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Dreamseller (Fuck you all.)

Member #49205 created: 2007-08-06 19:06:17Simple URL:   

Name: [Dreamseller]

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Do you know what you`re getting into? Good... 


Welcome to Hell.


If it makes you less sad
I will die by your hand
I hope you find out what you want
I already know what I am
And if it makes you less sad
We'll start talking again
And you can tell me how vile
I already know that I am.

Have you eva been hated, or discriminated against?
    I have, I've been protested and demonstrated against
     Picket signs for my wicked rhymes, look at the times
            Sick as the mind, of the mother fuckin' kid that's behind
   All this commotion, emotions run deep as oceans explodin'
   Tempers flarin' from parents just blow 'em off and keep goin'
Not takin' nothin' from no one, give 'em hell long as I'm breathin'
               Keep kickin' ass in the mornin', and takin' names in the evenin'
       Leave 'em with a taste sour as vinegar in they mouth
See they can trigga me, but they'll neva figure me out
                    Look at me now, I betcha prolly sick of me now

Have you ever loved someone so much you’d give an arm for?     
Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?    
When they know they are your heart 
And you know you are their armour   
And you will destroy anyone who will try to harm her       
But what happens when karma turns right around and bites you  
And everything you stand for turns on you to spite you           

    See children, drugs are bahhhd (that's right)
   And if you don't believe me, ask ya dahhhd (that's right)
And if you don't believe him, ask ya mom (you can)
         She'll tell you how she does 'em all the time (she will)
 So kids say no to drugs (smoke crack)
     So you don't act like everyone else does (that's right)
  And there's really nothin else to say (but umm)
Drugs are just bad, mmm'kay?

Why do all fat chicks take pictures with their dogs?

                It's so people are looking at the dog more but can just see the person making them appear prettier and slimmer than they actually are. Especially if the dog is a        large dog.

Why do fat chicks keep visiting my house?

1) Because you sign in and they click to see who you are/you visit their page and they return the visit

I`ve been been thinking of what could be the best monument to put at ground zero. First i suggested two towers, just a little taller then the original World Trade towers, but made entirely out of pizza from Majestic Pizza. This will give Pat, the pizza guy all the business he needs to tie us through the construction period. Plus a great promo, once the tourists come back. And if you`ve ever left a quality New York pizza sitting in the living room for a couple of days, well, you know they`re damn near, indestructable. Then i had another idea. It`s bacon. I know the psycho fanatic religious assholes who flew the planes, had a major taboo against pork. So eat this, mother fuckers. I considered making it two big giant dicks, because they got this taboo about coming near other guys` dicks too but after the objections to the naked woman getting fucked by the plane, i thought i`d take the high road. But then, i got the really good idea. This is the design, that i think is the best fuck you, to crazy evil religious assholes, who say they can bring us down by punching holes in a couple of our buildings and killing a lot of our citizens.<img:> See? Business as usual mother fucker. Fuck YOU! We`re gonna keep doing what we`ve always done in America. We`re gonna keep being free, and do whatever, the fuck, we want.

Could I sprint into Area 51?
If you go to the Nevada desert, you will see signs that tell you "No Tresspassing past this point". This is because of the top secret military base Area 51. There are cameras everywhere. However I think that I could sprint into area 51 all the way to the runway. The reason for this is because I am an 18 year old man and Im in the best shape i have ever been in. Also the security is way overated. 10 years ago during a family vacation to the west, we stoped by the signs that say "No Tresspassing." While my mom and dad read a map, I bravely looked at the sign and walked a little bit past it. When nothing happened, I walked for about 100 more yards before an unarmed women guard came out of nowhere, grabed my hand, and took me back to my parents. If that security is still in place, Im sure that I will have no problem sprinting past it as a fully capable man. Looking back, I should have ran for it. What kind of military base has an unarmed women as a guard? Rambo would be better.

Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: High 
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: High 
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

My paintball jersey. > <img:>

Suicide is a way of telling god, ``You can't fire me, i quit!``

Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver.

You found god? If no one claims him in 30 days, he's yours!

Health nuts are going to feel dumb one day sitting in a hospital dying of nothing.

Of course, kids think Cheerios aren't old. Make about 10 years old. But look at these commercials. I find them actually quite funny.

Cheerios is a brand of breakfast cereal created in 1941 and marketed by the General Mills cereal company of Golden Valley, Minnesota, as the first oat-based, ready-to-eat cold cereal.

A question i asked to those Safe Zone noobs: 03:36:02 Dreamseller: Don`t you guys discriminate people who discriminate? o.o

I`ll write the answers when they come.

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