Page name: the ultimate rpg: a new begining [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-04 15:33:44
Last author: Tis gone but never gone
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 20
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From the creator of The Ultimate RPG come The Ultimate RPG: A New Begining

This wiki is very similair to The Ultimate RPG in that you can be whatever you want and have whatever powers you want, however I want this wiki to be a little more open for instance, The Ultimate RPG you need my permission to join or even look at, this one I want everyone to be able to join and feel free to RP. If however people are asses again I will probably get pissed and make this password protected so you have been warned.

A little background info for you all:
Since we have all sorts of charectors in this wiki, background info is too hard to post, if you wish you may put indiviual charector background info on your info

Here are the official Rules of this wiki, obey them and you shall be fine, disobey them and [wolvie] shall get pissed off majorly
Rule 1:
DO NOT INSULT OTHER PEOPLES CHARECTORS!!!! Everybody is unique and look at things in a unique way so play nice damnit!
Rule 2:
Swearing is alright however, do not use racial or sexist terms or I will kick your sorry ass out
Rule 3:
This is just a game, please do not get all emo if something happens on here that you didnt want to (ie: a girl you wanted falls for someone else) again this is not the real world calm down peoples
Rule 4:
THIS IS NOT A FUCKING CHAT WIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you want to chat please either go to Wolvie's chat of doom or the loosers club. Any and all chat comments shall be deleted
Rule 5:
NO KILLING OF CHARECTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One more time and this wiki goes password not joking!!!!

I may add more rules later so be aware of that, now then lets get this started to join just fill out your information like i did, right here 
Here is the member page add your info here thank you
Note: You may have a MAX of 3 pics

Full Name: Logan/ other personality: James
Alias's: Wolverine, Wolvie
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Powers: Heals rapidly from virtually all wounds, has animal like senses, has retractable claws that come out of the knuckles, has an unbreakable adamantium skeleton, has no memories of his past life, was part of the Weapon X experiment, and can turn into a wolf at will
Has a dark half named James that takes controll over him at times and is pure evil
Weapons: Retractable claws, uses guns from time to time
Logan & the amazing L.T. ----><img:>
James ----><img:>
Wolf form ----><img:>

Full Name: Bruce Dickinson [he's fun :D]
Alias': errrr....Brucey :D
Age: 23 [for he is magicly young again yay :D]
Gender: Male
Powers: he is evils :D nah not really he is like a kickass singer and haas kickass singing abilities? o.0 no wait i know :D he can heal others but not himself and this causes a horrible drain on him
Weapons: he doesn't like em :0

Full Name: Spike
Alias': none yet
Age: 1 year old
Gender: Male
Powers: he's a fire demon dog, he can make fire out of nothing and use it to attack anything/anyone he finds as a threat however he's a puppy and really has a very sweet disposition, he used to belong to James who constantly abused him to try and make him as mean as possible, he fears James and tries to do his best to please him to avoid his wrath
Weapons: his teeth and fire

Full name: Vixen Takoma/ other personality: Kira
Alias: Vix
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Powers: telepathy, spells, automatic healing, control of demons and angels, able to take other or copy others powers, has a split personality one is good the other was evil but for some odd reason has changed
Kira---> <img:stuff/aj/49600/kira-neko.jpg>
Vix---> <img:>

Full name: Anna Marie
Alias: Rogue
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Powers: she can drain the energy (life), memories, and in the case of mutants their powers and adapt them as her own
Other info: [for the hell of it :D] her family is known to logan but not when he's logan her family are good friends with his other side James and she is deathly afraid of James for reasons known only to her and him.

Full Name: Liza Kornakova
Alias: n/a
Age: 18
Gender: female
Powers: she can control fire and teleport and has almost figured out time travel
Other info:errr cheese xd

character name: Kait
Race/species:[Silverline]-style vampire
Powers:can see into future or past,create force fields, and influence thoughts/actions of others. Has deadly accurate aim.
Weapons: Anything she can get her hands on. Almost never uses guns.
History:(workin on it)
[picture coming soon]

Full name: Marius Vergilius
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Werwolf
Powers: He can turn in to a wolf at will.
Weapons: He fights as a wolf, or any thing close.
History: He lived with his uncle till he was ten when his uncle was killed. He now just travels.

If you have any questions just message [wolvie] dont post question on the RPG area they will be ignored and deleted

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2009-01-05 [Silverline]: Hecate: *smiles*

2009-01-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles back-

2009-01-05 [Silverline]: Hecate: So, when are we doin this shindig? *waves the dress*

2009-01-05 [wolvie]: *shrugs a little*

2009-01-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i dunno

2009-01-10 [bronze dragon]: *walks around*

2009-01-15 [Aidan]: Rawr! *jumps up and the goes away* ((wow its been awile, whats going on?))

2009-01-15 [wolvie]: [pfffffffft this rpg pretty much died :( so you haven't missed much if anything]

2009-02-06 [shiome18]: *huggles WOLVIE!*

2009-05-15 [Silverline]: ((*does happy dance. it died so i have not fallen behind in my absence*))

Hecate: Saturday?

2009-05-15 [wolvie]: [hmmmmmmmmmmm we could re-start it :D]

2009-05-15 [Silverline]: [we could. but i don't know when I'll be on again after tonight. sad. I miss you guys so freakin much. You're like family.]

2009-05-15 [wolvie]: [*nods* its k *huggles* i know how that goes]

2009-05-15 [Silverline]: [Yay.]

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [*huggles as well*]

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: [*coughs*]

*Chaos walks in* How goes the planning?

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [so whats goin on? :D]

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: [in life? not much. here, um, we were planning a double wedding, you was teh preggo, and some other stuffs.]

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: [*nods* i can only vaguelly remember this wiki]

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [so we just gonna continue or restart? :D]

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: [*nods*]

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: [i think a restart ish neccessary ^^]

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [well tay then :D restart it wolvie XD]

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: [indeed. how shall we go about it?]

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: [we shall go about it like this watch it'll be intense!!!!!]

Logan walks around in the forrest, walking as quietly as he can and trying to find some food

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: Hecate steps forward and, distracted, snaps a twig under her boot

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen sits next to the river watching it quietly.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan jumps a little, hearing a twig snap and looking around nervously

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen looks up quickly and quickly restrains her alter ego Kira.

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: Hecate hesistates, then keeps walking.

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira, Oh come on Vix....lemme play with them...just a little?

Vixen, "No Kira."

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan shrugs a little then starts walking again

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: Hecate pulls a hunting knife from her pocket, hearing a voice

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira, Oh come now know you cant suppress me for too much longer

Vixen, "Silence Kira"

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan see's a heard of deer ahead and pushes out his claws, geting himself ready to pounce on them

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira applies painful pressure to Vixen. let me play!

Vixen screams in pain.

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: Hecate settles down and begins walking calmly but swiftly through the forest again

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira takes the opportunity to take over control of Vix's body and smirks.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan jumps when Vixen screams and watches the deer run away then he frowns and quickly goes to where the screams came from and see's Kira, "Ma'am? Are you alright?"

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira keeps smirking and walks by him, "Im fine"

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: Hecate hears a scream and a man's voice, and decides to check it out. She steps up to them, knife in hand

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan frowns a little but shrugs, "Alright if you say so ma'am" he says then turns and heads back into the woods

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: Hecate turns and leaves, jogging into the forest to continue hunting

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smirks heading into the nearest town.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan stops, getting a bad feeling and turns, sneakily following after Kira

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiles speaking softly, "I hope they scream loud"

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: Hecate finds the herd Logan was hunting and kills a deer.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan keeps a close eye on Kiara and frowns a little

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira stops momentarily and growls, "dammit!"

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan quickly hides behind a tree and watches her

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: Hecate catches Logan's scent and decides he looked like a hunter. She sighed. She could share. She turned and ran to catch him

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira growls, "Dammit vix you quit playing around now!"

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan watches Kira carefully, a schizophenic...great...

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: Hecate taps Logan on the shoulder.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan jumps a little and instinctively pushes his claws out turning and aiming them at Hecate

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: Hecate steps back with a hiss.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan quickly retracts his claws and shakes his head to clear it, "I'm sorry I just...instict took over ma'am"

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira faints and Vixen resumes control sitting up slowly looking around confused.

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: Hecate nods. "Understandable. Um, I assumed you were hunting... Iwas wondering if you'd like to share my kill. Good sized buck"

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan shakes his head a little, "No thank you ma'am I prefer to only eat what I kill for personal reasons" he says then looks over at Vixen, feeling a change in her as he walks over then kneels by her, "You alright ma'am?"

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: Hecate nods and watches them a moment.

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen jumps, "Im fine..."

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan frowns and backs away from Vixen slightly, "I'm not going to hurt you"

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "i know you just startled me"

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "I'm sorry ma'am" he frowns and debates then decides to not reveal her dual personality as he gets up and dusts himself off, "Sorry for disturbing you"

2009-05-16 [Silverline]: Hecate turns and leaves.

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen stands up and bows, "its ok i should apologize"

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan bows back, "No need ma'am and good luck with ya" he says then heads back for the foresst

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "I promise to keep kira under more control"

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan frowns a little, hearing Vixen say that but keeps walking

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen sighs.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan gets back to the deers and pushes out his claws slowly

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen heads back to the river.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan moves quickly and tackles one of the deer, quickly using his claws to kill it

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen looks into the water, "what am i?"

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan smiles then winces a little and growls, feeling James starting to struggle for controll

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "a freak thats what"

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: Logan snarls and tries to keep his controll but looses as James takes over

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen frowns.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: James gets up and smirks, "Now where'd that pretty little girl run off two?" he mumbles quietly then shifts to his wolf form and starts sniffing around for Vixen's scent

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen lays down and looks up.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: James soon finds Vixen's scent and follows it then see's her ahead and smirks, lifting his paw up and starting to limp over to her with his head down, whimpering softly to appear injured

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen looks over and sits up quickly, "you ok?"

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: James keeps whimpering softly and limping over till he's close to her then he quickly snarls and lunges, knocking her onto her back and snarling into her face, "Hello beautiful didn't your parents ever teach you not to talk to strangers?" he asks then smirks as he shifts back to his normal form and straddles her, pushing his claws out and putting them to her throat

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen squeaks and shakes, "what do you want?"

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: James smiles and grinds against her, "Well I haven't had any fun in far to long, maybe I'll just have some with you and let you go"

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen shakes more, "please dont...."

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: James chuckles, "Why not?"

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen doesnt say anything.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: James smiles and bites her neck as he presses against her hard, "What's the matter, cat got your tongue?"

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen squeaks lightly and shakes more.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: James smirks and starts to say something else then gets cut off in mid-sentance and snarls, struggling hard to keep his controll over Logan, he growls, "Damnit...lemme have my fun..."

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen shakes watching him in fear.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: James gets off of Vixen and holds onto his head, snarling with the effort of keeping Logan from controll

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen gets up and darts away.

2009-05-16 [wolvie]: James see's Vixen run off and snarls louder, "Damnit Logan!" he starts then collapses as Logan takes the controll back

2009-05-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen stops after awhile to catch her breath.

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan gets up and looks around slowly

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen he does the same that i do?

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan sighs a little and rubs the back of his neck, I need to learn to repress him better...

2009-05-17 [Silverline]: Hecate finishes her meal and sighs with boredom.

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen smiles a little, "then im not alone" she then frowns, "it wouldnt be too good to let him and kira get together then"

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan sighs then heads back to his cabin

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen starts walking in a random direction.

2009-05-17 [Silverline]: Hecate walks along the road

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan gets to his cabin and walks in, grabbing his bear hide blanket then curling up on the couch with a sigh, it's getting cold I'm gonna have to start running the heater soon he thinks as he sighs, seeing his breath in the air

2009-05-17 [Silverline]: Hecate shifts into wolf form and howls

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen shivers from the cold and frowns, "Im going to freeze to death"

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan curls up tightly

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen comes across the cabin and smiles a little.

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan falls into a light sleep

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen gently walks up to the door and stops what if someone is living here?

2009-05-17 [Silverline]: Hecate runs a while then starts howling loudly again

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan snores very softly

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen gently opens the door and walks in.

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan stays sleeping

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen looks around and speaks quietly, "anyone live here?"

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan hears her voice faintly and yawns, stretching lightly as he rolls to his other side and curls up tighter, staying asleep

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "I guess not"

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan snores softly and mutters something about beer in his sleep

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen curls up on the couch falling asleep.

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan yawns and stretches the next morning, going to the bathroom sleepily

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen curls up more.

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan finishes in the bathroom and stretches, going to the kitchen as he starts to cook some breakfast

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen yawns and sits up.

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan stops cooking and sniffs carefully then slowly pushes his claws out

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen stretches and looks around.

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan turns around quickly, "Who'se here?"

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: vixen jumps and squeaks.

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan see's who it is and retracts his claws, "Oh it's just you ma'am"

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "Im sorry i didnt know someone lived here"

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan, "it's ok"

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen nods, "Im Vixen"

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan, "I'm Logan"

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "Good to meet ya"

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan nods a little, "Same to you hungry?"

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen nods, "yea"

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan, "Alright well I'll make you something then we can decide what to do about you"

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: vixen, "ok"

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan nods and goes back to cooking

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen gets up and stretches.

2009-05-17 [wolvie]: Logan keeps cooking

2009-05-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen looks around a little.

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan finishes cooking then brings her a plate

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen nods, "thank you"

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan nods a little, "your welcome"

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen starts eating.

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan makes himself a plate and eats a little

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen sets her plate down, "i'll be on my way then"

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan, "You don't have to leave, I have a spare room"

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "I dont want to impose"

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan, "You wouldn't be, I don't want you to freeze to death outside"

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen nods, "thank you again

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Your welcome, you want the heat on?"

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "I'll be fine"

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan gets up and turns it on, "You look chilled"

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "Im fine"

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan shrugs a little, "So what's your name again?"

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "Im Vixen"

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan frowns a little, "Thought it was Kyra...must be thinkin of someone else"

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen shakes her head, "No my other half is Kira"

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan, "other half?"

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "two personalities. One good. One evil."

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan smiles a little, "Oh I see what you mean"

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen smiles back, "Yep"

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan, "So your kinda like me?"

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen nods, "With your other personality?"

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Yea"

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "which is kinda why i dont think i should stay around too long...."

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan shrugs a little, "I'm not that worried"

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "I am....I dont have to good of control over her and i just worry what would happen if your other half were to my other half"

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan, "I'll try to keep away when I feel my other half trying for controll"

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen nods, "as shall i"

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan nods a little

2009-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen smiles.

2009-05-18 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back then goes to do the dishes

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen stretches a bit.

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan, "So where ya from kid?"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "I dont quite remember"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan frowns a little, "How can you not remember?"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "Im not sure"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan, "That doesn't make much sence kid"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen shrugs, "All I know is I'm Vixen and my other half is Kira and all those other normal things people know. My home or where i come from is a complete blank in my mind."

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan, "Were you experimented on by chance?"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "I think so"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "That's why"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen frowns, "what do you meant thats why?"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan, "That's probably why you can't remember much"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen nods, "I see"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods a little, "i was experimented on...I can't remember anything except for the last 15 years or so"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "that must suck"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan shrugs, "I deal with it"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "how?"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan, "By living each day to the fullest and trying to just forget about it"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen, "sounds hard"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan, "It can be but it's better then nothing"

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen nods, "True"

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan nods then goes outside to smoke

2009-05-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen gets up and starts looking around.

2009-05-19 [wolvie]: Logan leans against the wall as he lights a cigar

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