmaExCore.]: wooooooohooooooo ness

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: I'm glad not everyone is brainwashed by the media -_- What is the world coming too? :P

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: lol, yay another person gets the point behind here :) Welcome [nothereanymore]!

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: I'd like to congratulate [FireGypsy] for getting 2nd place in the bikini comp!! (I voted for her.... mainly because I liked her Peace necklace... but anyways! Kudos!)

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: Ah merci :P I hate the media. Sure some people are naturally skinny (lucky buggers in my opinion) but for the rest of us who put on weight when we eat or just naturally have curves it's horrible seeing pictures of the celebrities who always look great. We always have to remember though that either they're on a faddy diet which is bad for their health, or they have personal trainers and a gym in their home. Something which most of us haven't got :P

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: Excactly :) These celebs diet ALL the time, have personal trainers, people to do their hair/make-up/pick their clothes and editiors to make them look slimer in pictures. How are we, mere mortals, supose to compare?

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: Rawr indeed. But to be honest, who could live with that all the time? I'd get fed up of it. And sometimes, I like being able to be a slob XP It makes me fucking human.

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: I know, theres a difference between simply taking care of your health and being obsessed with looking "good". That life style would wear me out. You can still be perfectly happy, healthy and attractive even when you indulge yourself once in a while. You know what they say after all, a little bit of what you want is good for the soul. Whats the point of going to all that effort just to look good when no matter what you do, you'll never be good enough, you can never reach your goal? Thats not living. Thats not happiness.

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: Oh, God.. I'm ranting.. Sorry :S

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: "A minute on the lips, a life time on the hips" <-- Well I'd much rather that then starve myself to death. I thought life was meant to be enjoyed, not slaved away at so you can look good when you're going to be dead 60 years later anyway. Meh. I like to look good, don't get me wrong, everyone does, but sometimes looking good can be taken too far. I think that point comes when you can see your ribs and realise you can't eat a carrot.
Don't worry, I love ranting :P

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: lol, it dosn't go to my hips, it goes to my arms xD cause everyone stores fat in different places, were all different shapes and sizes. I mean, if we were all went to look the same, wouldn't we be born that way? We can't all be 6ft tall and 110lbs (mainly because that would be dangeriously underweight) and who would want us all to be like that? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone feels the same when it comes to what is attractive :)

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: Mine goes to my hips, stomach and bum :( oh and my thighs. I hate hate hate it but love it when I see pictures of anorexic people ^_______^ I hate my stretch marks too, but I know I have them because I'm healthy and they'll soon fade anyway :P
Exactly! Beauty is only skin deep really, unless you're a shallow bastard who can't see through a bit of skin *mutter mutter*

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: Arms and tummy are problem areas for me, but its not what you got, its how you dress it. Knowing how to dress your figure is better than trying to diet away what makes you female :P... I have stretch marks too, I hate them but what can ya do but just accept them, ya know?... And your right. If someone dosn't want to know you for how you look, then its their loss. Shallow people arn't worth your time.

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: Or money, or love and shouldn't even exist, but that's my view on things :P
You know, I hate watching music videos X_x too many skinny women in bikini's, put it away for goodness sake! >_x
I do however, love How to look good naked which you'll probably only get if you're British or you get channel 4 wherever you are :P

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: yeah, I know.. But I have to laugh when the camera goes to their chest and there shaking but theres nothing moving xD

Yes! I love that! (I'm from Northern Ireland, we get it).. It really helps bring women back down to Earth and realize that their not fat and that more than most other normal women arn't twigs but around the same size as them.. It really shows you whats natural and how to deal with what nature gave you :)

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: XD! That to me is "Hah, you may be skinny but boobs are definitely not your forte"

W00! However lately I seem to keep missing it X_x Exactly! And shows you that diets aren't always the answer, the right pair of knickers can make a big difference ;) and he's so sweet! *glomps the gay man* The women are so confident at the end of it, it's wonderful.

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: I've only seen the pilot episode. But it nearly brought a tear to me to see how happy she was at the end. She was shining! She looked lovely :) I'm going to have to make more of an effort to watch it, it is really good stuff.

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: It's gold dust. It's rare we see these things what with America's next top model and all that jazz. I was quite surprised to see that Channel 4 was doing it, but I think they're quite eccentric anyway and like to bring important issues to light.

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: I think channel four are always trying to be a little more contraversal. Its refreshing to see things like that, when all the other beauty programe's first reaction is to just shove someone into the plastic surgent's office.

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: I remember Channel 5 had a live plastic surgery thing going on. It was le scary and disgusting *shivers* I'm glad channel 4 hasn't done anything like that.
I think the whole point is: Love what you have, don't envy what you can't have, plastic surgery is not the answer, and neither is having an eating disorder.

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: I think plastic surgery is a good option for people who have had accidents and ended up badly scarred. Fair enough.. But for natural things like the shape of your face or your figure?? People should accept their body. Its the only one your gonna get :P

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: Then it's needed I think, but for cosmetic purposes it's just meh.
Exactly XP

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: Its just vainity. Sometimes people who are obsessed with looking good have self-esteem issues about their personality and feel the need to make up for it.. So, they get cosmetic surgery.. What then? They may look "good" but are they happy in themselves? Probably not.. There still the same person inside, the same person they don't like. Of course, you can't change your personality so easily. This sort of thing requires counciling not going under the knife.

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: ...And they'll be in a lot of pain. Not to mention things will probably go wrong a few years down the line. Silicone doesn't stay in one place forever.
Counselling is the answer, but some people are just too embarrassed, or have been brain washed enough to think cosmetic surgery is the best way to go about things.

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: In a way, cometic surgery is probably easier (despite the pain) because counciling can take a while. But with the right counciler, counciling can be VERY helpfull. Its nothing to be embaressed about, all they do is listen and give advice when needed.. All human beings need to talk about things and who better to talk to then a perfessional who can give good advice?

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: Perhaps it's the fact that they find their problems embarrassing and don't really want to talk about them, though sometimes talking to a complete stranger can be much easier than talking to friends and/or family.
I have nothing against counselling, except perhaps the price xD

2006-08-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *blinks* wow, quite the conversation going on, 99.9% of what you say is true

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: Aww, not 100%? I'm hurt :P

2006-08-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: well, nothing is 100% certain in this world, there are those that are 'addicted' to working out, those who do that not out of desperation, but out of habbit, they do it because they like it.

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: Mmm, alright, I can live with that :P

2006-08-06 [De'ladrei]: *haunts the Squee*

2006-08-06 [nothereanymore]: Oh noez! It's t3h fearsome Dela! :O

2006-08-06 [L V F]: -thinks to self about getting plastic surgery-

2006-08-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: 0_o

2006-08-06 [De'ladrei]: what would you have altered? o.O

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: yeah, exercise releases endorphins, which make you feel really good after working out.

2006-08-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: my uncle had a heart attack while he was on the treadmill 0_o

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: omg O,o

2006-08-06 [Love like Winter.]: No endorphins for him :S

2006-08-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i'm not that sad about it really...i mean yeah it sucks, but he was fuckin weird and creepy

2006-08-07 [EmmaExCore.]: i dont like pink...

2006-08-07 [nothereanymore]: If I ever had plastic surgery, I'd probably get rid of the fat on my thighs xD

2006-08-07 [EmmaExCore.]: plastic surgery suxx...
dont do that...

2006-08-07 [nothereanymore]: I don't plan to, note the if. Exercise sucks, but I do it anyway xD Not that it helps -_- *mutter*

2006-08-07 [EmmaExCore.]: lol i dnt excercise...i just dnt eat ^_^

2006-08-07 [nothereanymore]: ...
o.O O.O O.o
Are you absolutely sure you're in the right place?

2006-08-07 [EmmaExCore.]: yes... coz i dnt eat just not to...
i seriously dnt feel hungry...
but i eat when i feel hungry...
yet im huge so yer...
i think im pretty healthy...
well...according to the doctors i am... so yer..

2006-08-07 [nothereanymore]: Oh, I get what you mean now. I think we all eat when we're hungry, and we don't eat when we're not o.O And I'm sure you're not that big :P

2006-08-07 [EmmaExCore.]: lol i soooo am... like wow big... but ive lost weight and im still losin so its all gud!!!! lol

2006-08-07 [nothereanymore]: Yay :D As long as you're going the right way about it :P

2006-08-07 [EmmaExCore.]: woohoo hell yer lol

2006-08-07 [Love like Winter.]: If I ever got plastic surgery.. I'd get lipo on my arms and a breast reduction (I dislike my boobs- don't ask). But I'm learning to accept these things about me, rather than saving up for cosmetic surgery to do something drastic to my body.

2006-08-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeeeah, food goes right to my thighs, so I have to work out constantly to keep the fat from contaminating my ass...

2006-08-07 [Love like Winter.]: lol xD

2006-08-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: heh, when I told my mom that, she just looked at me and said, 'I cant remember, did I smoke when I was pregnant with you?'

2006-08-07 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lmao

2006-08-08 [EmmaExCore.]: blah??

2006-08-09 [Love like Winter.]: My mum smoked and drank when she was pregnant with me :S

2006-08-09 [Eyes of the Reaper]: My mom didn't do anything while late with me, but she smoked while baring my brother, which led to him being slightly retarded.

2006-08-09 [Love like Winter.]: Are you sure he's not just being a normal brother? lol.

A friend of mine blamed my short height on my Mum smoking while pregnant.. But I just blame the genes.

2006-08-09 [Ethereal Blue]: Lordy... Congradulations. <_< Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm sorry to hear 'bout your Mum Erin. *Huggles*

2006-08-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: im sorry erin, she should be strapped to the hood of a car, and driven off a cliff

2006-08-09 [Love like Winter.]: O,O

2006-08-09 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: or you could be a leprechaun ^_^ i think it's more wishful thinking on my part though :(

2006-08-09 [Love like Winter.]: Paint me green and call me Patty sweetie xD

2006-08-09 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *runs to get the paint*

2006-08-09 [Love like Winter.]: ... Oh god v,v

2006-08-09 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *comes back with a costume* i don;t think paint would come off...*hands you the costume* so i got you this instead ^_^ i see a rainbow...will your pot of gold be at the end??? and if so how long do you keep it there unguarded?^_^

2006-08-09 [Love like Winter.]: Aye.. but your not getting me lucky charms >.<

2006-08-09 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: oh i will...but i'm after that pot o' gold first ^_^

2006-08-09 [Love like Winter.]: Like I'm gonna tell YOU where it is :P

2006-08-09 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: at the end of the rainbow ^_^

2006-08-09 [Love like Winter.]: But which one? lol..

2006-08-09 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: see i'm already at this end *points to where i am* so it HAS to be over there *points at the other end of the rainbow*

2006-08-10 [Love like Winter.]: *sits on Pot*... Don't you know anything? You shouldn't try to take a leprechaun's gold :)

2006-08-10 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *pulls a piece of gold out of my pocket and throws it as far as i can*

2006-08-10 [Love like Winter.]: I'm not a gready leprechaun. I'm happy with my lot.. You keep your little piece.. I'll keep my big pot :)

2006-08-10 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: hmmm...omg...Jesse's hiding behind that tree over there!!!*points*

2006-08-10 [Love like Winter.]: No he's not >: |

2006-08-10 [L V F]: -steals jess's weed-

2006-08-10 [Love like Winter.]: LMAO

2006-08-10 [L V F]: -smokes it all before she can do anything- -tyhen replaces it with fake weed- -snickers- sssh dont tell

2006-08-10 [Love like Winter.]: Mums the word :P

2006-08-10 [L V F]: hehe. shes gonna be pissy

2006-08-10 [Love like Winter.]: She is... If she ever finds out.. I know nothing, nothing I tell ya! *runs away*

2006-08-10 [L V F]: lol

2006-08-10 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: too bad i don't have any weed in the first place...omg they found a pot plant in my grandma's front yard!!!

2006-08-10 [Ethereal Blue]: Apparently. When my Mum was in high school.. Her and her friend decided it'd be funny to plant pot on the school grounds. Not only was it on school grounds. But. It was like. On the side of the stairs that lead into the bloody place. I have. A new found... Respect. For me Mum.xD

2006-08-10 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol nice...your mom is night when i said hi to you, and she was at the computer she yeld at me not to stay up too late lol...thats great

2006-08-11 [Ethereal Blue]: Uhm... Yeah... She's just ever so great... *Rolls eyes* Whatever.

2006-08-12 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: whats wrong?

2006-08-12 [EmmaExCore.]: rwar

2006-08-12 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: ^_^

2006-08-13 [Ethereal Blue]: Tell you later on my very own new MSN thinger later, 'kay?

2006-08-13 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: alright

2006-08-14 [EmmaExCore.]: my pants

2006-08-14 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: mmm, pants

2006-08-15 [Ethereal Blue]: o.o;

2006-08-19 [EmmaExCore.]: and not only pants... MY PANTS ^_^

2006-08-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: haha

2006-08-22 [EmmaExCore.]: what?? if its my pants its better

2006-08-22 [Ethereal Blue]: Not true! >_>;;

2006-08-22 [EmmaExCore.]: oh realy??

2006-08-22 [Ethereal Blue]: Really really!

2006-08-22 [EmmaExCore.]: okay :( *cries*

2006-08-22 [Ethereal Blue]: *Hands a pony?* Those seem to make you happeh. <_<;

2006-08-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i asked this kid Matt for a pony for my he sent me a picture of one ^_^

2006-08-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: awesome...

2006-08-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: it was cool

2006-08-23 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yes! i bet

2006-08-23 [Ethereal Blue]: Crazeh!

2006-08-28 [StarDance]: curves are beautiful fat isnt theres a difference

2006-08-28 [Love like Winter.]: Fair enough.. I know what you mean, there is a difference between being curvaceous and being over-weight but not everyone agrees on what "too much fat" is.

2006-08-28 [StarDance]: true i was just saying if your 300 pounds dont go saying your curvey it will just lead to bad comments and hurt feelings

2006-08-28 [Love like Winter.]: .. You shouldn't judge someone by their weight. Some body-builders are 300 pounds but thats due to muscle, not fat. And muscles are curvy (lol, I'm kidding).

2006-08-28 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: body builders scare me a bit...especially the female ones...they could seriously hurt you if you pissed them off!!!

2006-08-28 [Love like Winter.]: I know.. My dad used to be into body-building.. he was obese at the time, true.. But he had some real muscle tone too! He was really strong..

2006-08-28 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: -_- my brothers lift weights and work out like crazy, then again John is a drill sergeant he has to be intimdating

2006-08-28 [L V F]: -sifty eyes- -thinks-

2006-08-28 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: hey, i used to work out... it feels good...

2006-08-29 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: dork

2006-08-29 [Ethereal Blue]: Make it sound equivilant to masterbating why don'tcha Lordeh! <_<;

2006-08-30 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: well, aside from the expulsion of bodily fluid, it gives guys the same feeling.

2006-08-30 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lmao

2006-08-30 [Ethereal Blue]: -.-;;;

2006-08-30 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: it works kinda like chocolate for girls

2006-08-30 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: thats only during our periods!!!

2006-08-30 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: some girls have what I call 'permanent PMS'

2006-08-30 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: haha my mom is like that...she flipped the fuck out and tried to tell me i couldn't use my GRANDMA'S address for school cause i won't let her use me to get more shit from the state, and fuck over my dad

2006-08-31 [Mz. Play]: Amazing Wiki =). I saw a girl with a wiki about how to starve your self and it honestly disgusted me. We need to change people's out look on what is "beautiful." =)

2006-08-31 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: thank you, and we know about the other wikis, and we disagree with them too. thank you for the support ^_^ join if you'd like by adding your name to CAS members and as long as you have curves you're welcomed to add a picture ^_^

2006-08-31 [Ethereal Blue]: Don't s'pose you'd be talking 'bout ana can help [Mz. Play]..?

2006-09-01 [Ihsahn]: Thats some sad shit.

2006-09-01 [Ethereal Blue]: *Sighs and nods*

2006-09-01 [Love like Winter.]: Hey [Mz. Play], thanks!! :)

My net is down, btw :S Jess is in charge if I'm not here.. Okay?

2006-09-01 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: you sure you wanna do that?! i mean...i'm the older sister but i act like the younger sister

2006-09-01 [Love like Winter.]: haha, mabey true... but your also co. owner.. :)

2006-09-01 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: muahahahahahahaha ^_^

2006-09-01 [Love like Winter.]: Oh god...wht have I done v,v

2006-09-01 [L V F]: Jess is the sex!

2006-09-01 [Love like Winter.]: Yes, she is :)

2006-09-01 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol

2006-09-01 [Ethereal Blue]: It's kinda awkward hearing Erin saying that... O.o

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