Page name: ffsummons [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-06-04 17:14:36
Last author: Ritsuka-Kun
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 3
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These are Rinoa's summons:
(for those who dont know much about final fantasy) no its not all of them i dont think.....

can cause instant death

Holy summon

King of Dragons

The brothers
Minotaur and sakhmet



Hound of hell

Giant chicken thing

Winged demon from hell

Dark Wolf




water dragon



fire/heals and resurrection

lightning bird

old guy who does lightning



Knife wielding



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2008-11-11 [wolvie]: giant chicken thing XD

2008-11-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2009-01-01 [Legendary]: lol

2009-01-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: omg hi ^^

2009-01-01 [Legendary]: HI

i likie the summons

2009-01-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: why thank ya ^^ i know its not all of them just the ones i like ^^

2009-01-01 [Legendary]: lol but why a chocobo

2009-01-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: because it was a summon on ff7 i believe ff8 those are the only ones i know of ^^ and it rocks

2009-01-01 [Legendary]: INDEED

2009-01-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: giant chicken ^^ yum

2009-01-01 [Legendary]: indeed ish awsome

2009-01-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^ im tryin to be good ish hard

2009-01-01 [Legendary]: yish

2009-01-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^ -_- i think i may have done the stupidest thing ever

2009-01-01 [Legendary]: wht ish tht

2009-01-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i befriended effexxxor....damn my niceness but im extremely close to ending it she's starting shit on my new wiki

2009-01-02 [Legendary]: ugh

2009-01-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i know i hate being so nice.....its going to kill me one day i know it

2009-01-02 [Legendary]: lol well kitty i dunno

i like the niceness

2009-01-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles- thanks ^^

2009-01-02 [Legendary]: yish indeed

2009-01-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: =D

2009-01-02 [Legendary]: YAY

2009-01-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ^^

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: >.> chocobo

2009-06-04 [wolvie]: MAI kitteh >.< :D

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: you must share her awsomeness

2009-06-04 [wolvie]: NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: what if i say pweze -tries puppy face-

2009-06-04 [wolvie]: nope :D

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: my face doesnt work?

2009-06-04 [wolvie]: nah

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: what if i pout?

2009-06-04 [wolvie]: meh

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: ME ISH GETTING MARRIEDZ

2009-06-04 [wolvie]: o.0

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: WOOT

2009-06-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: how old are you nick?

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: me 18 why

2009-06-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: you're too young for marriage ive seen alot of people get married at 18 cause they say they're in love and it blows up in their face years later dont jump into it make sure its real date for a few years its smarter

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: thats the idea i plan on waiting a year or 2

2009-06-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i'd wait more than 2 yrs no offense that just doesnt seem like a long time

2009-06-04 [wolvie]: *nods* i agree with kitty

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: hmm i think your right kitteh thanks -offers hi five-

2009-06-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: :D OMG i almost has enough pictures to put a youtube to this song :D by psychostick :D

The Hunger Within:

I wish I had a taco...
With plenty of hot sauce but all that i've got is a box of crakers
I wish I had a pizza...
With mushrooms and sausage but all that i've got is a jar of mayonaise
The fridge is so empty!
Good food is so tempting!
I've got three more days!
Till i get paid!
Take away my suffering
I can't go on with things this way
Theres only so much that i can take
I'm eating ramen noodles...
I wish I had a waffle
All yummy and covered with syrup and butter
And fresh strawberries
I wish I had an omlette
The kind that you stop just to get at I Hop
With some hash browns
And toppings
The fridge is so empty!
Good food is so tempting!
I've got two more days!
Till i get paid!
Take away my suffering
I can't go on with things this way
Theres only so much that i can take...
I'm eating dry cheerios...
Ok theres got to be something to eat here...
Lets see
A bag of spaghetti
Heh no tomato sauce
A bag of taco shells no ground beef...
A box of baking soda
I can not eat that
...or can i?
Spot me for lunch!!! [x3]
I'll pay ya back on Friday
Spot me for lunch!!! [x3]
I'll pay ya back real soon
I wish I had some ice cream...
With plenty of chocolate syrup on top of it
Maybe whip cream
Ahh man...that sounds so...good right now

2009-06-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: and dammit >.< i gotta get another pic of siren

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: EPIC NESS

2009-06-04 [wolvie]: that is EPIC!

2009-06-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yesh :D

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: ^__^

2009-06-04 [wolvie]: *splodes!*

2009-06-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

2009-06-04 [wolvie]: i wanna hot dog pizza V.V

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: epic sadness

2009-06-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *gives wolvie a hot dog pizza*

2009-06-04 [wolvie]: why thank ya kitteh :D

2009-06-04 [Legendary]: ^__6

2009-06-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: welcomes wolvie :D

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