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New Warden and Deputy Wardens!

We'd like to introduce the new Warden of Elfpack [Stephen] and his two new Deputy Wardens, [Orestez] and [Bookwyrm].

Together, along with the Council and Volunteers, they want to start getting things up and running again and hopefully get more active members. Go visit their houses and give them a warm greeting, if you'd like.

PS: If you have any suggestions on how we can improve Elfpack, then either write them on Elfpack suggestions or leave a note on the Council page.

Date: 2011-09-01 20:20:00
News #: 96
Reporter: Stephen

New Crew Needed!

Hey, Elfpackers!
There is a postion open, and it needs to be filled. If you would like to help out, then here is your chance.
A new bi-monthly contest is being released called Role-Playing Contests and we're in need of new staff to watch over it. It'll be a simple task.
If you're interested send a private message to [LinkTurrner]. Hired applicants will receive a Volunteers badge, and once they prove themselves they will be given a badge for being one of the Role-Playing Crew.

Date: 2011-08-26 06:27:46
News #: 95
Reporter: Slytherin Snitch Seeker

Even more updates!

The voting on the Originality Contest has ended! The winners have been announced as follows:

- The Grand Prize Winner is [Yudan333]!
- The winner for the writing entry is [Sicarius]!
- The winner of the photography entry is [Cerulean Sins]!
- The final winner is [Bookwyrm]!
See the Originality Contest page for more information.

The Elfpack Awards are back up and running! All the contests are open, and accepting nominations. The nomination period ends on September 15, 2011. Check out the various categories: Cutest Girl Award, Cutest Boy Award, Best Friend Award, Cutest Couple Award, Best Wiki Award, Cutest Pet Award, Best House Award, Best Storyteller Award and finally, Best Artist Award!

The Riddles in the Dark version of Trivia has ended and we've had our two winners -- [HeAVenShallBuRN] and [Sicarius]. Congratulations to them!

Elfpack's Logo Contest is still ongoing, so go enter it. Amazing prizes to the winner.

Date: 2011-08-22 05:48:50
News #: 94
Reporter: Stephen

We'll Miss You Ihsahn!!!

Our friend and Warden has passed on. Let us honor his memory to us as a friend and as the leader of this site that we all love.

Date: 2011-08-20 03:56:57
News #: 93
Reporter: Orestez
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